CLUBS/Activities @ Dunstan 2024-25
Offerings and General Info
A place for students of all gender identities & orientations to gather and build community. We also foster inclusion & awareness and work on projects based on student interests.
Sponsors: Mr. Landrum & Ms. Elder
Meetings: Every other Tuesday from 8:05am - 8:45am in Ms. Elder's room A205
Jazz Band
The club is open to all string, wind, and brass instruments. Auditions are required for those who play bass guitar, electric guitar, piano, and drumset. The jazz band will begin mid September. Please contact Mr. Estell for more information.
Club Sponsor: Mr. Starkey
Technology Student Association
For anyone interested in competing in the TSA competition in February
Meeting on Fridays
Room N211
Meeting Time 8:05-8:40 AM
Club Sponsors Mr. Minard and Ms. Golgart
Drone Club
Might be combined with Mr. Starkey's Robotics club. More information TBD.
American Sign Language Club
We have many fun ways to learn and practice sign language, as well as learning about Deaf culture.
When: Fridays
Where: School Library
Meeting Time: 8:10 - 8:45
Sponsor: Ms. Austin
Fitness Club
Students will have the opportunity to learn how to lift weights safely, create their own workout plan and get a good workout in before the start of the day. Students will join the Google Classroom for permission slips and other relevant information.
When: Tuesdays 8:05-8:35 AM
Where: Weight Room
Sponsors: Mr. Schick and Ms. Leeburg
Art Club
Tuesdays: 8:10-8:40 AM
Club Sponsor: Ms. Miller
Where: Art Room
Anime & Manga Club
Tuesdays 8:10-8:40 AM
Club Sponsor: Ms. Dolan
Where: Library
When: Starting September 3, 2024
Origami Club
Tuesdays - Lunch/Recess
Club Sponsor: Ms. Dolan
Where: Library
When: Semester 2 Starts Jan 28th
WEB (Where Everyone Belongs)
WEB stands for Where Everybody Belongs, and is a middle school leadership and transition program that welcomes 6th graders and makes them feel comfortable throughout their first year of middle school! WEB leaders are 8th graders who applied and were selected in the Spring. Current 7th graders will have the chance to apply in the Spring of 2025. Generally, WEB leaders attend two, half-day trainings in August before school starts, and then will have one to two meetings per month after school on either Tuesdays or Thursdays. These meetings are to plan follow-up activities with their 6th grade WEB groups, as well as to plan grade-wide or school-wide activities. We love our WEB leaders, and appreciate all they do to help Dunstan be a place Where Everybody Belongs!
Soccer Club
When: Tuesdays 8:10-8:40 AM
Club Sponsor: Mr. Roberts
Where: Mr. Roberts Room
This will be a place to play, learn, and talk about the game. All skill levels welcome
Builder's League
Where: Mr. Davis Room (G205)
Card Game Club
Friday mornings 8:05-8:35 AM
Where: Library
Club Sponsor: Ms. Austin
Pokemon Club
Select Tuesdays
8:05-8:45 AM
Where: B109
Club Sponsor: Ms. Hunter
Crochet Club
Where: Mr. Davis' Room G205
Sponsor: Mr. Davis
Comic Corner/Book Club
Where: Mr. Davis' Room G205
Pop Culture Club
Monday mornings from 7:45-8:44 AM
Where: Mr. Davis's Room (G205)
Club Sponsor: Mr. Davis
Click the photo below to access the Cross Country website
MSSP Sports
Study Tables
Math 7 Study Tables
- When - Tuesdays and Wednesdays, after-school
- Where - B209
- With who: Ms. Vandeberg, 8th grade Math Teacher at Dunstan
- Time - 4:00-5:00 PM