Project Information

Maker Division - Engineering/Invention
Engineers design things to solve problems. Put on your Engineering cap! Think of a
problem you may face in your everyday life. Use the Engineering Design Method to invent a
solution to your problem. Create a working prototype of your invention. Document the steps of
the Engineering Design Method in a logbook and present your invention during the STEM fair.
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Maker Division - Model
Sometimes scientist use models while they learn and discover new topics. These models can be used to identify key vocabulary and understanding of the topic, or can be used to understand how something works. While learning about a new topic, create a model! This can be a scale model of the solar system while you learn about the planets or can be a coded program on Scratch Jr or with the Dash robots to learn about coding. Research, build, create, and label while you learn!
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Experiment or Observation Study
Scientist love to make predictions and then test them to get results! They do experiments to test if their prediction was correct, collect data, and then share this with the rest of the scientific community. This is how we learn about how things work. Be a scientist! Make a prediction, plan your procedure and do some research, complete your experiment at least three different times to gather data, then reflect on your project and write about it. Make sure you have an independent variable, dependent variable, and constant conditions.
Click on the documents below for more project information and scoring rubrics.
Science Research
Science is not just about completing experiments. Some scientist research scientific principles and share their findings with the science community. Your job, as a scientist, is to research a problem in the science community and write a research paper to share with your peers. This paper can be about pollution in the ocean, saving the rainforest, or how plastic straws harm the sea turtle population. You will research the topic, come up with solutions, show the data, and share your own ideas or others’ ideas on the topic. You must have a bibliography and site your sources in the paper. Writing should be grade-level appropriate and reflect research completed by the student. Teachers and parents can help edit papers, but the student should complete work.