Amherst Middle School
Weekly Update - May 17, 2024
Message From the Leadership Team
Dear AMS Families,
As we approach the final weeks of the school year, I wanted to reflect on the incredible journey we've had together and share some important updates and reminders to ensure a smooth and positive end to our academic year.
Firstly, I am immensely proud of our students' resilience, growth, and achievements throughout this year. Despite the challenges, our students have shown remarkable adaptability and dedication to their academic and social-emotional growth. Our teachers and staff have worked tirelessly to provide a supportive and enriching environment, and I am grateful for their continued commitment to our students' success.
Here are a few key updates and reminders as we wrap up the year:
We have a series of exciting events planned to celebrate our students' hard work and achievements. Please mark your calendars using the list below.
School-Issued Materials Return
All library books, sports uniforms, and computer chargers are due by the last day of school. Please start the process of looking around for some of these items in your home so that your student is prepared to complete the return process next month.
Summer Learning Opportunities
We encourage students to stay engaged in learning over the summer. We encourage you to visit our Digital Learning Resources page or our Support and Enrichment Resources page for ideas to help keep the learning going over the summer.
Your support has been invaluable in making this school year a success. Whether volunteering, attending meetings, or supporting your student's learning at home, your involvement makes a significant difference. Thank you for partnering with us in your child's education.
Be well,
Kristen Gauthier
John Schuttinger
Assistant Principal
Upcoming Events
May 18 (Sat): Mont Vernon Spring Gala Parade - Band
May 22 (Wed): Grade 7&8 Band/Chorus/Jazz Band 6:00 PM
May 23 (Thurs): 7th Grade Field Trip Battleship Cove
May 23 (Thurs): AMS Got Talent 3:30 - 5 PM
May 27 (Mon): NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
May 28 (Tues): 5th & 6th Grade Chorus Concert 6:00 PM
May 29 (Wed) : 5th & 6th Grade Band Concert 6:00 PM
May 30 (Thurs): Chorus Tour, SAU/Elementary Schools - All Day
May 31 (Fri): Jazz Band Field Day @ Wilkins - All Day
June 3 - June 7: AMS 50th Anniversary Celebration Week
June 3 (Mon): NJHS Induction Ceremony (Current 7th Graders) 6:00 - 7:00 PM
June 4 (Tues): 7th Grade Field Trip Crotched Mountain
June 5 (Wed): Early Release 12:50 PM
June 10 (Mon): 7th Grade Trip to Crotched Mountain (Rain Date)
June 11 (Tues): 8th Grade Step Up Day
June 11 (Tues): 8th Grade Graduation 6:00 PM (Dance to follow from 7-9 PM)
June 12 (Wed): Last Day of School - STEP UP DAY
New News
Message from the Health Office
Our Health Office always appreciates donations of simple supplies like tissues and snacks (crackers - Ritz, Saltines, Goldfish, etc.) These items can be dropped off in the Front Office and labeled "Health Office." Thank you in advance for your support!
Weekly Features
Best of the Nest
This year, we are recognizing students with the Best of the Nest Award. Staff members nominate students each week who demonstrate a commitment to upholding the Courage to CARE model and the values of Amherst Middle School.
Parent Partnership
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. According to the CDC, in 2021, more than 1 in 5 (22%) students seriously considered attempting suicide and 1 in 10 (10%) attempted suicide.
Here are some suicide prevention links, including risk factors and protective factors, warning signs, and crisis lines. We want you to know it’s okay to talk openly about mental health and suicide with your student. It’s ok to check in with them about their mood, or changes in behavior. It’s ok to let them know you notice something - it helps reduce the stigma and opens up the conversation that could be life saving. As always, the AMS SEL team is here to help in any way we can! Reach out!PTA Corner
Monthly Newsletter
The PTA Monthly Newsletter is live! Click here.
Join the PTA
For more information about the PTA and to join this year, please visit their website, http://www.amherstnhpta.org/index.html.
NJHS Shoe Drive
One of the missions of NJHS (National Junior Honor Society)
Is to support the school with a variety of community service projects. We are currently collecting shoes for Got Sneakers. We will donate all the shoes we collect to raise money to help stimulate our upcoming projects.
May 13 - May 17, 2024: There will be a labeled box in the front entryway of AMS if you can support us by donating used shoes to our cause. We kindly ask that you not send any non-athletic footwear such as dress shoes, heels, rain boots, sandals, slip-ons, water socks, wedges, and work boots of any kind.
Have You Heard?!
Every 125–200 days, people discard their worn-out sneakers without giving recycling a second thought. Because shoes are made of non-biodegradable materials, they end up in landfills or are burned, which releases hazardous chemicals into the atmosphere and soil. Large volumes of CO2 are formed producing shoes, and contributing to climate change and global warming. Reusing and recycling sneakers helps the circular economy by preventing them from ending up in landfills and by lowering the need for new shoes and sneakers.
The environmental benefits of recycling and reusing sneakers are significant. Recycling Shoes have Stopped 75 million pounds of CO2 from entering the atmosphere. Recycled and reused 2.5 million pairs of shoes (and counting!)
AMS Talent Show
Come join us and cheer on our amazing students as the showcase their many unique talents!
Spring Music Concerts
Please see the flyer below for dates and times of our spring concerts. All concerts take place in the AMS Cafeteria.
Amherst Recreation: Summer Adventure Teen Camp
The ever popular Adventure Teen Camp (ATC) is back for its 5th year, and this summer we are upholding the tradition of adventure for rising 7th, 8th & 9th graders. Campers will have fun with friends while enhancing their community service skills, building interpersonal skills, and being a part of a rewarding camp experience.
Teen Adventure Camp-Details
Who: Rising 7th - 9th graders
Where: Pick Up/ Drop off at PMEC.
When: July 15 - July 26 (Mondays-Fridays). 9:00am-4:00pm
Amherst Memorial Day Parade - Friday, May 24
All are welcome!
8th Grade Graduation - June 11, 2024
Please see this letter from Mrs. Gauthier regarding 8th Grade graduation on June 11th.