Mustang Message
September 2024
Principal's Message
Student safety continues to be our top priority and we need your help! Arrival and dismissal times are very busy at a school. Many people are coming and going.
Pedestrians, please remember to use the cross walks at all times. This is for everyone's SAFETY!
Drivers, minimize distractions, follow the rules of the road, only enter the parking lot through the entrance. Don't forget it's right turns only into and out of the parking lot.
If you need to come into the office park your car and walk in. When drivers park in the drop & go lane it impedes traffic flow. If dropping off or picking up a student have them exit your car from the curb side only.
Lastly, remember our staff is here to support Woodward students at dismissal, if they ask you to move forward or to follow a direction, please be kind in your response. Thank you!
Stay Connected
Manteca USD has many ways to get you connected to our school & district information. Click here to learn more: 2019areyouconnectedflyer.pdf (
Goal Setting Conferences
Trimester 1 goal setting conference week is September 9th through the 13th (minimum day schedule). This is a time for teachers to meet with students and parents to discuss student achievement, habits of success, review MAPS scores, other assessments & create goals specific to your student's needs. Be on the lookout for a Sign-up Genius invite from your child’s teacher on Friday, August 30th. You will then sign up for a 20-minute time slot to meet in person with your child's teacher.
Fall Awards Ceremony
Fall awards will take place the week of September 16th -20th. Teachers will reach out to families of students who will be receiving an award.
Welcome to Our Newest Mustang Staff
Ravinder Mavi, SSA
Hi, my name is Ravinder Mavi. I chose to enter the field of childhood development to stay close to my kids during school and gain a better understanding of the American education system. Having been born and raised in Punjab, India, I am accustomed to a different teaching style, but I've embraced and learned the American way as well. I believe my presence at Woodward Elementary, where my own child attends, will provide comfort to the students. Additionally, I hope to positively impact the Punjabi community.
Cameron T Harris, Choir Teacher
My name is Cammie (Miss Harris) and I teach Junior High choir at Walter Woodward. I'm a new teacher and just graduated from Sacramento State with a double major in Music Education and Vocal Performance. It's nostalgic because I was once a student of Mr. Beattie in his choir (and band), and now we work alongside each other in the music program for this school. The thing I'm most looking forward to at Woodward is being able to connect with all faculty/staff and families at the school and be a part of the Woodward community again! 🙂
Cindy Ballesteros, K/1 Teacher
Hello! My name is Cindy Ballesteros. This is my first-year teaching, and I am excited to embark on this journey. My background includes valuable experience teaching in preschool, as well as serving as a substitute teacher in elementary, middle, and high school across both general and special education settings. I hold a bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education and am currently pursuing my special education credential in Mild/Moderate Disabilities.
I am particularly looking forward to creating a positive learning environment where all students feel valued and engaged. I am eager to connect with my students on a personal level, fostering relationships that enhance their learning experiences. Additionally, I am most excited about the opportunity to collaborate with fellow teachers, sharing ideas and strategies to support our students’ diverse needs and promote their academic success here at Walter Woodward.
Amber Carreno, Bilingual Aide
My name is Amber Carreno. I am the new Bilingual Aide at Walter Woodward School. I am looking forward to working with the students and helping them achieve academic success. I am fluent in English and Spanish. Growing up I found myself being a young girl facing the obstacles of learning English as my second language, because only Spanish was spoken at home. Due to this my main goal is to help those who struggle in academics due to the language barrier they may face. I find it important for students who do not speak or understand the English language, to still be able to learn to their full potential. My husband and daughter are very excited for my new journey at Walter Woodward. I appreciate the opportunity to be able to be part of this wonderful team.
Mi nombre es Amber Carreño. Soy la nueva Asistente Bilingüe en la Escuela Walter Woodward. Espero trabajar con los estudiantes y ayudarlos a lograr el éxito académico. Hablo inglés y español con fluidez. Cuando era una niña me tuve que enfrentar a los obstáculos de aprender inglés como mi segundo idioma, porque solo se hablaba español en casa. Por esto, mi objetivo principal es ayudar a los que sufren con dificultades académicas por la barrera del idioma. Me parece importante que los estudiantes que no hablan o entienden el idioma inglés, puedan aprender a su máximo potencial. Mi esposo y mi hija están muy emocionados por mi nuevo trayecto que empecé, en Walter Woodward. Agradezco la oportunidad de poder formar parte de este maravilloso equipo.
Grandparent's Day Luncheon
Grandparent's Day is quickly approaching! We are so excited to host this day for our third year in a row. We are looking forward to grandparents and adopted grandparents joining their students for this event on October 2nd. Soon there will be a sign-up link for grandparents to join the event. The sign up is important because it lets us know which students have grandparents attending and we can properly plan for the afternoon. If a grandparent has multiple students, they are signing up with please fill out the link for each child.
Student Lunchtimes
Kinder 10:55-11:35
1st & 2nd Grade 11:17-11:57
3rd & 4th Grade 11:40-12:20
5th & 6th Grade 12:35-1:15
Jr. High 12:15 -12:55
Families are encouraged to be a special lunch to enjoy that day!
Socktober is almost here!
Socktober is a sock drive that Mrs. Dematteo's class hosts every October. Classes compete in collecting new socks that will be donated to homeless students within MUSD.
Mrs. Dematteo's class will count and keep track of the number of socks donated by each class. The class who collects the most socks will be awarded the coveted "Golden Sock".
Classes will begin collecting socks on October 1st and the competition will conclude on October 31st.
Thank you so much in advance for your support!
PBIS Monthly Focus
Woodward Basketball (Boy's Games 4 pm/ Girl's Games 5 pm)
Tryout Dates & Times TBD
Game Schedule
August 27th: Woodward v. Joshua Cowell @ Woodward
August 29th: Woodward v. Veritas @ Woodward
September 3rd: Woodward v. Shasta @ Shasta
September 5th: Woodward v. Nile Garden @ Woodward
September 17th: Woodward v. Golden West @ Golden West
September 19th: Woodward v. Brock Elliott @ Woodward
September 24th: Woodward v. New Haven @ New Haven
September 26th: Woodward v. Lincoln @ Lincoln
October 1st: Woodward v. Sequoia @ Sequoia
Playoff Games: 10/17, 10/22, 10/24, 10/29
2024-2025 Bell Schedule and Calendar
Important Dates to Remember 2024-2025
Look for event updates in the monthly newsletter " Mustang Message"
31: Back to School Orientation
1: First day of School
14: General PTC Meeting (5:00 pm)
15: Picture Day
26-30: Spell-A-Thon Fundraiser week
5: Picture Day Make-Ups
11: PTC Board Meeting (5:00 pm)
9-13: Goal Setting Conferences
18-20: Fall Achievement/Progress Awards Assembly
2: Grandparents Day Lunch
7-11: Fall Break (No School)
18: Fall Festival
25: PTC Board Meeting (5:00pm)
10/30-11/3: Red Ribbon Week
10/30-11/3: Red Ribbon Week
13: PTC Family Pottery Night & General Meeting (5:00)
25-27: Giving Thanks Week
7: Omelet Breakfast
7-13: Book Fair
16-20: Winter Cheer Week
11: PTC Board Meeting (5 pm)
12/23-1/7: Winter Break
22: PTC Family Paint Night & General Meeting (5:00 pm)
27-31: Goal Setting Conferences
5-7: Winter Achievement/Progress Awards Assembly
11-14: Kindness Week
19: PTC Board Meeting (5 pm)
3-7: Read Across America
10-14: Spring Break
19: General Meeting
25: Spring Pictures
10: Open House/Art Fair (4:30-7:00 pm)
11: Progress Reports go Home
16: PTC Board Meeting (6pm)
22: Earth Day
24: Stampede
5-9: Staff Appreciation Week
14-16: Spring Achievement/Progress Awards Assembly
14: PTC General Meeting (5 pm)
23: Last Day of School
Look for event updates in the monthly newsletter " Mustang Message"
School Vision:
All Woodward students will be empowered and encouraged to achieve grade level standards in a safe & positive learning environment.
School Mission:
Through smart actions and decisions, Woodward will work together using meaningful, measurable aligned data for all students to achieve mastery of grade level standards in all subjects based on their unique educational pathway in a safe environment inclusive of design, security, and climate.