Spartan News
November 2024

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A Time To Be Thankful
Spartan families,
As we begin this month with the loss of a Manor ISD student, I want to take a moment to share my condolences with everyone impacted by this loss. I want to acknowledge that even if you did not personally know Darrin Loving, his loss still touches all of us. This sobering event reminds us that each day is precious and we have an important job to work together to help our young students thrive and find their way. On campus we have several staff members who are ready and available to support you and your children if you are struggling with these tragic events. Please reach out if you need that support.
In the spirit of the season, I encourage you to take a moment to stop and reflect on the things that you are thankful for. I encourage you to ask your children to do the same. Keeping a positive mindset in the face of challenges is a powerful thing to model for children.
This month we do not have school on Veteran's Day, so I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to all members of our community who have served or are currently serving in our armed forces. Your bravery and commitment to our country allow us to experience many privileges. We salute you!
As you can see in this newsletter, we may only have 3 weeks but there are lots of things happening this month. Stay safe and make many happy family memories over the extended Thanksgiving holiday!
Wishing everyone a thankful November,
Ms. Parker
Thanksgiving Lunch🦃
It is that time of year again to join us for Thanksgiving Lunch on Nov 21! We will do our best to have enough seating, but please be patient as you try to find a seat. Also, remember that each guest has to sign in using a current form of ID. Be prepared to come early and sign in with plenty of time before your child's lunch. Students will only be able to stay for their assigned lunch time to honor all families trying to come and join us for lunch.
If you are coming, please RSVP by clicking the link https://forms.gle/VrwwaL8ZWf7KKUGy9 .
We look forward to seeing you at our annual Thanksgiving lunch!
Ms Parker
Monthly Fire Drill
Dear Manor ISD Caregiver,
This coming week your child’s campus will participate in a safety drill. In the event of an actual emergency situation, caregivers will be notified. Please ensure that your contact information is updated in Skyward Family Access.
Manor ISD participates in the following drills throughout the year as part of our ongoing student safety initiatives.
Fire drill/evacuation
If you have any questions, contact the Manor ISD Police Department via phone at 512-278-4398 or email at misdpd@manorisd.net.
This month we will practice a fire drill and a secure event.
Campus will be shut down for testing
This month our 3rd, 4th and 5th graders will take their first Interim assessment. This assessment will replicate what it will be like to take the actual STAAR test later this year. Our teachers will create a testing environment so students can practice taking a test in a secure testing environment. It will also allow them to show us what they know as well as what they do not know. The results will give their teacher a projected result for the real STAAR. In addition to this, it shows the teacher where your child may need some extra help.
Because our teachers and students will be on a different schedule and focused on testing, our campus will be closed to all visitors. Thank you for understanding and supporting our efforts to practice prior to the real deal so we know where to make our own adjustments.
One last note, if you are the parent of a 3rd - 5th grade student, please make sure they get a good night sleep and a good breakfast prior to testing. Make sure they arrive on time so they do not disrupt the class who will be in testing mode as soon as the day begins. This is an important opportunity to learn what is expected.
Most importantly, please assure your child that this is a practice event. The score is important but it does not impact the student in any negative way. They just need reassurance to come and do the best they can do! If you feel your child is experiencing test anxiety, please reach out to their teacher or Ms. Ward, our school counselor. This will allow us to support them and give them some strategies for working through the anxiety.
Test dates:
Nov 6: 3-5 Reading Interim
Nov 7: 5th grade Science Interim
Nov 13: 3-5 Math Interim
A copy of our Parent Compact is coming home soon. Please sign and return!
Coffee with the Principal
Just a friendly reminder...
I will host the next Coffee with the Principal on
Monday, November 4 at 3:15.
A Spanish translator will be in attendance
Spartan Events
- Nov 4: Coffee with the Principal, 3:15, Library
- Nov 5: Wear Red, White and Blue
- Nov 6: 3-5 Reading Interim
- Nov 7: 5th grade Science Interim
- Nov 11: No School, Happy Veteran's Day
- Nov 13: 3-5 Math Interim, Wear Blue Day
- Nov 20: Parent Liaison Meet and Greet
- Nov 21: Thanksgiving Lunch
- Dec 12: Winter Concert and Academic night
- Dec 16-19: Math and Reading 9-week assessments Grades 3-5
- Dec 19: Winter Party Day, 2:00 - 3:00, Food, Fun and Parties
Stay Connected to the great things happening at Lagos!
Call the office & leave a message, 512-278-4360
Email: carolyn.parker@manorisd.net
Use your Talking Points App
Location: 11817 Murchison Street Manor, TX 78653
Phone: (512) 278-4360
Lagos Calendar
MISD Calendar