South Spartan News
Est. 1932 The Spartan tradition continues…
Admin Message
March 2024
Dear Parent or Guardian,
This year South Middle School will be administering the North Dakota State Assessment (NDSA) with students in grades 6, 7 and 8. The NDSA Assessment will take place as follows:
April 10 - 8th Grade Science
April 11 - Math
April 16 - Reading
April 17 - Writing
April 18-19 - Make-Up Tests
The North Dakota State Assessment (NDSA) is a statewide assessment that measures student performance against the state’s challenging content and achievement standards in selected academic subjects and grades. The NDSA consists of general criterion-referenced assessments for all students in grades 3-8 and 10 in English language arts/literacy and mathematics.
Students in grades 4, 8, and 10 will also be asked to participate in the NDSA Science assessment as well. See our district website for a detailed description of assessment requirements at under Departments > Curriculum Instruction and Technology CIT > Assessment Information.
The test results will not impact your student's grades in school but will instead help our district establish overall achievement levels. Individual student results will be available in the fall and distributed at that time. Your student’s test scores, along with all other student scores in our school system, are useful in determining where teachers and administrators may need to place emphasis or make adjustments in instruction.
Students will need to bring:
Chromebooks & Chargers (charged and updated)
A pencil for scratch paper.
The tests are not timed and can take anywhere from 1 - 3 hours depending on the subject area. Students may bring a book for breaks (non-digital).
Under state law, parents can direct school districts not to administer any state test or state assessment required in accordance with section 15.1-21-08 in ND Century Code. This form should be completed to withhold the administration of a student assessment. Each assessment and subject requires a separate form (one for NDSA ELA, one for NDSA Mathematics, and if applicable, one for NDSA Science). The form is found at . Please print and complete the form. Submit to South Office by Tuesday, April 2, 2024.
Cell Phone Reminder
If your student is leaving early for an appointment, sport or other reason please remind them that they need to turn their phone into the front office for the day. Teachers are not always in their rooms when students go to leave and this just helps to get your students out and on time.
Important Information
Attendance Line: 701-746-2346
Please enter this number into your phone so you can inform us when your student is absent or needs to leave our building during the day for an appointment.
Please be courteous to our office staff and teachers and call well in advance to the time that you are needing to pick up your student. By not doing this could result in delay of dismissing your student and interrupting a teacher in the middle of teaching a class.
8:40 - 3:30
8:00 - 4:00
DOORS OPEN: Door (#1) opens early for morning band, orchestra, and athletic practices. Our other student entries (#17) open at 8:00 a.m., and once school begins, our front doorbell (#1) should be rung for visitor access. All doors are locked for security.
PTO Updates:
This last week we supported our South Middle School teachers by providing meals during parent teacher conferences. The next meeting is on March 5th at 5:15p.m.
It is the last week for our Butter Braid Fundraiser- here are the details: This fundraiser will run from February 16th to February 29th- Each Butter Braid will be priced at $13.00.
Additional forms can be picked up in the office and delivery will be on March 28th.
You can find all of this information on the form sent home with your student.
Yearbook 2023-2024
Yearbook Orders
Don't forget to snag your very own copy of the South Middle School Yearbook!
January 1, 2024 the cost will be $25
All-Color Yearbooks
Personalization and Icons are available through ONLINE SALES ONLY at:
- Personalization & Icons end February 15, 2024.
NOTE: South has a limited number of 2022-2023 Yearbooks left. If you are interested in purchasing one of the remaining books, you may do so at registration. The cost is $10.
Policies & Procedures
Students are expected to be on time and be prepared for school. If a student is late for the start of school at 8:40 a.m., then he/she must stop in the office for an admit slip.
Detention Policy:
This policy covers but will not be limited to: arriving late to school in the morning, arriving late to class during the day, not checking in with teachers prior to attending meetings, lessons etc. Below we have outlined the detention policy that will be followed:
-Tardies include EVERY class period and not just primetime, our goal is to make sure the students are getting the most out of their class period starting by being on time.
-Every 5 tardies is equal to 1 detention.
-After 10 tardies, a student will be unable to attend activities after school such as: sports practices, sporting games, activity nights, until the missed time had been made up. Students are expected to make up their missed time within one week of the notification being sent home.
-You will be notified from the school once your student has reached the mark 5 tardies resulting in a call/email/letter home from our social worker.
-Detention times are served either from 3:30-4:00pm or in the morning before school from 8:00-8:30am.
-Lunch detention will only be used in cases where your student is unable to sit before or afterschool.
Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices During School Hours
Students are not permitted to use cell phones or other electronic devices (sound or image) during the school day in any unauthorized area of the school building or at any school sponsored events or activities. “Use” of a cell phone includes text messaging. “Unauthorized area” means any area where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy; including, but not limited to classrooms, locker rooms, and restrooms or any other area designated by the building principal. Use of cell phones or image recording devices in locker rooms and restrooms at anytime is strictly prohibited. Students in violation of any portion of this policy will be subject to disciplinary procedures and confiscation of the cell phone or other electronic device. If a student’s cell phone or other electronic device is confiscated, the building principal may search the confiscated property up on a reasonable suspicion that the search will yield evidence of a violation of a school rule or upon reasonable suspicion that the school safety or security may be in jeopardy. Disciplinary action up to and including suspension, expulsion and/or citation by law enforcement may be taken against any student using a prohibited device contrary to this rule or in a manner that causes substantial disruption to the educational environment. The building principal or a designee is authorized to make exceptions to the prohibitions set forth in this policy for health, safety, emergencies, or as required by an individual education program. Electronic devices include, but are not limited to: personal radio, take, CD MP3 or iPod players, game boys, or any variation of these devices, cameras, cell phones, and camera cell phones.
First Offense:
- Device will be kept in the office until the end of the day
- The student will be able to pick up their electronic device at 3:30 p.m
Second Offense:
- Parents will be called and must pick up the electronic device in the office
- Students will not be allowed to pick up the device
Third Offense:
- Parents will be called and must pick up the electronic device in the office
- Students will not be allowed to pick up the device
- In addition, the student will serve detention
DAY 1/DAY 2 Schedule
Block IV Sports Sign Ups:
Please note all players must have a Physical and Concussion form completed prior to their first practice! Forms can be picked up in the south office or printed from the links below:
Track will begin on April 1, 2024 and run though Friday May 24, 2024.
Practice will be after school from 3:30pm-5:00pm.
Girls Soccer will begin on April 1, 2024 and run through May 17, 2024
Practice will be after school from 3:30pm-5:00pm on the South Middle School Soccer Fields.
*Athletes will need to have a physical prior to starting practice. Each athlete needs nine (9) practices in order to play a contest, so it is very important to have your physical by the first day of official practice. The participation fee this year is $50 dollars per athlete/per sport. (This can be paid on or via check made payable to GFPS or exact cash to the South office) Parents must also sign and return a district concussion form (available on-line or at the South office) indicating your acceptance of the district policy for concussions. To be able to participate you need: 1) Physical 2) Pay fee 3) Turn in concussion form (one time per school year)
6th Grade Intramural Information
Intramural Basketball will begin on Tuesday February 27th and run till March 28th. Practice will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 330-430.
Fill out the form below and watch your email and our website for more information regarding practice times. Cost is $12.50.
Here is the link to pay:
From the Rockets-
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I hope this letter finds you well. As we strive to provide the best possible learning environment for our students, we are excited to introduce a new initiative that we believe will greatly benefit their academic progress – the Rockets Homework Club.
Homework Club Details:
When: Monday through Thursday, 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM
Where: Room 304 (Mr. Larson’s room)
Exceptions: No Homework Club on the last day of each week and on early release days.
Purpose: To make up missing assignments/summative assignment retakes.
Participation Criteria:
Students who miss more than two assignments during the week will be required to attend Homework Club.
Transportation Information:
Please arrange transportation for your child's pickup promptly at 4:15 PM at door #1. Please communicate with your child regarding the importance of attendance and active participation in Homework Club to make the most of this opportunity for academic improvement.
If you have any questions or concerns about Homework Club, please feel free to contact your child’s Prime Time teacher. We appreciate your partnership in promoting academic success and a positive learning experience for your child.
Thank you for your continued support.
Rockets Team
From the Explorer Team:
Explorer Students of the Month
The Explorer Team is proud to announce our Explorer Students of the Month for Semester 1. This award is earned through eligible grades & citizenship, being kind to others, and being respectful. At the end of each semester, there will be a party during one class period for those students who were awarded the Explorer Student of the Month for that semester. Congratulations to all!
September = Emma Haga & Carsen Payne
October = Princesse Kenmoe & Zishan Rahman
November = Amaa Wijetunga & Gage Widstrup
December = Momina Muskan & Ty Palmer
South is excited to present Seussical the Musical, Jr. on April 4 and 5! 6th-8th grade students will be able to register to be in the cast or on the tech crew through Rehearsals will start Feb. 12 after school until 5:00. Information about the musical, the rehearsal schedule, and lead part audition information can be found at the site SOUTH MS SEUSSICAL JR.2024. Students do not audition to be in the show. They only audition if they are interested in being a lead part. Email any questions to
Mrs. Kellers Corner: Messages from our Social Worker
School lunch form:
If you are unable to fill out the application online you are able to pick it up in the office. If you have questions regarding this process please reach out to:
Jalissa Keller, LBSW, MSW
School Social Worker
South Middle School
Phone: 701-317-3921
Food Policy
- NO outside foods/drinks (Starbucks, pop, breakfast foods from restaurants etc…) will be allowed into the building. A water bottle is fine.
- IF your child comes to school with a beverage, snack or food item they will need to eat it prior to coming inside of the building.
- Breakfast is available in the cafeteria from 7:40 – 8:30 a.m. No food can be taken out of the cafeteria during breakfast.
- If you bring your child back from an appointment and you have purchased lunch for them, they will need to have eaten the food prior to coming back into the building. They can not bring their outside purchased food or drink into the cafeteria to eat lunch. Please plan accordingly so that they have time to eat the food you buy them prior to returning to school.
MySchoolBucks Store
Spartan Media!
From the Music Department
Do you have used music books, supplies, or instruments collecting dust in your home? South's music department welcomes donations of used band, orchestra, piano, and guitar materials. These can be used for students in need, or when students don't have their own in class. Items may be dropped off in South's main office, or given to any South music teacher anytime.
Updates from Mrs.Stermer-
Many band students in grades 6-8 have decided to prepare a small ensemble (duet, trio, quartet, etc.) piece or solo for our annual solo and ensemble festival. This year, the festival will be held on Wednesday, March 6. Participating students will perform their pieces at the UND Hughes Fine Arts Center sometime between 9am and 12:00pm that day. As performers, they will get immediate and hands-on feedback from an adjudicator. They will also get to hear other groups/soloists from neighboring schools. Performing students will be gone from 8:40am to approximately 12:45pm that day. Talk with your band student to see if they will be participating!
Congratulations to two SMS band students selected for the NDNBA All State Band!
This year, Raya Rothenbacher and Norah Suelzle will be representing South Middle School at the North Dakota National Band Association All State Band Festival on March 8-9 in Mandan, ND. They were selected through a competitive audition process, and we are very proud of them for this big accomplishment!
Upcoming band events to note:
Wednesday, March 6: Solo & Ensemble Festival, grades 6-8 band optional, 9am - 1pm, University of North Dakota Hughes Fine Arts Building
Monday, April 8: All-City Band Day, grades 6-8 band, morning rehearsals and 7pm concert, Chester Fritz Auditorium
Tuesday, May 14: Spring Band Band Concert, grades 6-8 band and jazz band, 7pm, South Cafetorium
Updates from Mrs. McFarlane
Congratulations to the South students who participated in the State Middle Level Honors Orchestra 2024! The state festival was held in Jamestown, Feb 9-10. Pictured from left to right: Mika Osowski, Amaa Wijetunga, Elaine Liu, Taylor O’Hara, Amaa Wijetunga, Corey Zhang, Casey Zhang. Not pictured: Princesse Kenmoe Tchuandem and Caleb Zerr, alternates. Super Job to our musicians!
Our Spring Orchestra Concert will be held on Tuesday, April 30 at 7:00pm in the South Cafetorium. This performance is required for all orchestra students. Orchestra students will meet at 6:30pm, and must wear full concert black including socks and shoes. More information will be sent to orchestra families as the date draws near. In the meantime, please make sure this concert is on your calendar.
Safe Kids- March
From the Counseling Department
8th Grade Families:
Attention 8th Grade Parents and Students-
It is time to start thinking about and doing some planning for high school registration. Please watch the attached presentation together. It contains valuable information and important upcoming dates. If you have any questions, we would be happy to help.
Mr Chase (last names A-K)
Mrs Thorfinnson (last names L-Z)