NexTech Back to School!
Excited About 2024-2025
Message from the Principal
Greetings NexTech Families!
We are excited to be leading up to the 2024-2025 NexTech school year! We have been working hard behind the scenes to prepare for the upcoming year and there are some changes to kicking off the year so please read through this newsletter for information on orientation/enrollment, upcoming events, and a minor change to our overall school day.
Orientation will be handled just like last year. Appointments will be available throughout the week starting on August 12th for new families and people who require assistance. Returning students are not required to make it onsite for that unless necessary. You will receive an email from your mentor teacher with your schedule and instructions for the first days of school on Friday, August 11th. New students/families will receive an email to schedule an orientation time to get schedules, Chromebooks, and discuss graduation progress as applicable in the next few days.
In Lieu of the traditional orientation night, we plan on celebrating the beginning of the year at our Open House on Tuesday August 13th from 3:00 to 7:00! It will be taking place in our school this year. Existing NexTech families along with new and prospective families are welcome to attend. Music, dinner, and games will be provided from 3:00 to 7:00. We will also be giving tours/helping brand-new families start the enrollment process, distributing information about clubs and community partners, checking in with student mentors, and holding information sessions about school programming at 4:30 and 6:00.
I also want to take a moment to bring to your attention another minor change in our school day. In order to allow for a growing number of students, more small group and individualized help time, and time for our new lunch program (details to follow) we found it necessary to split up the AM and PM sessions completely. In order to do this we decreased core class times by 3 minutes, from 47 to 44 minutes, slightly adjusted the AM start time and PM finish time, and shortened seminar time by a few minutes. Check out the schedule below for specifics, but basically the AM session now runs from 8:00 to 11:30 and the PM Session starts at 12:00 and goes till 3:30. We truly apologize for any inconvenience, but we look forward to being able to offer more student support time with our teachers and a school provided lunch with this new schedule!
I am truly excited to get this new year off to a great start. If you ever have any questions or concerns about anything please feel free to reach out using my information below and after scrolling through the rest of this newsletter I hope everyone has an amazing end to their summer!
Jeremy McClure
NexTech School Leader
(616) 458-4992 ext. 303
Office Hours and Contact Info
The Administration Office will be open for normal hours stated below starting July 29th through the beginning of the school year. Appointments can be made available outside of traditional times if needed.
- Mon - Thu 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
- Friday 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Main Office (Jolene Manley)
- (616) 458-4992 ext. 301
- jmanley@gr.nextechhigh.org
Principal (Jeremy McClure)
- (616) 458-4992 ext. 303
- jmcclure@gr.nextechhigh.org
Check out these events and join us!!
- NexTech Orientation (August 12th - 16th) - New students and families can use this link (you will also get an email) to schedule their personalized orientation time. We will be issuing computers, completing paperwork, and making your schedule for the first trimester in this meeting.
- NexTech Open House (Tuesday, August 13th) - Come join us for an event to kick off the new school year. All are welcome! We are planning on a providing dinner, music, school tours, activities, and information at NexTech High School.
- First Day of School (August 20th)