Mustang Tales
Parent Monthly Newsletter, Manitou Springs Elementary School
October 2024
Dear MSES Families,
We’re in full swing here at school, and it’s wonderful to see the students settling into their routines! We have some exciting events and opportunities coming up that we can’t wait to share with you and your families. As your input is always important to us, stop in and visit with me on Tuesday, October 15th when I'll be hosting Coffee with the Principal. This is your opportunity to hear what's going on and share your ideas and feedback. We'll meet in the library.
Monster Art Project & Art Fair
We’re thrilled to announce our Monster Project Art Fair, which will kick off on October 4th. Our first-grade students, in collaboration with local artists, have created wonderful pieces of art that will be displayed through November 1st. Be sure to visit and support our talented young and community artists!
MSES Connect 14: Enrichment Classes
Our popular MSES Connect 14 After School Enrichment Classes will begin on October 1st and run through December 19th. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to explore new hobbies, skills, and interests outside of regular school hours. Explore the enrichment classes and register your student now - classes fill quickly! https://forms.gle/1KRUWRgj3HEYjQjg6
You won't want to miss...
- Book Fair: October 21-25
- Fall Conferences: October 24 & 25
- Veterans Day Concert: November 8th
Pick Up and Drop Off Reminders...
As we prioritize the safety of our students, here are a few important reminders regarding pick-up and drop-off procedures:
Move Slowly on Pawnee Avenue: Please drive with caution and at a slow speed, especially during peak times.
New Crosswalk Cones: Be mindful of the new cones marking the crosswalk. Do not drop off students in the crosswalk zone. This area is for crossing only. Be extra observant and patient around crosswalks. Many students and families will be crossing to and from school—let’s all work together to keep them safe.
Drop-Off Zone: The front of the building from 7:30-8:00 AM is for drop-off only. There is no standing or parking allowed during these times. Please stay in your vehicle at all times and ensure that students exit from the passenger side for their safety.
Parking is limited in Manitou and around our building. The Witchia lot is available for free parking between 7:30-8 am. It is at the bottom of the hill on Manitou Avenue. Also, there is a 30 minute free parking option at any paid parking meter in Manitou.
Carolyn Leyes, Principal
Kindergarten students have been working hard to learn letters of the alphabet! We practice the names and sounds of every letter every day during literacy time. They are also getting very confident rotating between their reading groups and workstations independently during our Mustang Reading Time. In math, we recently explored how to use various counting tools to ensure that our counting is accurate. We love to work with partners while practicing new skills!
1st Grade
In first grade, we’ve been working hard to build a strong foundation for our classroom and community expectations. We’ve established routines for our curriculum, learned how to effectively use classroom resources, and mastered independent workstations. We’ve also begun exploring our first unit, focusing on how things grow and change. Guided by the essential question, “Why do living things grow and change?”, we are engaging with a variety of decodable texts, listening to mentor read-aloud, writing, and participating in turn-and-talk discussions to deepen our understanding of our unit topic.
2nd Grade
Second graders have been learning about plants and animals and where they live. They are finding out how different plants and animals are suited to their homes and how they help each other. This helps them understand why every living thing is important. In Math, we've been practicing measuring objects using centimeters to learn more about length. They are also using number lines to help with counting and solving math problems. By working on word problems, they’re getting better at understanding and solving everyday math questions.
They have also loved starting the day with morning meetings, where they share, connect, and build a sense of community. They also enjoy team-building activities that help them work together and strengthen their friendships in the classroom.
3rd Grade
Third Grade has been busy learning many strategies and concepts in both Benchmark reading/writing and Eureka math. While reading “Animal Adaptations,” we have used questioning, creating mental images, drawing inferences and compare/contrast strategies to deepen our learning about animal adaptations. In writing, we are working towards writing our own informative essay. We analyzed a mentor essay last week. This week, we are taking notes to write our own essay next week. In Math, we are working on multiplication and division. We use tape diagrams and skip counting to answer equations. Please keep practicing all math facts and skip counting.
4th Grade
This month, Fourth Grade has covered the majority of our first two Math and ELA units! In Math, we have learned how to express numbers to the millions in standard, unit, word, and expanded form; round numbers to various places up to the hundred thousands place; and add and subtract multi-digit numbers within 1,000,000! Here are some photos of students following the Read-Draw-Write process to solve complicated, multi-step word problems. Look at them go! (See photos below)
In ELA, we have launched into our new curriculum, Benchmark Advance, and begun our first unit, Observing Nature. Students are reading a variety of texts to develop reading skills such as creating mental images, finding key details, determining the main idea, identifying similes and metaphors, and so much more! We are also learning about the writing process that we follow for writing an informative essay. Students are researching from a variety of sources, organizing their notes, and learning about the key components to an essay response!
In Social Studies, we are learning all about "The Land We Call Home" -- Colorado! Students started by learning about geography and map skills. We applied this knowledge as we looked at different maps of Colorado and compared their features. Students are also learning about the five land regions of Colorado and how each region has specific characteristics, resources, and reasons for why people live there. We are excited to go on some engaging field trips in October to extend our learning!
5th Grade
Fifth grade students have been getting familiar with our new ELA Benchmark Advanced curriculum. The Gruffalo was a fun book to listen to and practice our visualization! Students are also working on place value skills in Mustang Math time. We are all very excited for fifth grade camp!
International Day of Peace
Artists explored the interconnectedness of art and community by creating Pinwheels for Peace (K-2) and folding origami peace cranes (3-5). This coincides with the International Day of Peace on September 21st and the beginning of the year’s focus on community building. Their projects are decorated with symbols and images of love, kindness and hope so that their artwork can represent a collective expression of peace and kindness locally and globally.
Our 3rd through 5th grade artists are working hard to reach a goal of folding 1,000 Cranes for peace as according to the Japanese cultures 1,000 folded cranes are equivalent to 1,000,000 wishes. Their 1,000 cranes will be displayed as a school wide art installation in the Art Plaza as soon as we reach our goal. We are currently at 561 cranes!!!!! Students are exceeding expectations for our project by folding cranes at school, home and even during recess. This project amplifies the beauty of art collaboration.
Second Annual Manitou Monster Project Art Show
Last year, as part of a MACH (Manitou Arts, Culture and Heritage Initiative) grant, kindergarten classes (now in first grade) created a monster in class. Artists in the community were then asked to use their own unique style and medium to recreate a new piece of art inspired by the child's original piece. Join us Friday, October 4th, from 5 - 8pm at Manitou Springs Elementary School for our 2nd annual Manitou Monster Project Art Show! The Manitou Monster Project will feature both student and adult art. It will remain on display at the school through October. Join us!
Art-based Fundraiser
Coming in October...
4-5th grade students are working diligently on Veteran's Day programming! Students are excited to honor our local veterans through songs and speeches!
K-5 students have already begun diving into winter concert material! Students will be singing, playing instruments, and acting in our 2024 winter concert! Please see the flyer at the end of this section for dates and times.
On Beyond
Here's what On Beyond classes have been doing:
- 1st Language Arts - Learning new vocabulary and how to build a main idea from text clues, "who does what where?"
- 2nd Language Arts - Learning how to use Kinesthetic Punctuation for proofreading short and medium texts; identifying key ideas
- 3rd Language Arts - Compassionate Leadership Traits; Reading nonfiction articles for main idea and supporting details
- 4th Language Arts - Verbally discussing summer experiences and capturing them using multi-paragraph writing structure
- 5th Language Arts - Reading about how technological devices can allow deaf people experience music; exploring our own ideas of super-senses and sharing via multi-paragraph essays
- 3rd Math Extension - Using a number line to show a given elapsed time or solving for a starting or ending time
- 4th Math Extension - Applying place value rounding to determine estimates through the millions
- 5th Math Extension - Understanding the use of a vertical number line and showing an equation with positive and negative numbers
We are having a great time in PE! We are getting to know each other and the students have learned several fitness games. They are also learning how to play volleyball and are doing an incredible job. Thank you for sending your children to school in tennis shoes on the day they have PE. I appreciate it!
Kindergarten is learning greetings, days of the week, and the letter M with the vowel (A) for mamá/ mom. First and second grades are verbally practicing greetings and the seasons.
Third, fourth and fifth graders learned about the cultural Tomatina Festival en Buñol España, where tomatoes are not only eaten but they also have a lot of fun throwing them. Third graders are learning the spelling and pronunciation of the months of the year and the seasons: enero, febrero, octubre, otoño. Fourth and fifth grades are going to start the topic, “Classroom Materials”... classroom vocabulary words: lapiz, cuaderno, dicionario, maestra, tablero.
Digital Citizenship
In TEAMS, we have been diving deep into our Digital Citizenship curriculum. We are learning and practicing how to be safe with our ipads as well as online using real life situations/scenarios. Students are using their ipads to show what they have been learning using Google Slides and Book Creator.
Library Checkout News
In TEAMS, several classes have visited the library. Please remind your child to keep their library books in their backpack when they are not reading them. Library books may be kept for two weeks and extended if needed. Ms. B will have students wear a green rubber band the night before their book is due as a reminder. Third-fifth graders may return them to the library or TEAMS room. Kindergarten-second may also return books to the TEAMS room OR the office. Thank you for all the help with this at home! Happy reading!
The next PAC meeting will be Oct. 1st in the cafeteria from 8:30am-9:30am.
Tech Corner: Ebooks at Your Fingertips
Did you know that your student(s) has access to hundreds of ebooks and audiobooks? MSES students can borrow and read titles on any device using their school credentials through Sora. To access digital titles, download the free Sora app from your app store or access it through a browser at https://soraapp.com. Here’s how to login:
Type “Colorado BOCES Association” in the “Find Your School” field. Click on the matching school result and then choose Manitou Springs School District 14.
Enter your student’s username and password. The username will be the student’s first name, middle initial, last initial (example: maryss). The password will be the student’s first name and last four digits of their school ID (example: mary1234).
You can also use the “Add Library” button under the account drop-down menu to expand access to the Pikes Peak Library District and other local library collections.
Upcoming Dates...
9/23-27 Spirit Week!
9/23-9/25: Hearing and vision screening
9/25: Creede Repertory Theater Performance 9 am
9/25-9/26: 5th Grade Camp Shady Brooke
9/27: Homecoming Parade 1:00 pm
10/1: PAC meeting, 8:30 am
10/1: Creek Week Clean Up Day
10/2: Late Start Wednesday, students arrive at 9:55 am
10/4: Fitness Friday
10/4: Monster Art Project Show 5-8 pm
10/5: Manitou 5k Run
10/15: Fall Picture Retakes
10/17: Staff Work Day, No School
10/18: No School
10/21-10/25: Book Fair
10/24: Parent Teacher Conferences, Noon Dismissal
10/25: Parent Teacher Conferences, No School
10/31: Halloween Parade
11/1: Fitness Friday
11/1: Maniboo
11/6: Late Start Wednesday, students arrive at 9:55 am
11/6: SAC Meeting
11/8: Veterans Day Concert
11/20: Late Start Wednesday, students arrive at 9:55 am
11/25-11/29: Thanksgiving Break
School and District calendars are available at https://mse.mssd14.org/calendars
Save the Date: George Rykovich Stadium Dedication
Save the Date: Friday, October 11th
After gathering community input, we’re excited to announce that the Manitou Springs School Board of Education has officially approved renaming our stadium "George Rykovich Stadium" in honor of our legendary coach, George Rykovich!
Join us for a special dedication ceremony during our varsity football game on Friday, October 11th at 7 PM as we celebrate Coach Rykovich's incredible legacy. We want to pack the stands to honor the man who led the Mustangs to 222 victories and two state championships (1987 & 1990) during his 36 years as head coach.
Coach Rykovich was also formally inducted into the Colorado High School Activities Association Hall of Fame on January 23, 2023—an honor only two Mustangs have received.
Let’s come together as a community to honor Coach Rykovich’s extraordinary contributions to our school and the state. Be part of this historic moment and cheer on the Mustangs!
Manitou Springs Elementary School
110 Pawnee Ave. Manitou Springs, CO 80829
(719) 685-2195