The Good News August 26, 2024
St. John XXIII Catholic School
Leadership Message
Welcome Back to School!
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We’re so excited to have you and your children in our Saint John XXIII village. This year's theme is Rooted in Christ, inspired by John 15:5,8: “I am the vine; you are the branches… bear much fruit, and become my disciples.”
Walking through the school, it’s clear that our teachers and staff are ready to kick off the year with love and enthusiasm. They’ve been busy planning, praying, and preparing to ensure your children feel supported, cherished, and ready to grow.
At Saint John XXIII, we’re all about helping our students grow—both in their learning and faith. Like branches connected to the vine, we draw strength from Christ, and together, we’ll see our kids blossom in unique ways this year.
We can’t wait to see how each child grows and flourishes this year. We’re blessed to have you as part of our Saint John XXIII family and are looking forward to a fantastic year ahead!
Kristine Willis Dengler
First Day of School/First Week Back... What to Expect
We are excited to welcome our students back to school on Thursday and Friday for staggered entry and then the whole school for Tuesday after the long weekend. Some important information for the first day:
1. Our Bell rings at 8:40 am. Your child's teacher and staff members will be outside to meet and greet your child and family. Look for the numbered balloons to see where your child's door is.
2. Dismissal is 3:15 pm.
3. Please see information below re: parking, drop off, pick up, bus.
4. Lunchtime : students will play first (11:30 - 11:50am) and then eat (11:50-12:15pm). Teachers this year will once again build in two snack breaks, am and pm, prior to or after recess. We are encouraging students to have their nutritious snacks inside rather than out so they can focus on their movement and play during recess. This also assists with safety (choking and wasps) and care for our environment (less waste in our playground).
5. Welcome Back Assembly Friday, September 6th 1:25 pm
Staggered Entry: August 29th & 30th
Grades 1-4:
Thursday, August 29th Students with last names A-L
Friday, August 30th Students with last names M-Z
Tuesday, September 3rd First day of classes for all Grades 1-4 students
M/W Kindergarten:
Friday, August 30th
Time: 9am - 11am Students with last names A - C
Time: 1pm - 3pm Students with last names D - J
Wednesday, Sept. 4th Please note Early Dismissal time
Time: 9am - 11am Students with last names K - P
Time: 12pm - 2pm Students with last names Q - Z
T/R Kindergarten:
Thursday, August 29th
Time: 9am - 11am Students with last names A-C
Time: 1pm - 3pm Students with last names D-J
Tuesday, Sept.3rd
Time 9am - 11am Students with last names K-P
Time 1pm - 3pm Students with last names Q-Z
First day of classes for all Kindergarten students:
T/R and Nature Kindergarten
Thursday, Sept. 5th
M/W Kindergarten
Friday, Sept. 6th
Please check your email for information regarding your Meet and Greet days and Small Group Orientation days.
Our St. John XXIII Team for 2024-2025
Pre- K: Kim Frey
1-4 Pathways: Kirsten Tabert
Nature Programs: Melanie Martinez
Kindergarten: Megan Yockey
Grade 1 Team: Korinne Walsh & Teagan Kamstra
Grade 2 Team: Amy Ekdahl & Rhonda Ganes
Grade 3 Team: Kathy Forslund & Michelle Ethier
Grade 4 Team: Jennifer Maynard, Kendra Rossignol and Erynn Shantz
Music: Sarah Schaub
Early Learning Music: Melanie Doderai
Chaplain: Rhonda Ganes
Inclusive Learning Facilitator: Kendra Rossignol
Family Wellness Worker: Eleanor Heesing
Library Tech: May-Lee Buban
Day Custodian: Lee Trainor
Secretary: Barb Potter
Assistant Principal: Erin Croft
Principal: Kristine Willis Dengler
Educational Assistants:
Kersten Morris
Gwen Manca
Michelle Mudry
Roxanne Kellogg
Angie Marklund
Nicole Kelly
Chantelle Bennett
Amanda Ward
Jennifer Van Ulden
Nadine Neuhaus
Michele Allen
Tracey Haubrich
Student Support Team: Mrs. Willis Dengler, Mrs.Croft, Mrs. Heesing & Mrs. Rossignol
Learning and Growing Together: What will we learn this year?
As Catholic educators, we commit to providing learning opportunities in the context of Gospel values, where each student is celebrated and nurtured. Every day at Saint John XXIII, your child will connect with and experience how much God loves them through relationships with staff, peers, and parish members. In addition to our connection to Christ, staff will work with your child to achieve specific learning outcomes as outlined by Alberta Education.
To be partners on your child's learning journey, we invite you to click on the link below:
New 2024-2025 Bell Schedule
First bell rings at 8:40 am and dismissal is 3:15 pm. Morning supervision begins at 8:30 am. Please do not drop off students earlier than 8:30 am.
If you arrive after 8:45 am, please take your child to the front door and ring the doorbell to contact the office
Looking Ahead
- No School
- First day of classes for all Grades 1-4 students
- Early Dismissal @ 2:15pm - wear blue and yellow!
- first day of class for KTR and Nature K
- First Assembly
- first day of class for KMW
Looking Ahead...
Sept. 11 - Meet The Staff Night 5-6:30pm
Sept. 13 - Terry Fox Run
Sept. 26 - Opening Mass
Sept. 27 - Orange Shirt Day
Sept. 30 - Truth and Reconciliation Day (No School)
Parking Lot Protocols: Parking, Drop off, Pick ups: Our students' safety is number one priority
For the safety of all St. John XXIII students, there are a few very important parking lot protocols to follow.
*Most important* Please do not allow students to cross the parking lot at any time. Encourage use of the sidewalks adjacent to the lot and crosswalks. Our students are little and are hard to see when people are backing up. We had some near misses last year and need your cooperation with this. Modeling and reinforcing pedestrian safety is key for young children. It’s always best to walk on sidewalks or paths and cross at street corners, using traffic signals and crosswalks. Every child is different, but developmentally, most kids are unable to judge the speed and distance of oncoming cars until about age 10.
Our kinders line up beside our parking lot, please do not park in front of the basketball area or double park. Help us keep all students safe.
Visitor parking spaces: We have 15 visitor parking stalls (identified with the Visitor parking sign). These spaces are closest to the road. These stalls are available on a first-come, first serve basis and we would like to encourage our families to try to be courteous and leave these spaces for our families with infant children or our families with children with complex needs. If these spaces are full, please do not come into the parking lot to drop off your child.
Park and walk: As has been a familiar practice for most of our SJXXIII families, please make a plan with your child for a meeting spot, park down the street or around the corner. This keeps kids active and safe and greatly reduces the congestion in between the two schools. Some parking is available across the street. Please do not park in a numbered stall as these are reserved for our friends at Win Ferguson.
Walking School Bus: A fantastic practice in other schools is the Walking School Bus. Parents who live near one another make a plan to walk to school along a route, picking up kids along the way. Find out who lives by you and make a safe and active plan to walk to school!
Thank-you for your cooperation and commitment to keeping our kids safe. Remember, student safety will always trump convenience.
If you are registered for busing next year, your child's first day of school as per the above information will be their first day of busing. If you wish to register your child for the bus or change your current route due to changing schools, please contact the Student Transportation Department of EIPS at (780) 417-8151 or st@eips.ca.
2023-2024 Outstanding Fee Statements
2023-2024 outstanding fee statements were emailed on Friday, August 23rd.
Instructions for paying school fees are located on the bottom of every newsletter.
Please contact the school office if you have any questions or concerns. 780-998-7777
2024-2025 Supply Lists
For the 2024-2025 school year, you will be required to purchase or supply basic school supplies for your child, including a one-to-one technology device for students in grade 4.
Enhancement programming costs such as field trips etc. will be posted to your PowerSchool account by September 30th. You will receive an email when the fees have been posted.
Staples is offering special pricing for parents from Elk Island Catholic Schools. You may choose to get your school supplies from Staples or from another retail store. Please click the button below to access the school supply lists provided by our school and by Staples.
Grade 3 students moving to Grade 4
Students entering grade 4 in the fall will need to bring a device to school as another tool for learning. EICS recommends Chromebooks as the ideal device due to price, battery life, fast startup, and usability.
Please click the link below for more information about our technology partnership with Staples.
Action Required - 2024-2025 Demographic Validation Form
All returning students are required to fill out the 2024-2025 Demographic Validation Form. Having the most up-to-date information about our students ensures that we receive all available funding to support your child's learning as well as current information to reach you during the day if necessary.
If you have not already done so, we ask that you please complete this form in PowerSchool
You can follow these steps to access, review and submit the form:
1. Log into PowerSchool at https://eics.powerschool.com/
2. Under the “Forms & Fees” menu click “School Engage Student Forms”
3. Students - Select your child’s name (please complete one form for each child)
4. Click on the word “New” beside the form name A.8) 2024-2025 Demographic Validation
Video tutorial link (**from 2021-2022) on how to complete the form https://www.eics.ab.ca/parents-and-students/powerschool-log-in
Thank you in advance for completing these forms so your child experiences the full learning benefits at St. John XXIII Catholic School.
Please contact our secretary at 780-998-7777 if you have any questions.
Please join us for the first School Council meeting on Monday, September 16th!
Saint John XXIII Catholic School
Email: stj@eics.ab.ca
Website: https://stj.eics.ab.ca/
Location: 9526 89 Street, Fort Saskatchewan, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-998-7777
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/St.JohnXXIII
Twitter: @St_JohnXXIII