Cougar News
Sylvan Middle School January 20-24

Upcoming Events
1.28.25 Wrestling Meet at Arcade
1.30.25 Wrestling Meet at Katherine Johnson
2.3.25 - 2.7.25 Random Acts of Kindness Week
2.4.25 Wrestling Meet at Starr King
2.12.25 Winter Dance 6-7:30 pm
2.14.24 Minimum Day
2.17.25 - 2.21.25 February Break
2.26.27 Parent Teacher Conferences (Minimum Day)
3.3.25 AVID PSAT Testing
3.21.25 No School
3.24.25 No School
3.28.25 End of 3rd Quarter
4.1.25 AVID Field Trip to UC Berkeley
Random Acts of Kindness Week, February 3rd - 7th
Each year at Sylvan Middle School, we take the opportunity to celebrate KINDNESS for a week in February. This year, our Random Acts of Kindness Week will feature spirit days, daily challenges, and class competitions. We will do drawings each day for students who participate. Round up your spirit wear and get ready to showcase that kindness, Students!
Sylvan Students Love to Skate!
Sylvan held our last skate night of the school year this last Wednesday, January 22nd. Over 150 students came out to Roller King to skate. Everyone had a great time!
Wrestling Team at the Barrett Bash III
The Sylvan Middle School Wrestling team took part in the Barrett Bash III on January 25th. The team did amazing, medaling and continuing to improve with each showing. Coach Germond Ayers (Mr. G) said, "So proud of the team!"
Science Lab Day - Stomach Model
This last week, our 7th grade science students had the opportunity to learn more about science through a lab. After learning in class about the digestive system for several days, they performed a lab in which they had to create a stomach model. They filled it with food and simulated digestion. Thank you to Ms. Peña for the amazing lab day!
Information - New Starbucks Policy
With a Starbucks across the street from Sylvan Middle School, we wanted to make sure our students and families are aware of the new Starbucks policy. Beginning January 27th, Starbucks will now require that you make a purchase to be able to use it's facility, including restrooms. If you have any further questions on the new policy, please reach out to Starbucks directly.
2nd Quarter Grades Available to View
Second Quarter has ended and your student's grades are now posted in Q. To find them, login to Parent Portal at sis.sanjuan.edu/parentportal . Once you have logged in, click "Marks" to view the quarter grades. If you need help logging in, please contact the Sylvan office at 916-971-7871.
Yearbooks Are on Sale Now
Yearbooks on Sale $25 and are available for purchase at the Front Office.
You can also purchase these online at :
School Code: 725149
Looking for a place for your student to go after school?
Academic Resource Center
Sylvan is proud to offer our Academic Resource Center (ARC) to assist students everyday after school. Some of the services available are: retaking tests, completing homework, use of Chromebooks, readily available project supplies, tutoring, and more. The ARC is open five days a week and it is FREE. Please let your student know they have a place for more assistance if needed with four adults waiting to help.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday - 2:40-3:30
Thursday - 1:20-2:30
Math Block with 4th Period Teachers
What is Math Block?
Math Block is an embedded support time that we use to provide targeted assistance in Math for our students. Math Block occurs everyday except for Thursday and each cycle is 5 weeks long. The Math Block is scheduled after 3rd period, but the class itself rotates, so that students will have an opportunity to be with each of their scheduled teachers for a Math Block rotation.The rotation seems confusing at first, but the students get the hang of it quickly and we have staff members out during passing period, helping to remind them where they go as well as announcements over the intercom and on our school news. This next Math Block class is your child’s 4th period teacher (unless they receive a summons in class telling them differently) and will start on January 7th.
The schedule is as follows:
1st period
2nd period
3rd period
Math Block (with 4th period teacher)
1st lunch/4th period
4th period/2nd lunch
5th period
6th period