Park Center Pirate Newsletter

October 2024
Support Your Student's Academic Success!
Next week is the halfway point for the 1st trimester! Now is a great time to make sure your student is on-track to pass their classes.
- Review your student's current grades with them. Celebrate their hard work so far this year!
- For any grades they want to improve, look at what assignments, tests, or projects they are missing
- Help them come up with a plan to complete missing work and prepare for upcoming tests and projects
- Reach out to your student's teachers (or have them reach out to their teachers!) with any questions
- Have your student attend Homework Center Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday from 2:00-4:30
Attendance is huge factor in school success! Here are some strategies for helping your student have good school attendance (available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, and Vietnamese).
Important September Dates
October 4: Picture Make-ups
Friday, October 4th is our make-up day for school pictures. Any student who did not have their picture taken during Orientation in August will have their school picture taken during the school day on October 4.
October 10: In Person Conferences
October 15: Virtual Conferences
October 17-18: MEA Break
October 25: Picture Re-takes
Highlights & Celebrations
Change Maker Scholarship Award Winner!
Anastacia Yang was awarded Change Maker scholarship of $2, 500 dollars. She has shown resilience and has not given up. She moves forward regardless of obstacles and changes possibilities. She continues to leadership and believes in making change as the only 4 year long member of Hmong Women Circle at Park Center High school.
College & Career Resource Center
Minnesota Goes to College is our state’s effort to provide graduating high school seniors with the preparation, opportunity, and support needed to apply and enroll in college. The PC CRC, along with the other high schools in D279, are hosting events for students and families. These events focus on college and career exploration, financial aid and Dream Act information, and application completion. Park Center will host a College Fair for all 10-12th grade students on Wed, Oct 30.
There are many resources to help college-bound juniors and seniors. Also, most MN colleges waive application fees for the month of October. Check out the Free Application List 2023, the CRC Calendar for upcoming college and FAFSA Events. You can also explore campuses and programs at MN colleges and universities on the Minnesota State website.
Advisory + Personal Learning Plans
- All students are required to have a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) to help them prepare for life after high school. Students will complete activities in Advisory and reflect on their learning, growth, and postsecondary plans on their PLP.
- The PLP will be created in Advisory and linked to an Advisory Portfolio in Schoology. Families, teachers, counselors and administrators will be able to access student PLPs to help guide them and answer questions.
- Students must complete all required activities to “Pass” Advisory. Furthermore, all students must earn a “P” in every trimester of Advisory to participate in the graduation ceremony at the end of 12th grade.
Scholarships & Paying for College
Attention seniors! Scholarship season is coming fast! Most scholarships are due between November and March. Now is the time to develop your resume, reflect on your goals, education plans, and begin searching for scholarships. The CRC website is filled with great resources to get you started. The CRC Scholarship Bulletin is organized by due dates and is updated frequently. Also, check with the college you plan to attend for more scholarships. Finally, the website has some great links to more scholarship on a national level.
All Division I and II college-bound athletes are required to register with the NCAA Eligibility Center. Visit www.eligibilitycenter.org to register. Students need to upgrade to a Certification Account in order for an academic and amateurism certification to be completed. You also need this account before you can make official visits or sign a national letter of intent.
Want to know if you are eligible to play a sport at the collegiate level? Check out our new online tool, Honest Game. Students access their free account using their school email. Honest Game instructions can be found here.
Activities + Athletics
Winter Sports Registration is Open
- Winter Sports Start Dates:
- Dance (@ Osseo) - October 21st
- Girls Hockey (@ Osseo) - October 28th
- Alpine Ski, Nordic Ski, Gymnastics, Boys Hockey (@ Osseo), Girls' Basketball - November 11th
- Wrestling, Boys' Basketball - November 18th
- Adapted Floor Hockey (@ Maple Grove) - November 25th
- Boys Swimming - December 2nd
Visit pcactivities.com for more information, including information about educational benefits.
Get Involved in PC Activities!
Asian Club, Art Club, Culinary Club, Educators Rising, eSports, Hmong Boys Group, Hmong Women's Circle, Latino Circle, Model United Nations, Oasis Christian Club, PRISM, Robotics, Speech, Trimester 1 and 2 Weight Room. Visit pcactivities.com for more information.
Event Tickets
All ticket sales for games and competitions are online via Osseo Area Schools and can be purchased at this link: https://district279.epaytrak.com/Park-Center-Senior-High-C289.aspx
Park Center PRIDE
At Park Center we expect every student to demonstrate P.R.I.D.E.
- Participate in your education
- Respect yourself and others
- Inspire others
- Do the right thing
- Excel in all you do
For all Park Center rules and expectations, refer to our Student and Family Handbook
website: www.district279.org
phone: 763-569-7600
At Osseo Area Schools, our mission is to inspire and prepare each and every scholar with the confidence, courage and competence to achieve their dreams; contribute to community; and engage in a lifetime of learning.