Talawanda Middle School
E~News 5/10/24
This Week at TMS
Friday, 5/10 ~ Fee Statements sent home with students
Monday, 5/13 - 5/15 ~ 6th Grade Group 1 to Glen Helen
Wednesday, 5/15 - 5/17 ~ 6th Grade Group 2 to Glen Helen
Friday, 5/17 ~ Disney Day!
Friday, 5/17 ~ 8th Grade Dance, 7-9pm
Monday, 5/20 ~ 6th Grade Field Trip to Butler Rural Electric Co-op
Monday, 5/20 - 5/24 ~ 8th Grade DC Trip
Tuesday, 5/21 ~ EARLY DISMISSAL - 12:30PM
Wednesday, 5/22 ~ EARLY DISMISSAL - 12:30PM
Thursday, 5/23 ~ EARLY DISMISSAL - 12:30PM - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!!
Student Fees:
Fee statements have been sent home with students on 5/10. Currently there is over $38,000 in school fees outstanding. It is extremely important that these fees are paid and brought current. Payment plans are available. Please contact the school office, 513.273.3305 to make arrangements. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Not paying this year's fees could impact your student's ability to access a Chromebook next fall.
TSD will prompt parents in the first week of August to begin updating their child's school forms for the 2024-25 school year. We know sometimes parents begin doing this early, but it's important to wait for the prompt from the district, as some forms will be changing for next school year. The updates will be made in July, after all of the summer programs are completed. Thank you.
Lunch Accounts:
Several students have lunch balances that are in the negative. Once accounts reach a certain threshold they are rolled into student's school fees. Please use Talawanda EZ Pay to check on your student's account. You can use Talawanda EZ Pay, send a check or cash to the school office to take care of your student's balance.
Drink Reminder
Students may only have water as a drink in the classroom. If they bring other drinks from home, they must finish them in the cafeteria before heading to class (on time).
Attention 6th grade families. A permission slip was brought home this week for a field trip to Butler Rural on May 20th. This is a free field trip paid for by Butler Rural. It will be an exciting day filled with lots of fun interactive activities to learn about energy. All 6th grade students and staff members will be attending the trip. Please look for the permission slip and send it back to TMS ASAP.
A reminder about the upcoming trip to Glen Helen. All sixth graders attending camp Glen Helen received a letter this week with an invitation to join the remind app to communicate with staff and receive updates while students are at camp. In addition, the letter outlines important drop off and pick up information for those attending camp. If you have not seen this letter, please email your child's science teacher.
Have you heard? Therapy dogs have been visiting TMS! Over the course of the school year a network of caring individuals and their special dogs have been sharing smiles and joy with students and teachers alike.
Maybe you’ve heard of Hadley, Gitli, or Duck? Luke Skywalker, Newton, or Evie? These are just a few of the trained and certified therapy dogs that have visited the media center every Thursday. These canine good citizens come to school with their trainer/handlers as volunteers from as far as Eaton, Ohio, northern Ky, and all around Butler and Hamilton Counties. Our last visit was May 2nd and we received some very nice cards!
“Thank you for taking time out of your day to come and help kids. You made a difference by just showing up. Thank you!”
“Your dogs were so sweet and cute. I hope we will be able to see each other next year.”
“Thank you for bringing every single dog to TMS. I do remember Duck and Hadley. I still have the therapy dog cards and I do carry them in my bag. All I want to say is thank you very much.”
“When I’m stressed I love to go down on Thursdays and pet the dogs.”
Summer school will begin the Tuesday after Memorial Day - May 28th this year. Only for current 8th grade students who will be participating in Honors English 9, Health, and Honors World History 9 chromebooks will be distributed on Friday, 5/24, between 8am and 3pm and on 5/28. Please know the staff will be taking a lunch break between 12 noon and 1pm, no chromebooks will be distributed during
lunch break.
Important TMS Links
Know! to Support Military-Connected Youth
Ticket Information for Talawanda Athletics- CLICK HERE
FINAL FORMS – Remember, if you have any changes to your information (phone number, address, who can pick up your student, etc) throughout the school year, change it here. The office is notified of these changes and will update our information.
Click HERE for all upcoming local events through the Student Services Department.
School Fees - You can view and pay your fees via EZPay. If you have any questions, please contact the school office at 513.273.3302.
"The Talawanda Cross Country and Track teams will be hosting the Brave 5K and Kids Fun Run again this summer on July 6th! Please see the attached flyer for all details and use the link to sign up, sign up before June 15th to guarantee a t-shirt!
If you are interested in working at Talawanda you can find our open positions here:
Check out the Oxford Parks & Recreation Summer Activities Guide HERE
TSD Families:
Talawanda School District received a grant from Interact for Health to provide education and support to both students and families on the topic of e-cigarettes/vaping. This video, "Caring Adults Tackling Youth Vaping", is meant for any and all caring adults who want to learn more about this health issue and the vital role that adults can play by having conversations with the young people in their lives. Following the video, please consider taking a brief survey with a chance to win a gift card for your participation.
Link to video:
Link to survey:
Please consider providing feedback to the Age Friendly Oxford Group. Survey LINK
Visit the Talawanda Student Services page to see all upcoming local events!
Please click HERE if you'd like to learn about the 27 MINUTES EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM.
27 Minutes is an educational campaign created by Bridgett Bajorek, Samantha Happel, and Audrey Williams, three students at Olentangy High School in Central Ohio. The campaign focuses on educating parents and guardians about the dangers and issues of social media. In the coming six weeks, Special Edition Know! Tips will be released on topics related to sextortion, depression, anxiety and self-esteem, personal safety, addiction to social media, and Ohio's Social Media Parental Notification Act. These tips will be written by teens, for caring adults everywhere.
Community Events & Activities designed for Kids and Families
About us
Email: dericksont@talawanda.org
Website: talawanda.org/talawanda-middle-school/
Location: 4030 Oxford Reily Road, Oxford, OH, USA
Phone: 513.273.3300
Facebook: facebook.com/TalawandaMS