A Word From the Bird
February 2025
Principal: Angie Doss
Assisant Principal: Kevin Collier
Counselor: Rachel Fullerton
Social Worker: Keely Hansen
Office Staff: Kasi Katzfey and Kathleen Duffy
Nurse: Julie Brockman
EL Doors Open for Students: 8:50 AM
Student Dismissal Transportation Changes: Please avoid making last-minute transportation changes, when possible, for your child/children. If last-minute changes are unavoidable, please call the office by 3:30 p.m. This gives us time to update the classroom teacher about these changes.
Handicap Accessible Doors: You may have noticed the addition of Handicap Accessible Doors at the main entrance. We are glad to have them to provide a needed accommodation for some in our community. They do close slowly and leave the building less secure and cause quite the wind tunnel. Please refrain from using these unless you need them.
February Calendar of Events & Reminders:
2nd: Groundhog Day
4th: Battle of the Books @ 4:30-5:15 PM in the Gym- Families Welcome! Enter at Door 7.
6th: Mathletics Competition in the Gym @4:45 PM
7th: First Friday Experiences and Assembly for February!
13th: 2nd Grade Musical @ 7:00 PM
14th: Progress Reports go out to families
17th: President's Day No School
18th: Community Connection Forum Virtual #1- 6:00-7:30 PM- see information below
20th: Culture Night- 5:30-7:00 PM-see information below
24th: Community Connection Forum- Virtual #2 - 6:00-7:30 PM- see information below
Members of the Park Hill School District's Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) Council will facilitate this community update and conversation in partnership with Sophic Solutions. Join us!
Park Hill School District parents/guardians, staff, and community members are welcome to join us for these conversations. In these upcoming online forums, we will start with a presentation to all participants, overviewing the work our DEIB Council and DEIB Action Teams have accomplished since our 2024 community forums. We'll also share how this aligns with the current 2023-2028 Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP). After our large group presentation, we will move into small groups where participants will have an opportunity to engage in dialogue about the work that is being done and provide input regarding how they would like to see this work carried out within the specific school(s) they are associated with.
We look forward to sharing the work of our council and action teams thus far. We also look forward to our next steps, in alignment with our DEIB drivers and narratives, and the individual council work at each building. Thank you for your connection to this critical work in Park Hill.
We are hosting two community forums: February 18, 2025, and February 24, 2025. Both nights we will begin at 6:00 PM and end at 7:30 PM. Please register for only one session. The forum Zoom link will be sent, via email, on the day of your event.
Registration link: 2025 PHSD DEIB Community Connection
Introducing English Landing's 2025-2026 Principal
Adjustment regarding Spring Party Date & Friendship Parties
As some of you may be aware, this year we are making two changes in our building related to Friendship Parties. The first change is that we are moving our third party of the year away from February 14. This year, spring parties, hosted by PTA will now be on April 11th. This is a change in the date form the original message shared in the January newsletter/SMORE. The date change was made to allow for all students to participate in the party day.
In keeping with this change, we will not be exchanging valentines at English Landing.
We understand that holidays are very important to our entire community. We will continue our practice of recognizing holidays at school without celebrating holidays. There are many opportunities for students to participate in holiday celebrations with their families, community groups, or friends outside of school. While we are at school, we will focus on creating opportunities that all students will be able to enjoy without the need for students to opt out of activities.
We thank you in advance for your support and understanding.
EL Culture Night
January High Fliers
Order your 2025 Yearbook
Information from Mrs. Hansen, our Social Worker
House of Hope is a local nonprofit assisting families with monthly grocery distribution, clothing, toiletries, hygiene products, diapers, and more, job interview preparation, job interview attire, resume assistance, and life skills literacy training. They are located at 21 Design Drive, North Kansas City, MO 64116. The following is their website and contact information: 816.490.7540 (office) hopeforkc.com. To receive information about future monthly events, please TEXT ‘FAMILY’ TO (816) 688.8818.
House of Hope is hosting a Family Friday event this Friday, January 31st, from 6:00 to 7:30 PM. At this event House of Hope will be offering:
- Free groceries and clothing through their Everything Beautiful Boutique
- Choice-based products like produce, paper goods, and diapers
- Winter essentials such as blankets, coats, gloves, and beanies- particularly for children
House of Hope has asked that if you are interested in attending, please RSVP at the following link: House of Hope: Family Friday RSVP
An Invite from Graden PTA
An invite extended to those families whose children will be attending Graden in 2025-2026:
I am the current Graden PTA President. We wanted to share with the parents that are moving to Graden next year that we have a meeting on February 10th and March 10th at 6:00pm in our media center. We provide childcare. We want to welcome all new hornets! We are electing our new board for the '25-'26 school year at our March meeting. Our entire current board is moving to Union Chapel next year. We do have three board positions open for the next school year.
Brittany Conklin
Graden PTA President
Planning Ahead...
Lunch Visitor Sign Ups
Updates regarding lunch visitor sign ups
News From Our Teams
Specials Team
English Landing Music Room Facebook Page
From our Music Teacher, Mrs. Carney
Upcoming Grade Level Musical Performances: Save The Dates!
2nd Grade Thursday, February 13th 7pm “Go Fish”
1st Grade Thursday, March 6th 7pm “The Principal and the Pea”
Kindergarten Thursday, April 10th 7pm “The Three Piggy Opera”
Continuing our English Landing tradition, each grade level will present a musical this year. Please mark your calendars for these performances! Doors will open at 6:30pm, and performances begin at 7:00pm.
Your STAR Supports from Mrs. Fullerton & Mrs. Hansen
As the weather gets colder, we want all English Landing students to be prepared. If your student(s) need winter gear such as coats, hats, and gloves, please contact Mrs. Hansen for assistance at (816) 359-6760 or HansenK@parkhill.k12.mo.us.
Reminder- The Park Hill School District PTA runs a clothing center that provides free, gently used clothing for all students in need. They are open the following days in December for shopping, December 3rd, and December 17th from 10am-12pm and 5pm-7pm. The clothing center often stocks new and gently used coats, winter boots, hats, gloves, and scarves in addition to clothing items, socks, and underwear.
Communication & Media
We also have up to date information from EL and the district on our website page:
Be Our Guest at The Nest!
EL PTA Information
PTA Executive Board for English Landing
President - Kelly Smith
Co- Present - Julie Hutchison
VP Membership- Katy Lovill
VP Fundraising - Ashley Rogers
Treasurer - Jacqueline Reed
Secretary - Emily Deiter
VP Volunteers- Cassie Forsyth
PTA Newsletter
District Resources
Park Hill Perspective
We are committed to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) work in Park Hill. Please use the link below to let us know when you have a comment about DEIB in Park Hill.
Park Hill Spotlight Nomination
Our employees are the reason we are so successful here in the Park Hill School District, and we would like to recognize them for all they do for our students.
That is why we present the Park Hill Star award once a month to a pre-K or elementary teacher, a secondary teacher and a support employee.
Nominations start in September