Orana Catholic Primary School
Week 2, Term 4, 2020
Respect is an attitude of caring about people and treating them with dignity. Respect is valuing ourselves and others. We show respect by speaking and acting with courtesy.
Grandparents Prayer
Bless our grandparents with long life, happiness, and health.
May they remain constant in your love
and be living signs of your presence
to their children and grandchildren.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
From the Principal's Desk
Dear Parents and Carers,
Today we held a beautiful Grandparents Mass and morning tea celebration. Thank you to all those who attended this morning to share in prayer and also conversation. As a school we were so happy to welcome our community. Grandparents are of unique importance in family life generally and particularly in the transmission of faith through the generations. They provide children with a stability and sense of identity and continuity.
The Orana staff love our annual Grandparents Mass and morning tea calendar event as it is a simple and powerful way to affirm and encourage the gratitude we have for family life and the the wisdom of grandparents in our community. Each grandparent is unique and irreplaceable. As society, changes, the role of grandparents changes. There is somethings about grandparents that are constant and that is the unconditional love they have for their family. Thank you for sharing your love with us today.
Please keep the Year 3 children in your prayer intentions over the coming week as they prepare for this special event in their young lives.
A Prayer for our Reconciliation Candidates
Loving God,
Help us to teach our children that you love us totally and unconditionally.
Help us to encourage our children to grow in love and to learn how to say sorry, knowing that you always forgive. Give us the courage to pray with our children and to share our faith with them as we journey together.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Congratulations on a successful swimming experience to the Year 1-3 children. The year 4-6 children commence swimming lessons on Monday 26 October. Class teachers will be communicating with families exactly what the children are required to bring.
SAVE THE DATE - Volunteers Sundowner - Wednesday 25 November 5-6pm
In the Term calendar you may have noticed that a Volunteers morning tea is scheduled for Friday, 27 November. I have decided to change this to a sundowner which will be on Wednesday 25 November from 5 -6pm. This, hopefully will be a more suitable time for those wonderful volunteers who struggle to make it to the morning tea during the day. The staff would love to spend time with you and thank you for all your efforts during such a complex year we have had.
More details to come!
The 2020 AGM will be held on Wednesday, 25 November at 6.30pm. Put it in your diary and save the date!
The School Board is comprised of the school Principal, Parish Priest and elected members, the Parents and Friends Association representative and a representative of the Parish. Interested Parents can nominate themselves for membership before Monday, 26 October, for involvement in the 2021 Board. Board meetings are held once a month and the Annual General Meeting is held in November.
Please click the link below to complete the Expression of Interest Form.
TERM 4 DATES to REMEMBER for the coming weeks
Orana Field Events - 20 October
Grandparents Mass - 23 October
Year 4- 6 Swimming Lessons - 26 October - 6 November
Sacrament of Penance - 29 October
Junior Assembly Music theme - SPECIAL TIME 2.30pm - 30 October
Every kind act is a prayer, Blessed Mother Teresa
God bless,
Emma Bell
Short-term Principal
2020 Orana Field Day Carnival
Well done to all students in Years 4-6 who attended the Orana Field Day Carnival on Tuesday 20th October. The students represented their faction in a 400m race, Turbojav, Shot Put and Long Jump. All students demonstrated wonderful athleticism and sportsmanship by cheering their faction and competitors on. Faction points from the Field Day Carnival go towards the trophy presented to the winning faction at our upcoming Athletics Carnival in week 5. Students that qualify (reserves if required) for the CAPSS Inter School Athletics Carnival on Tuesday 24th November at Len Shearer Reserve, Booragoon, will be notified after the Athletics Carnival. A special thank you to all staff and parent helpers and supporters who attended the event.
We look forward to seeing our Year 3 students compete at their Field Day Carnival next week Tuesday 27 October. Please see results below:
2020 Faction Placing:
Salvardo (Red)- 176 points
Ward (Green)- 130 points
Francis (Yellow)- 94 points
Mackillop (Blue)- 90 points
Many parents today have endured their child’s techno-tantrums from time to time. This is when their child or teen emotionally combusts when they’re asked to turn off the iPad or gaming console. Click on the link below to see 8 simple strategies to support the prevention of techno tantrums.
The Week That Was!
P & F News
Our next P&F meeting is next Wednesday, 28th October 2020, 7pm – 8pm. Please join us, this is a good way to get involved and to meet other parents. Be a part of the community!
We will be discussing our recent activities as well as our upcoming events.
Speaking of upcoming events:
We’re calling out to Orana Dads / Grandads / Father figures to come and join us for a fun night of lawn bowling!
When: Saturday, 7th November 2020, 5 pm – 8 pm
Where: Rossmoyne Bowling Club – 35 Tuscan Street
How much: $10 payable to Rossmoyne Bowling Club
Please use the following trybooking link to put your name down, this will help us with organising the event and book our spot – please get in early.
Also, look out for the Orana Disco Night – 13th November 2020, see the poster below.
From our Parish of Sts John & Paul
Please visit the Parish website for the latest information on weekend Masses.