Hamilton Elementary
Lions Lines Updates, October 13, 2023
Upcoming Events
16 - Student Holiday / Teacher Workday
18 - Pink Out for Breast Cancer Awareness
... PTO Marco's Pizza Spirit Night
... Guest author, Stephen Shaskan visits 2nd & 3rd gr
20 - 4th Gr Garden Day
23 - Red Ribbon Week - Team Up Against Drugs, Wear your favorite Team Jersey or shirt
... Blood Drive
24 - Red Ribbon Week - Keep Your Future Bright, Wear Tie Dye or Neon
25 - Red Ribbon Week - Follow Your Dreams, Don't Do Drugs, Wear Pajamas
26 - Red Ribbon Week - Rally in Red, Stand Up to Drugs, Wear Red
27 - Red Ribbon Week-
... PK-2 Storybook Character Dress Up Day
... 3-5 Science Vocabulary Day
... End of 1st 9 Weeks
Guest Author, Susan Stevens Crummel visits PK, K, 1 & 2
Hamilton ELEMENTARY WELCOMES Susan Stevens Crummel!
Author Susan Stevens Crummel is coming to Hamilton Oct. 24, 2023
to share her stories and love of reading with
Prek-2nd grade students.
Mrs. Crummel is an award-winning author of books for children.
To purchase a book(s) for autographing, go to school cash by Friday, Oct 20th
Quantities are limited, and orders will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
Fundraiser Update
Just a quick thank you! We are so grateful for all the support and participation in our VR Steam Engine program so far. Our program is in full swing, but there is still time to get involved. Please log back into your personal donation page and ensure your child has reached their goal.
Every dollar raised makes a difference in the lives of our students! If you would like to donate yourself, there is still time. Just click on this link: https://app.pop4kids.org/hamiltones77429
All cash and check donations are due by 10/17/2023. Please turn in cash and check donations in an envelope, with your students’ name on it, to the main office. Please make checks payable to Hamilton Elementary PTO.
Thank you again for everything you are doing to make this VR Steam Engine program a huge success! The staff and students thank you for your generous support, as we continue to strive to give our students the most AWESOME school experience we can!
Mini Fridge w/ Cash Winner
Amazon Gift Card Winner
Key of Excellence: Success
The 3rd Key of Success was introduced this week to students during their Monday meeting. Speak With Good Purpose is about having intention with our words, communicating clearly and directly, honestly and with a positive purpose. Speaking with Good Purpose can be to others and ourselves.
Birthday Marquee Message
To purchase, go to your child's School Cash account and look for "Student Birthday on the Marquee". Complete the online form and submit payment. School Cash Online
23-24 CFHS Brigade Dance Clinic:
Registration link: https://bit.ly/CFHSBrigadeDanceClinic
Hamilton Elementary School ID Badges
- Each student will receive two (2) photo ID badges at the beginning of the school year at no cost.
- One of the badges will be attached to the student’s backpack to be utilized for bus transportation services
- After September 11th the district will put in place a NO BADGE, NO RIDE.
- The second ID will remain at the campus.
- Store bought lanyards are not permitted.
Volunteer Opportunities
Hamilton Staff - Who to Contact
Principal: Sage Papaioannou (sage.papaioannou@cfisd.net) / 281-320-7064
Front Desk: 281-370-0990
Diagnostician: Lisa Novak (lisa.novak@cfisd.net) / 281-370-0990
School Nurse: Kerri Lamance (kerri.lamance@cfisd.net) / 281-320-7056
Registrar: Gayleen Swafford (viva.swafford@cfisd.net) / 281-320-7051
PK, K, 3 & 5:
Assistant Principal: Kerry Iselt (kerry.iselt@cfisd.net)
Counselor: Alison Peters (alison.peters@cfisd.net) 281-370-0990
1, 2, 4 & ECSE:
Assistant Principal: Lorie Gregure (lorie.gregurek@cfisd.net)
Counselor: Cara Agundez (cara.agundez@cfisd.net) 281-370-0990
Hamilton Elementary: hamiltonelementary@cfisd.net
Hamilton Elementary
Email: hamiltonelem@cfisd.net
Website: http://cfisd.net/hamiltones
Location: 12050 Old Kluge Road, Cypress, TX, United States
Phone: 281.370.0990
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HamiltonLions
Twitter: @Hamilton_Lions