This Week @ PS 88Q
November 24th, 2024
No School Thursday, November 28th & Friday, November 29th Happy Thanksgiving
A Message From Mrs. O'Shaughnessy
Can you believe we are in our last week of November? As we head into Thanksgiving Week, I wanted to share with the community all that I am thankful for.
Thanksgiving is that reminder, that there is always something to be grateful for. Some years more than others, but gratitude is important. Blessings can be simple, yet so important. My mother always said to my sister and I, everyday you wake up is a blessing. For me, I still hold that true, as I believe that waking up, surrounded by family, reporting to PS 88Q each day, where I work with amazing educators, doing work that makes me happy is a blessing. Everything after that is a cherry on top! I am grateful for those conversations I have with families, with students, with staff. I am grateful to have the opportunity to serve hundreds of families each year, and provide them with a positive elementary school experience. I am grateful that my daughters understand the value of contributing to society in a positive way (my oldest is a public school teacher in Brooklyn, and the youngest a basketball coach for elementary school students.) And most of all, above all, I am grateful that I wake each day with the promise of what the day holds for me. I choose to believe that everything happens for a reason, and although not always, find positive in the negative.
Holidays are also a difficult time for families, as anyone who has experienced a loss knows that. Loss of a loved one, loss of employment, or disconnect from family. It is important during this time to support those around us even more. One of my favorite quotes from Maya Angelou is "
“When you learn, teach, when you get, give.” During this season, PS 88Q will be supporting those around us who need that help. When you get, you give.... This season, there will be a giving tree on display in our lobby. Adorned on this tree will be tags for families in need. Please drop by to grab a tag. If you cannot stop by, please click the link here (and below) and a tag will be sent home to you.
Please complete the link below if you would like a tag, or if you are in need of help this holiday season.
Although it is short week, it is filled. I will see many of you in the classrooms this week for the many Thanksgiving Celebrations the teachers are hosting. Enjoy every moment of those memories. As a reminder, when we return on Monday, December 2, report cards will be distributed that week. Students are not in attendance Thursday, December 5th, as teachers will be hosting Parent Teacher Conferences.
Have a great week!
PS 88Q Food Drive
Breaking Bread Event: Hosted by PS 88q Social Justice Committee
What a fabulous time with our families! The Social Justice Committee hosted their Second Annual Breaking Bread, Building Bonds event before the PTA Meeting. It is always a great event, sharing what each culture has...bread! The breads, the butters, the spreads, and the pure deliciousness of sharing bread with each other is wonderful! Check out some highlights below
Meet Our Student Council
Here there are! Your 2024-2025 Student Council. They are ready to get to work. They have already begun morning announcements, but they are ready for the next task. What is that you may ask? They are beginning their listening tour, getting their ideas from the PS 88Q community. Students will be sharing some of their issues with them. Stay tuned!
We Want To Celebrate With You
With all of the upcoming holidays, as well as others this year, we want to know what your family celebrates! Some celebrate Hanukkuh, some Christmas, others Kwanzaa, but what does your family celebrate. Please share with us some of your family traditions so our Social Justice Committee can highlight and represent everyone. Click on the link below to share.
Poster, Poem, Essay Exhibition
The Social Justice Committee created a plan for the school to participate in the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Fine Arts and Essay Exhibition Sponsored by the New York State Education Department Civic Project. Each grade from Kindergarten through Fifth Grade has been assigned a pillar from Dr King Jr’s Six Step of Nonviolent Social Change.
Below you will find the pillars that each grade has been assigned. Discuss the principle with your class and decide how your class will showcase the principle. Some options are: drawings, poems, essays, photographs, a class mural, sculptures, etc.
PRINCIPLE ONE: Nonviolence Is a Way of Life for Courageous People.
It is not a method for cowards; it does resist.
It is active nonviolent resistance to evil.
It is aggressive spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. 2nd Graders
PRINCIPLE TWO: Nonviolence Seeks to Win Friendship and Understanding.
The outcome of nonviolence is the creation of the Beloved Community.
The end result of nonviolence is redemption and reconciliation 1st Graders
PRINCIPLE THREE: Nonviolence Seeks to Defeat Injustice, or Evil, Not People.
Nonviolence recognizes that evildoers are also victims and are not evil people.
The nonviolent resister seeks to defeat evil not persons victimized by evil.4th Graders
PRINCIPLE FOUR: Nonviolence Holds That Unearned, Voluntary Suffering for a Just Cause Can Educate and Transform People and Societies.
Nonviolence is a willingness to accept suffering without retaliation; to accept blows without striking back.
Nonviolence is a willingness to accept violence if necessary but never inflict it.
Nonviolence holds that unearned suffering for a cause is redemptive and has tremendous educational and transforming possibilities. 5th Graders
PRINCIPLE FIVE: Nonviolence Chooses Love Instead of Hate.
Nonviolence resists violence of the spirit as well as the body.
Nonviolent love is spontaneous, unselfish, and creative. Kindergarteners
PRINCIPLE SIX: Nonviolence Believes That the Universe Is on the Side of Justice.
The nonviolent resister has deep faith that justice will eventually win.
Nonviolence believes that God is a God of justice. 3rd Graders
For more information: https://thekingcenter.org/about-tkc/the-king-philosophy/
This assignment is due on Wednesday, November 28th, 2024. Projects will be collected by Mrs. Heras-Torres, from your classroom. We will upload the projects digitally on Thursday, December 5th, 2024.
The Social Justice Committee would like to thank you for your participation in The Six Steps of Nonviolent Social Change.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact via Lherastorres@schools.nyc.gov
Thank you,
The Social Justice Committee
Science of Reading Workshop Continues for Families
We are happy provide another amazing opportunity for our families. We kick off our 5 part workshop series this week. All families who attend the series receive 5 books to support their children at home. See you Tuesday!
Mental Wellness and Resilience Workshop
Letter Regarding Water at PS 88Q
We are happy to share that PS 88Q has no evidence of lead in any of its water sources. Please see below letter.
PAC News
We are so excited to announce our PAC has new leadership. Chairpersons Jarolyn Javier and Lydia Crisan will be representing our PS 88Q Community through PAC (Parent Advisory Committee). Please look for their upcoming survey, where they want to know what parents would like support with. For more information regarding PAC, click here: https://www.ps88q.com/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=2276250&type=d&pREC_ID=2637644
PTA News
Congratulations to Lydia Crisan and Jarolyn Javier on becoming co-chairs of the Title 1 Parent Advisory Council! We know they will do a tremendous job and we are excited to support them!
Mark your calendar: Tuesday December 17!
WINTER FEST starring Mariella Price and Her Band
PTA Monthly General Membership Meeting
Last year's Winter Fest was a blast with music, dancing, winter crafts, and lots of winter inspired cookies and treats. Stay tuned for more details!
This year's initiative to have each grade's parents lead a different event has been going amazingly. Thank you so much to all of the parents who have volunteered and a warm welcome to all of the first time volunteers - we hope to see you at many more volunteer opportunities.
2nd Grade Parents: Winter Fest is your event this year!
Sign up here to be part of planning: bit.ly/WinterFestPlanning
5th Grade Parents: School Pictures are your event this year!
Fall Picture Retakes and Staff ID Portraits are on Tuesday 11/26.
Sign up here: bit.ly/PictureRetakesStaffIDs
School Picture Updates:
The class photo for Ms. Ianculovici/Ms Rammos will be reissued. They are working out the details so just hang tight!
If you have any other issues with your order, please contact Lifetouch Customer Service first. If that doesn't resolve the issue, we can then try to help through our rep.
Lifetouch just sent the following discount codes. They are valid through 12/1/24.
- 50% off a purchase of $50+ with code USNOV50
- 40% off a purchase of $40+ with code USNOV40
- 30% off a purchase of $30+ with code USNOV30
Wishing all of you a healthy and happy Thanksgiving!!