Principal e-Note
Concord Elementary School - Nov 3, 2024 (Week 12)
A Note from the Office
We are thrilled to announce that Concord Elementary is once again teaming up with Soldiers’ Angels and their Treats for Troops program! Last year, we set a goal of 100 pounds of candy and ended up collecting a whopping 241 pounds! This year, we’re raising the bar with a goal of 250 pounds of sweet treats to send to our active-duty forces and veterans across the country.
This project not only encourages our Flyers to practice kindness and empathy but also ties in perfectly with a number of math standards! Students will track the pounds collected, create graphs, and work through addition and subtraction problems, making learning both meaningful and fun.
And here’s the extra sweet part—if we reach our goal, not only will we be delivering candy smiles near and far, but students who donate will also be entered into a drawing for a chance to dump buckets of slime on their principals! Let’s get collecting, Concord!
Core Values at Home: We Want to Hear From You!!!
We’d love to see our core values in action beyond the school walls! Have you caught your student showing kindness, accountability, integrity, empathy, or inclusion at home? This is your chance to celebrate them! Share your story by filling out the form below and help us spotlight these amazing moments. The home connection with be featured in our Daily News every Wednesday. Let’s keep the Concord spirit strong everywhere we go!
Counselor Corner
Dear Parents,
We had a fantastic time engaging with our fifth graders as they explored how to shift their feelings by changing their thoughts about different situations. They learned four effective breathing techniques designed to help them relax both their minds and bodies. We encourage you to ask your child to demonstrate what they've learned!
In our upcoming lessons, we will focus on the Second Step Bullying Unit. This program empowers students to Recognize, Report, and Refuse bullying. For more information about the Second Step Curriculum for their grade level, please click the link below.
Thank you for your continued support!
Kindergarten Second Step Bullying Family Letter.pdf
1st Grade Second Step Bullying Family Letter.pdf
2nd Grade Second Step Bullying Family Letter.pdf
3rd Grade Second Step Bullying Family Letter.pdf
4th Grade Second Step Bullying Family Letter.pdf
Block Classroom Content : November
Art: Students have been working on some amazing clay projects! We have also started to make projects to be displayed at the Veteran’s Day assembly. In November we will learn about some pretty cool famous artists- Keith Haring and Romero Britto. Towards the end of November we will dive into some famous Pop Artists!
Kindergarten: Students will be able to identify and create different subject matters and themes in their work. We will practice using our drawing materials with control.
1st Grade: Students will identify and use Primary Colors in their artwork. We will look for lines, shapes, and colors in our work.
2nd Grade: Students will create artwork based on different themes and subject matter. We will continue to learn and use the Principles and Elements of Art and Design.
3rd Grade: Students will create a sculpture showing movement. We will also be teaming up with Design Lab to create a Stop Motion video.
4th Grade: Students will use emphasis and balance in their artwork. We will discuss how artists are influenced by various cultures and the time periods in which they live.
5th Grade: Students will discuss how artists communicate different ideas through art. We will also work on how to revise, refine, and reflect on our completed work.
We are busy learning our Branches of the Military songs for our upcoming Veteran’s Day Assembly in all classes as well as having some seasonal fun!
Kindergarten: We will continue to explore the non-pitched percussion instruments this month. Kindergarten is always a playful time in the music room. We enjoy learning seasonal songs and are continuing to work on our first performance - Veteran’s Day! The goal for Kindergarten is to keep them moving and keep them singing!
1st Grade: We are still learning about long sounds and short sounds and will soon begin to refer to them in our music class terms of ta and titi and begin reading them on the board!
2nd Grade: We have learned about our very first pitches on the staff and will begin to prepare for our next sound as well as a new rhythm in the next couple of months!
3rd Grade: 3rd grade is in the thick of preparing for our performance, The Day the Crayons Quit. We are putting the finishing touches on our performance and can’t wait for the big day! 3rd grade’s music program is Thursday, November 14th at 6:00 at the Lindbergh High School Auditorium. Make sure to be checking your inboxes for emails from me about what to wear and details about time and where to go!
4th Grade: We are beginning to learn new sounds on the staff and placing them in the correct place on the staff. When we learn new sounds we practice how they sound kinesthetically, aurally, and visually before we learn what their name is. A lot of preparation goes into learning a new sound on the staff!
5th Grade: 5th grade is in the thick of preparing for our performance - our “Glow Show”. We are putting the finishing touches on our performance and can’t wait for the big day! 5th grade’s music program is Thursday, November 14th at 7:00 at the Lindbergh High School Auditorium. Make sure to be checking your inboxes for emails from me about what to wear and details about time and where to go!
In November, 3-5 students will begin our skating unit and during that unit students can wear whatever shoes they would like. Otherwise, please make sure your student comes prepared for game play by always wearing proper footwear to P.E. class. Students are not allowed to play in Crocs, flip-flops, sandals, or any shoe with a heel.
K - In Kindergarten, we are continuing to work on knowing the difference between personal space and general space. We are practicing moving with others in general space while maintaining our personal space. We are beginning work with throwing, catching and kicking different objects.
1-2 - We are continuing to work on our locomotor skills including: walking, running, skipping, hopping, galloping, sliding, and leaping. We are reviewing how to move safely in the gym and how to work cooperatively with others. In October, we will practice using the springboards and moving on elevated equipment when we use the railyard.
3 - We will continue to develop and refine our locomotor skills. We will focus on using springboards to do forward rolls. We introduced fitness testing to third grade and will practice the Pacer test. We will continue to learn the concepts of offense and defense using invasion games.
4-5 We will begin curl-up testing in November and . During the use of the railyard obstacle course, Students will be challenged with lots of upper body strength development including the use of the cargo net, pull up bars and inverted climbing. We will focus on using springboards to do forward rolls and flips. We will continue to focus on sportsmanship and what it looks like.
Design Lab
We successfully finished the first trimester in Design Lab! This is the first year students will be receiving a grade for Design Lab, and since we’ve only finished ⅓ of the year many students will receive either a SD or NM since we still have a lot of ground to cover the remainder of the year.
Conferences: Please feel free to stop by the Design Lab (room 35) during conferences. I’ll have some stations set up so you can try out a few activities that we do in Design Lab! I’d love to chat with you and answer any questions you might have.
2nd Trimester: For the second trimester all grades will be focusing on computer science. That means we will be exploring basic coding principles, building computer games, and exploring AI.
Collecting Recyclables! I’ve got just about everything I need, but I’m still in need of cereal boxes. So please, keep saving them and bringing them in!
Rebecca Zide
Leap Book Drive
Kiwanis Coat Drive: Donations are coming in!!! Thank You!
Kiwanis Gently Used Winter Wear Drive runs through November 15, 2024
Concord, in cooperation with the Crestwood-Sunset Hills Kiwanis Club, will be collecting new or gently used winter wear items for students in need. Please bring new or gently used coats, mittens, hats, boots, gloves, scarves, earmuffs, ski masks, snow pants, warm socks, or thermal underwear, and place them in the blue bin that will be in our school lobby. Items will benefit students in Lindbergh schools, Meramec, Monroe, and Patrick Henry elementary schools in St. Louis City; and Angels’ Arms just to name a few.
Important Dates
November 2024
November 1 - No School
November 4 - No School
November 5 - No School
November 6 - Family/Teacher Conferences 4:00-7:00 pm
November 7 - Family/Teacher Conferences 4:00-7:00 pm
November 11 - Veterans Day Assembly 9:30 am
November 13 - Wacky Wednesday for Helping Hands (Students Dress Wacky)
November 14 - Music Concerts: 3rd grade 6:00 pm; 5th grade 7:00 pm
November 20- Jingles for Jammies for Helping Hands
November 23 - PTG Adult Trivia Night 7:00 pm at Sunset HIlls Community Center
November 27-29 - No School
2024-25 School Year Calendar
For a full list of dates, please click on the 2024-25 District Calendar, which is linked below.
What's for Lunch
Tuesday, Nov. 5
Wednesday, Nov. 6
Breakfast- pancakes or cereal
Lunch- #1 chicken nachos or #2 cheesy nacho
Thursday, Nov.7
Breakfast- pigs in a blanket or cereal
Lunch- #1 mac n cheese or #2 turkey & cheese subs
Friday, Nov. 8
Breakfast- cinnamon rolls or cereal
Lunch- #1 cheese pizza or #2 hawaiian pizza
PTG News
Save the Date
District News and Notes
Nominate a Special Lindbergh Teacher for #TeacherProud Tuesday
Calling all students, parents, and community members: Lindbergh Schools wants your nominations for #TeacherProud Tuesday! Tell us about a teacher who works in our schools who has made a difference in your life, and they might be selected to be featured on social media as part of #TeacherProud Tuesday, a statewide social media initiative that is designed to recognize outstanding teachers and promote public education. On the second Tuesday of each month,
District Communications Survey - We Want to Hear from You!
As part of our continuous improvement efforts, Lindbergh Schools has launched a communications survey to gather feedback from community members, parents, and staff.
We invite you to take a survey to help us measure the effectiveness of our current communication practices and determine where we can improve. Take the survey online here: www.lindberghschoolssurvey.org
Checkmate Challenge Chess Tournament Fundraiser
Calling all chess lovers! Join us on Nov. 9 at Lindbergh High School for the Checkmate Challenge: Community Chess Tournament Fundraiser. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just learning the game, this event is perfect for all ages and skill levels—fun for the whole family! Come play, win prizes, and have an awesome time!
Date: Nov. 9, 2024
Time: 9:00 AM check-in, 9:30 AM first round
Location: Lindbergh High School
For additional information, please contact pegsparentgroup@gmail.com.
Contact Information
Mr. Moeckel, Principal
Mrs. Keutzer, Asst. Principal
Faith Rose, SSD Area Coordinator
Mrs. Herrman
Mrs. Niebur
Nurse Sanders
Concord Elementary School
Email: concord@lindberghschools.ws
Website: go.lindberghschools.ws/concord
Location: 10305 Concord School Rd, Sappington, MO, USA
Phone: 314-729-2436
Facebook: facebook.com/ConcordFlyers