Cougar Courier
September 3, 2023

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November 5th - No School - Professional Development
November 7th - Home and School Meeting - 7pm - Mulready Library
November 8th - Picture retakes
November 8th - Veterans Day Assembly - 10am
November 11th - No School - Veterans Day
November 14th - Math Night - 6:00pm-7:30pm
November 25th and 26th - Early Release 11:45 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
November 27th-29th - No School - Thanksgiving break
December 7th - Jingle Bell Fair - 10am - 1pm
December 11th - Half Day - 11:45 dismissal - No lunch - Prefessional Development
December 23rd - January 1st - December Break (School resumes on January 2nd.)
LUNCH MENU -October 28th - November 1st
Nov. 4th
Beef Hot Dog on Whole Wheat
Crispy Chicken Patty Sandwich
Strawberry Parfait with Granola
Nov 5th
No School
Nov 6th
Whole Grain French Toast Sticks
Personal Cheese Pizza
Strawberry Parfait with Granola
Nov 7th
Crispy Fish Sticks
Chicken Nuggets
Sunbutter & Grape Jelly Sandwich
Nov 8th
Classic Cheese Pizza
Classic Pepperoni Pizza
Strawberry Parfait with Granola
Please join us for our next Home and School meeting this Thursday, November 7th at 7 pm in the library. We will be joined by a few members of the school committee who are coming to speak about the budget constraints and override initiative.
Save the Date! This year's Jingle Bell Fair will be held in the gymnasium on Saturday December 7th from 10am - 1pm.
Jingle Bell Fair is a morning filled with holiday crafting held every December for our families and it is one of our most beloved events. The fair gives your child the opportunity to craft some creative and sentimental gifts for their loved ones during this season of giving or in celebration of the new year ahead, without the mess all over your kitchen!
Want to help us out?…. JINGLE BELL FAIR planning is underway and if you can hold a pair of scissors you are more than eligible to help us out! No artistic ability required. If you love crafting or getting ready for winter holidays email us at jlmulreadyhomeandschool@gmail.com and we will add you to our planning committee.
The cooler temps are coming and we can’t think of a better way to stay warm and cozy than bundling up in some Cougar Couture. Visit www.mulreadyspiritwear.comand design your own article of clothing with Mulready logos. Show some spirit and stay warm!
Email us: jlmulreadyhomeandschool@gmail.com
Follow us on Facebook: Mulready Home and School Association
SpiritWear Link:mulreadyspiritwear.com
Mr. Glines class is collecting donations for the Hudson Food Pantry. Collection boxes will be located in front of the office and library. If the school collects 200 items, or more, each class will earn a surprise reward. The items requested for donation are listed below. Please help make the holidays more enjoyable for others. Thank you for your participation.
Collections will begin on Monday November 4th
and continue until Monday November 18th
Mark Vital (Veteran 1st Lieutenant with the Army's Combat Engineers), who spoke at our 2023 Veterans Day assembly, is involved in Sweats for Vets. This organization distributes new Boston sports team hoodies to homeless veterans. Sweats for Vets started at the Worcester shelter ten years ago. In 2023, over 2,200 hoodies were distributed at over 104 locations in Massachusetts. Unfortunately, the veteran homeless population keeps growing.
In the Mulready ohana, no one gets left behind or forgotten and our veterans are part of our ohana. So, we will take part in Sweats for Vets this year. A collection box will be placed by the office.
Please remember it needs to be a new Boston team hoodie - large sizes are preferred. Although all hoodies are welcomed, the Celtics hoodie is preferred this year.
First Student Bus Company has provided our district with FirstView. The app for parents is called ParentView and it gives parents direct access to the status of their child’s bus. ParentView tracks the bus on the map allowing parents to view and even set up notifications around their pick-up/drop-off location, so they can be alerted when the bus is close.
Getting started with FirstView is simple. See the links below to download the app from Google Play or the App Store, register for an account, and enter the required code; District code for Hudson Public Schools 2024-2025 school year is U5B2.
Links to get you started
ParentView: Registration Guide- GPS District Code
Just a reminder - please be sure to call your child out when they will not be in school. (978) 567-6170. You can leave a message on the absentee line. Also, if your child enters the building late, after 8:35 am, he/she should have a parent with them to sign them in. Thank you!
Please label your child's belongings. That way we can be sure that the items get back to their owners.
Also, if your child is missing clothing or a backpack or lunchbox, feel free to stop by and check out our tables.
SCHOOL WEBSITES: (If link does not work, copy and paste it into the address bar.)
Mr. Glines’s Class weather website: http://mrglines.weebly.com/
Mrs. Colarullo’s website: https://hudsonlab.weebly.com
Mrs. Buscemi’s Math website: https://mulready.wixsite.com/hudsonmathfacts
Ms. Steinhaus’s music website: https://sites.google.com/a/student.hudson.k12.ma.us/mulready-music/
Mrs. Westberg’s Art site: https://mulreadyart.weebly.com/
The technology department website for the 1:1 program is: https://hudson.k12.ma.us/cms/one.aspx?pageId=22441536 There is also a link there for tutorials.
Mrs. Hughes’s School Psychology site: https://sites.google.com/a/student.hudson.k12.ma.us/hps-school-psychologists/kristina-hughes-mulready?authuser=0
About Us
Kelly Costa Sardella, Principal
Michelle Monteiro, Administrative Assistant
Email: kcsardella@hudson.k12.ma.us
Website: https://jlmulready.hudson.k12.ma.us/
Location: 306 Cox Street, Hudson, MA, USA
Phone: 978-567-6170
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jlmulready
Twitter: @mulprincipal
District Resources:
Civil Rights Coordinator- Jennifer Allard jnallard@hudson.k12.ma.us
Title IX Coordinator- Jennifer Allard jnallard@hudson.k12.ma.us
Director of Student Services- Catherine Kilcoyne cakilcoyne@hudson.k12.ma.us
District 504 Coordinator-Catherine Kilcoyne cakilcoyne@hudson.k12.ma.us
McKinney Vento Contact-Catherine Kilcoyne cakilcoyne@hudson.k12.ma.us
Foster Care Point of Contact-Catherine Kilcoyne cakilcoyne@hudson.k12.ma.us