May 16, 2024
WEEK 37: Finishing Strong!
Yesterday during chapel announcements, we counted down the number of days left in school (as of today: 5 ½) and talked about finishing strong. Finishing strong is a concept common in sports but also in the military, business, and school. Finishing strong means seeing a task through to the very end with the same effort, passion, and care that was there at the start. It is not pulling short or quitting just before the finish line. It is a good way to live life and to live our faith – to give it our all until the very end. As this school year draws to a close, please continue to encourage your children to still give their best and to finish strong.
Last Week of School Items of Note:
- Monday & Tuesday – Middle School Exams
- Tuesday – Kindergarten Recognition
- Wednesday – 8th grade Graduation at 7:00 pm
- Thursday – Field Day (we still need volunteers for morning & afternoon shifts!)
- Friday – Awards Assembly at 10:30, Closing Chapel following (around 11:00), and Final Dismissal at 12 noon. There will be no aftercare on the last day of school.
God's Blessings,
Delaine Schiestel
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Grace Lutheran School
Email: gls@gls-hsv.org
Website: www.gls-hsv.org
Location: 3321 Memorial Parkway Southwest, Huntsville, AL 35801
Phone: (256) 881-0553
Facebook: facebook.com/GraceLSHuntsvilleAL