BonDeCroft Lion's Roar
Jan. 6th - Jan. 10th
Welcome Back!!!
Winter weather is here. Please make sure you have given the school office any updated phone numbers. In case inclement weather, we need to be able to get in contact with you.
Here We Go!!!
Every student who has perfect attendance during each month will receive a special reward. I am working on a bigger reward for any student who has perfect attendance for all of the months listed below!
Important Events:
1/6: Students return to school
1/10: Report Cards go home
1/20: No School
Welcome Back!!! We are excited to start the 2nd semester of learning with our students and families.
Our Commitment to Positive Behavior
Parents, We have developed a school pledge with staff and students that shows what we value as a school. We hope that you will encourage and remind students of the important virtues throughout the school year, brag on your child when he or she receives and award for exhibiting these behaviors, and work with us to correct behaviors that do not line up with our pledge. We are excited about the great things happening at BDC with our staff, students, and families!
Lions Pledge
We are Lions
We have GRIT
For what we have.
To all we meet.
We are INDEPENDENT thinkers.
We make our own choices!
We earn TRUST
By our actions!
We are Lions.
We Don't Quit.
January Menu
PTO News
Keep watching for more information. We have some great things coming!
Title I Tidbits
Winter-themed books: Fill the nook with books about winter, snow, animals that live in cold climates, or winter holidays.
1. Snowflake Math
- Materials: Paper, scissors
- Math Concepts: Symmetry, fractions, geometry
- Activity: Fold paper and cut out snowflakes. Discuss the symmetrical patterns you see. Count the number of points on each snowflake. Compare the sizes of different snowflakes. You can even introduce fractions by talking about how much of the original paper was cut away.