Weekly Update
Important INFO ---- READ-----!!!!!!
- 2nd Grade is doing the parade -- If you are still interested let me know soon
- Read the Grandparents' Schedule
- Federal Programs Eligibility Forms will be sent home to those we did not collect one already
- TEA Rep will be visiting for an Entire day
- Please fill out the survey for Fall Festival we didn't have enough participation on the first one. It was also requested to give some reasoning about the potential change.
Please see below for dates - Math Solutions and Scholastic
BE SURE YOU HAVE YOUR E-Compliance courses in eduphoria - HR
A newly added E-Comliance course that everyone will need to complete is in Eduphoria titled "Working with students with Trauma" please have it completed by Sept. 27.
As Field Trips are scheduled please be sure that it has been communicated through the office in order to ensure transportation
Oct. 2nd & 3rd - 1st Data Dig - dates will be tentative schedule will come next week
Be sure you are on time to duty before and after school email reminders will begin if you are late - Saftey is number 1 and unsupervised kids is a problem.
Please look over the Goliad Handbook on the faculty website and be sure to read the highlighted sections.
LV Football team will welcome Goliad next Friday from 7:30 - 8:20
Important Dates
Sept. 13 - 1st -5th NSGRA Due - See Ashley's Email for details
Sept. 16 - Guided Reading
Sept. 16 - LLI Virtual meeting - Ashly Room\
Sept. 16 - Federal Programs Eligibility Forms go home to those we did not collect one already
Sept. 17 - Heritage Park/Ft. Concho -Yourgalite
Sept. 17 - Student Leadership applications will be distributed
Sept. 18 - Heritage Park/Ft. Concho -Maskill
Sept. 18 - 3rd Grade Safety Video 1:00 Cafeteria
Sept. 19 - Heritage Park/Ft. Concho - Ramirez
Sept. 19 - New Teacher Academy 8:00 - 3:00 - Please make sure you have secured subs.
Sept. 19 - Year 2 Teacher Academy - 4:15 - 5:15
Sept. 20 - Bi-weekly PLC
Sept. 20 - Heritage Park/Ft. Concho - Valles
Sept. 20 - Federal Programs Eligibility Forms due
Sept. 20 - TTESS Waivers signed electronically
Sept. 20 - LV Football team on camps from 7:30-8:20
Sept. 23 - MAP window opens
Sept. 23 - Hospitality Dues Due
Sept. 23 - Open House 4:30 -6:00
Sept. 24 - PLC
Sep.t 24 - Student Leadership applications and videos are due
Sept. 25 - First day of House Of Fath - THEY MUST BE ON THE LIST
Sept. 27 - Bounce House
Sept. 27 - TACO Truck lunch
Sept. 27- Main Event
Sept. 27 - Working with student with Trauma is completed in Eduphoria (NEW)
Sept. 30 - Completed MAP testing (need it for data digs)
Sept. 30 - Oct. 2 - Hearing and Vision Screening Room 202
Oct. 1 - Data Dig - K/1(AM)----- 4/5(PM)(ELAR)
Oct. 2 - 12:00 -3:00 - 3rd -5th Math Solutions Coaching at Goliad
Oct. 3 - 8:00- 3:30 - Self Contained teacher to Admin for Math Solutions
Oct. 4 - Maturation Video
- All 4th-grade girls AND boys need permission to watch 2 general videos about hygiene and bloodborne pathogens. They can watch these videos together.
- 4th-grade girls will watch the maturation video during music time with Mrs. Amaro, Nurse Katie, and me on Oct 4th.
- 4th-grade boys will have regular PE time on Oct 4th– they don’t watch a maturation video in 4th.
- Homeroom teachers – I just need your help collecting permission slips and separating the boys and girls before PE/music on this day.
- We will find an alternate activity for students that do not have permission to watch videos.
Oct. 4 - Sparky in Gym 1:30 - 2:30 k-2nd
Oct. 4 - Data Dig 3/4/5(AM) (Math)----- 2/3 (PM) (ELAR)
Oct. 9 - Fall Pictures Schedule
Oct. 9 - ALL Day - TEA representative will be Visiting Goliad - His name is Randy