Robert Hunter Report
Summer Edition
Robert Hunter Elementary School
Mrs. Jessica Braynor, Principal
Mrs. Lindsay Shirvanian, Vice Principal
Website: https://www.frsd.k12.nj.us/Domain/381
Location: 8 Dayton Road Flemington, NJ 08822
Phone: (908) 284-7620
Twitter: @RobertHunterES
Dear Robert Hunter Families,
We hope everyone is having a fun, safe, and happy summer!
For our families that are new to Robert Hunter - welcome! We will send out a Robert Hunter Report each week during the school year with upcoming events, reminders, and a glimpse into all the great things happening at our school. For now, we wanted to check in and provide some summer updates.
We know that everyone is excited to know who their child’s teacher will be this school year. Teacher assignments will be posted on the Genesis Parent Portal on August 19th. Individual teachers will reach out after that time. We have wonderful teachers at Robert Hunter, and we will work together to promote a positive and successful year of learning for your child.
Please remember that you can help set your child up for success based on how you talk about the upcoming year. We hope that you will share excitement and positivity with your child!
If your family is moving and you will no longer be attending Robert Hunter, please reach out to Wendy Chambers in the main office. You can email her at wendy.chambers@frsd.us or call at (908) 284-7620.
Please save the date! Our Back to School Night will be held on Sept. 19th. This will also be an early dismissal day. More information about this event will be sent in September, including the specific schedule with times.
You'll be hearing more from us as we get closer to September. We are looking forward to seeing everyone soon! In the meanwhile, do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Warm regards,
Jessica Braynor, Robert Hunter Principal
Lindsay Shirvanian, Robert Hunter Vice Principal
Save the Date
August 19 - Class Lists released on Parent Portal
August 28 - Kindergarten Orientation, 9:00
August 28 - Grades 1-4 New Family Orientation, 11:00
August 29 - Preschool “Meet and Greet,” 9:00
Sept. 5- First Day of School!
Sept. 13 - PTO Back to School Social (Rain date Sept. 20)
Sept. 19 - Back to School Night, Early Dismissal
A Message for Kindergarten Families
We look forward to seeing our Kindergarten students and families at our Kindergarten Orientation on Aug. 28th from 9:00-10:00. Families will receive bussing to the orientation, (one parent may ride the bus along with his/her child) and bussing information will be sent directly from the Transportation Department.
Please be sure you have submitted the required health forms to our school nurse so your child may begin school on time. Reminder emails have been sent to parents whose children are missing registration health forms, so please check your inbox or spam folders. Feel free to contact our school nurse, Mrs. Cunniff if you have any questions. You can email her at susanna.cunniff@frsd.us or call at (908) 284-7624.
A Message for New Families
We look forward to meeting our new Robert Hunter families on Aug. 28th at 11:00. This orientation is for new families of students in Grades 1-4. Please RSVP if you have not done so already using the invitation that you received via email.
School Supplies
Suggested school supply lists are posted on the Virtual Backpack section of the Robert Hunter website here.
Supplies will be provided for any families unable to purchase them. If you ordered school supply boxes through the PTO fundraiser, they will be in your child’s classroom, ready for them when they arrive.
From the PTO
We welcome your participation in Robert Hunter PTO, where we work collaboratively to support our teachers, our students, and our school community.
Mark your calendar for our upcoming Back to School Social on Friday, September 13th, 6-8pm (Rain Date September 20th). School families are encouraged to join us on the playground or on the blacktop for free Rita's ice as we celebrate the new school year! All children MUST be accompanied by an adult!
Join our PTO! Log in today to join at https://roberthunterelem.membershiptoolkit.com/
Already a member? Please ensure your family's account page includes the correct grade and homeroom teacher name for your child(ren). Updated information is needed for the school directory, after school club rosters, summer camp rosters, and for a host of other safety and security reasons.
Please volunteer! With your help, we can make a BIG impact and make our community even stronger!
1. Homeroom Parents - The PTO is looking for 2 volunteers for each classroom. A sign up form is coming soon.
2. Scholastic Book Fair Chairperson(s) - The PTO needs 1-3 people willing to organize and chair our annual book fair. There will be NO book fair unless chairperson(s) are identified.
3. Helping Hands Representative - The PTO is in need of one person to attend one virtual meeting with United Way representatives to understand holiday gift item needs, create and distribute the flyer and transport donations from Robert Hunter to United Way in Flemington.
4. Mascot - The PTO needs volunteers willing to act as our school mascot for evening and weekend PTO events such as roller skating fun night, holiday hands collection drive, etc.
5. Yearbook Committee Members- We are in need of 1-2 volunteers to help our current Yearbook chairperson, Bethany Pacheco.
6. Basket Auction Committee Members- We are in need of 4-5 volunteers to assist our current basket auction chairperson, Sherri Biniaros. Help is needed with planning the event on April 11th, securing donations, and wrapping baskets.
7. Staff Appreciation Committee Members- 1-2 people to help coordinate staff appreciation events throughout the year.
8. Event Coordinators - Organize a movie night, 4th grade spaghetti dinner or other fun event!
9. Event Photographers - Photograph PTO sponsored events such as back to school social, Halloween night, Holiday Hands, etc.
10. Grant Writers - We are in need of individuals willing to apply for grants for playground equipment and shade structures through Kaboom, Sunbum and/or other organizations. Applications can be completed at home as your schedule allows.
11. School Picture Assistant - Act as liaison with Life touch photography
Please reach out to roberthunterpto@gmail.com if you are interested in any of the above or getting more involved in a different way!!!
We are looking forward to seeing you and your Racoon(s) soon!!