Rosie Reader
Weekly Newsletter from Highcroft, Sept 3
Another Great Week at Highcroft Elementary
Thank you for supporting students while they learn from home. We know this has been a big ask but we are seeing joy, learning, and great engagement across the grade levels. Please remember, as parents we do not typically see inside the classroom the first weeks of school. Teachers are magical and instruct children how to engage, have stamina, and think deeply about ideas, but it takes time. Learning in the first weeks of school can look like herding cats. Do not be discouraged. Our teachers and specialists are amazing and will help us all get where we need to be.
Please read the remainder of the Rosie Reader with highlights about:
1. Highcroft Curbside Library
2. Counselor Corner
3. At-Home Learning Tip of the Week
4. Curriculum Night
5. Teacher Parent Conference Update
We are so appreciative of all the time and energy you are putting into making Distance Learning a reality. Please reach out if there is anything we can do.
Dr. Tracy Nomensen
(314) 415-6401
Dr. Debbie Reid
(314) 415-6403
Emily Soto
(314) 989-8386
Highcroft Curbside Library
4:30-6:00 PM Alternating Thursdays
Tonight was a HUGE success with over 200 books checked out to kids.
Families can now place books on hold and pick up books from the front of Highcroft Ridge on alternating Thursdays, from 4:30-6:00 PM.
Sept. 17th
October 1
October 15
October 29
Please place your holds by the day before each pick up date. Place holds here. Students will need to “sign in using Google” and then just click the “Hold” blue button next to each selected book. Please try to limit each student’s holds to three at a time. Books can be returned at the next pick up date.
How to Place Books on Hold Video
Highcroft Ridge Library Digital Catalog
Please email me with any questions or if you need help placing holds!
Happy reading!
Danielle Stilts
dstilts@parkwayschools.netCounseling Corner
Counselor Corner
This week and next we will have an opportunity to visit your child’s class and present a counselor introduction. Our role often can be very confusing for our little learners. We will go into the classrooms and present lessons at least once a month. Below is a list of what we reviewed as our job here at Highcroft.
● We are your trusted adult at school. You are never “in trouble” when you have to see us.
● We are someone who will be a good listener and make sure everyone is safe.
● We are someone who listens when you need someone to talk to. This can be when you are sad, angry, or even want to celebrate something happy with me. We care about how you do in school. You will learn best when your body and mind are calm.
● We are someone who will help you think about possible solutions to your problems so you can choose which one is best.
We will continue to offer optional lunch groups virtually, small groups and one on one meetups. Please use this form if you would like a Referral to the Counselor.
Mrs.Goldfeder (Kindergarten & Grade 4)
Mrs. Beeler (Grades 1, 2, 3 & 5)
At Home Learning Tip of the Week "Setting the Stage: A designated Workspace"
As students tackle distance learning during the coronavirus pandemic, they may find it hard to feel as though they’re in school when in fact they’re “working from home.” One way you can help? Create a dedicated workspace for your child in which they will love to learn. Here’s how to help them get into the Zoom zone.
Make creating the space a family project.
Let your child join in choosing the space and decorating it.
The most important aspect of a good workspace should be comfort—physical and emotional. Make sure the space you choose is an environment where your child can relax and focus.
In a perfect world, a child has a designated workspace with limited distractions. Once learning time begins, get rid of distractions. This includes distractions for you and your child. Turn off the television, cell phones, and video games. Make this time special and focus solely on learning.
If your space is limited, keep a box, bin, or cart on wheels with all the learning materials in it. Use the bin to convert your kitchen table or some other area in your home into the learning space. Do you have limited space in your home?
If an area needs to be used for a kid and household activities, such as the kitchen table, there are ways to carve out a separate space while still keeping it available for other functions. Use painter’s tape to mark out a square on the table where your kid has the freedom to place whatever they need to help them feel comfortable and connected. Just having some delineation of boundaries can give them a sense of agency over their surroundings.
Don’t be afraid to go for the nontraditional setup either. Does your child like to sit on the floor? Set up a designated space under the dining room table or in a fort.
Curriculum Night, September 8th at 6:00 pm
Each classroom session will be offered multiple times to allow for families with multiple children to attend each session.
Zoom Links to come!
School Session
6:00 - 6:15 pm Principal Updates
Classroom Teachers
6:20 - 6:35 pm Session 1
6:40 - 6:55 pm Session 2
Specials Teachers
6:40 - 6:55 pm Session 1
7:00 - 7:15 pm Session 2
Parent Teacher Conferences - Save the Date
October 6, 7 and 8:
6th: 3:30 to 5:00 pm
7th: 3:30 to 5:00 pm
8th: 3:30 to 7:30 pm
*More details and sign-ups to follow