Week of October 13:Bobcat News
From the desk of Principal C.
What's happening at Boucher!
October School Appreciation days
- National Anti-Bullying Month
- Breast Cancer Awareness Month
- October 2: School Custodian Appreciation Day
- October 6: National Instructional Coach's Day
- October 14-18: National School Lunch Week
- October 21-25: National School Bus Safety Week
- October 23-31: Red Ribbon Week
Based on a parent's request, dates for the whole month will be included on the newsletter in order to plan in advance. Hope this helps!
weekly quote: “Hakuna Matata… it means no worries.”
10/14: Fall break- no school
10/15: Fall break- no school
10/16: Parent teacher conference- no school for students; conferences start at 10am
- LPSS clear bag policy will be enforced.
10/16: Report card sent home; Beta Club invites sent home for qualifying students
10/17: Every Thursday in October, students will be allowed to wear a pink shirt with uniform bottom for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
10/19: SI program showcase at the Cajundome- Come learn about the SI program and see our SI students perform.
10/22: Beta club fee due for those 4th and 5th grade students invited
10/22: Home communication folder sent home
10/22: Every Tuesday in October, students will be allowed to wear an orange shirt with uniform bottom for National Bully Prevention month
10/24: Last day to pay for the Sneaker Ball dance (2nd-5th grade only)
10/24: Every Thursday in October, students will be allowed to wear a pink shirt with uniform bottom for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
10/24: PFE event- Learn then Lunch with PreK
- two adults per child
- LPSS clear bag policy will be enforced.
10/25: PFE event- Learn then Lunch with Kindergarten
- two adults per child
- LPSS clear bag policy will be enforced.
10/25: Sneaker Ball dance at 5:30
10/29: Home communication folder sent home
10/29: Every Tuesday in October, students will be allowed to wear an orange shirt with uniform bottom for National Bully Prevention month
10/31: Book Character dress up day for students (flyer will be sent home soon)
Fall Literacy Kickoff
Thank you all of the families who pre-registered to the attend our one of a kind fall literacy kickoff: A Magical Day with the Cafe! Those who preregistered have been confirmed and are guaranteed:
- bus transporation (if needed)
- food from Parc De Oaks
- t-shirt (pending a secured sponsorship)
You will be receiving an information packet by the end of the week with very important information.
We have 30 spots remaining! A paper copy registration form will be sent home in the coming days; if you preregistered, please do not complete this form. If you are interested in particpating please complete the form and return to school before October 25. The first 30 families who register with this form are guaranteed:
- bus transporation (if needed)
- food from Parc De Oaks
We are looking forward to having a magical day focused around family, literacy, food and fun!
AR (Accelerated Reader)/Library
9W1: ended October 8, 2024
Congratulations to all students who met their 9W1 AR goal! We are so proud of you! Click the link to review the list of students: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Qj-oThnFVon-yI9v6dKsfQrhP2Zy4RVR/view?usp=sharing
9W2 reward will be posted soon!
Storybook Pumpkin Decorating Event
Did you bring your pumpkin to the library yet? Mrs. Terry is looking for pumpkins decorated as storybook characters. All students are welcome to participate. Pumpkins will be displayed throughout the library for viewing. We will ask businesses and our community partners to visit our library and select their favorites. Recognition will be given to the top 3 students in each class and each grade level. The grade level with the most students participating will receive a special incentive! Decorated pumpkins may be brought in for display through October 25. Click this link to get some ideas: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-JOuo9-0j1iUEjkwGWdIH6rpmRrvTU0-?usp=sharing
Counselor's Corner
October's Core Value: Self-Control
Have your child draw a picture of them showing SELF-CONTROL at school.
Did you hear? Boucher has its very own SCHOOL BASED HEALTH CENTER!!
That’s right ya’ll! The staff of SWLA is standing by to help meet your student’s medical and even mental health needs…CONVENIENTLY LOCATED ON CAMPUS! All you have to do if fill out a medical history questionnaire and consent form for your student to be seen. Best part is SCHOOL BASED HEALTH CENTER VISITS DO NOT COUNT AS ABSENCES.
Use the link above to learn more about our school based health center and even schedule an appointment!
Growth, Opportunity, Safety, Culture Highlights
In addition, we are seeing an increase in behaviors related to conduct and habits injurious to others. We will not condone this behavior at school or on the bus.
Please speak to your child about these issues prior to returning to school on Thursday.
This past Friday, we celebrated students who achieved no office referrals and an acceptable conduct grade (K-2nd: O; 3rd-5th: A or B) with Tailgate and Celebrate during electives. Congratulations to all the students who are making the right choices!
On Wednesday, a strategic planning firm CSG shared its initial district optimization recommendations- Boucher was included in two of recommendations. We highly encourage you to attend the upcoming community meetings on October 28th (at Northside) and 29th. Here's an opportunity to have your voice heard; complete the survey below. You can find it here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeNQW10lSNyG53-46ESdXcTM42_uH570glvp2v9yYsJcKc-ZQ/viewform