Hello Hassayampa Families!
I appreciate your patience as I worked through some challenges this month, including tech and health issues, which delayed the release of December's newsletter. Despite these hurdles, Hassayampa continues to thrive with many wonderful events and accomplishments to share.
As we approach the end of this first semester, I want to reflect on the incredible educational journey our students have embarked on. Our dedicated teachers and hardworking students have shown immense effort in accelerating learning and bridging gaps in knowledge. Throughout this semester, our students have delved into enhancing their math and reading skills while exploring the art of writing and learning to be kids of character.
Families play a pivotal role in nurturing academic success, and there are numerous ways you can support your child's learning:
- Daily Practice: Encourage your child to practice math and reading regularly.
- Reading Encouragement: Foster a daily reading habit in your child.
- Involvement in Games: Let your child read game instructions, involving them in family activities.
- Engagement in Holiday Activities: Encourage your child to read holiday cards to the family.
- Winter Break Reading: Utilize the winter break to explore and discuss new books together.
- Family Traditions: Initiate a new family tradition involving books as a valuable resource.
- Regular Communication: Stay in touch with your child's teacher and communicate frequently.
- Open Communication: If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Your active involvement and support are vital in fostering a rich and fulfilling educational journey for your child. Should you need any assistance, please feel free to get in touch.
Thank you for your ongoing partnership in our students' academic growth and development.
Warm regards,
Carissa Hershkowitz
Principal, Hassayampa Elementary
What's happening at Hassayampa?
2 Acadience Reading & Math Benchmark Begins
4 Principal’s Coffee & Site Council
6 Holiday Music Walk: Coyote Chorus Performance
10 4th & 5th Grade Field Trip: Webb Center - Jazz Orchestra
10 School Spelling Bee - 3rd - 5th Graders @ 12:30p.m.
12 Holiday Concert
16 PTA Holiday Shop Opens
17 WUSD Governing Board Meeting
19 End of 2nd Quarter
6-16 PTA Sponsored APEX Fun Run
8 Principal’s Coffee & Site Council
13-16 Parent Teacher Conferences
16 HOWL Assembly
21 WUSD Board Meeting
22 3rd Quarter After School Programs Begin
24 Professional Development Day
27 Galileo Benchmark #3
27 District Spelling Bee
2 Scholastic Book Fair Begins
5 Principal’s Coffee
6 Art & Science Night
15 Gold Rush Parade
18 AZELLA Testing Begins
18 WUSD Board Meeting
20 PTA Sweetheart Dance
21 Professional Development Day
24 Read Across America Week
27 PTA Read Across America Event
5 Principal’s Coffee & Site Council
6 End of 3rd Quarter
10-14 Spring Break
According to the 2024-25 Fall Parent Survey, the percentage of parents that rate Hassayampa as an “A” or “B” was 90%. Sixty-six parents participated in this year's survey. We appreciate the input provided from these surveys. If you have questions or would like to discuss ways to make Hassayampa even better, please contact Mrs. Hershkowitz. You are also welcome to join her on the first Wednesday of the month for Principal's Coffee.
TAX CREDIT: Gift to the school!
Arizona Revised Statute (A.R.S.) 43-1089.01 allows individual taxpayers to receive a tax credit up to $400.00 (joint return) for payment to a fund set aside for extracurricular activities fees. Generally, any educational or recreational activity that is a supplement to the educational program of the school is considered to be an extracurricular activity. This is a dollar for dollar tax credit. It allows you, the taxpayer, to decide where you would like to put up to $400.00 of your tax dollars to work. When it comes time to fill out your tax forms, you will receive a tax credit for up to $400.00. It is a win-win situation for yourself and the school activities you support with your tax dollars. You do not have to have a child in school so grandparents or anyone can also take advantage of this tax credit.
Your tax credit donation will be used to provide children the opportunity to participate and also provide supplies, guest speakers, and field trips. If you would like to make a tax credit donation to any of these activities, fill out the tax credit form and send it along with your check to school. If you have any questions, please contact the office at 684-6750 for more information.
It's Benchmark Time!
During these last weeks of the semester, students will be completing the fluency assessments in reading and math. These assessments are the measure we use to determine if students are on track in reading and math. These are mostly individual tests, and will take fewer than 20 minutes per student. These assessments provide teachers specific information on how individual students are progressing in their foundational skills as well as how the entire grade level and school is doing.
If you have questions about your child's progress, please contact your child's teacher. Parent -teacher conferences will be offered in January.
PBIS on the BUS!
Students are doing a great job meeting our HOWL expectations within the school building! However, there is one area that needs improvement. That area its the school bus. We are working on bus expectations. The school bus is an area where students have the least direct supervision. As you can imagine, being a bus driver can be a tough job! We are creating seating charts and teaching students the expectations for riding the bus to help reduce misbehaviors. If your child rides the bus, please talk to them about these expectations. Our goal is to keep everyone safe on their ride to and from school. Your support is appreciated!
2nd & 5th Grade Buddies
Our 2nd and 5th Grade Buddies had fun while learning about the phases of the moon. It was yummy, too!
3rd Graders at the Zoo
Third grade students recently completed their first 5 paragraph informational writing on a zoo animal. As part of their cumulating activity, students went on the annual educational field trip to the World Wildlife Park and Zoo on November 27, so that the students could observe their animal firsthand.
Parent volunteers made this trip possible! Thank you!
Elks Drug Awareness Poster Contest Winners
Two Hassayampa students won the Elks Drug Awareness poster contest. 5th graders: Gemma Murillo Valenzuela and Payson Sublet.
A Trip to the Symphony!
K-5 students enjoyed their annual trip to the North Valley Symphony Orchestra. We had a special treat when they chose 5th grader, Zealand Santella, to be the guest conductor. We have great appreciation to the Wickenburg Cultural Organization for supporting this event for Hassayampa as well as other local schools.
December 10 - 4th & 5th Grade - Webb Center - Jazz Concert
- Hassayampa 4th & 5th graders have been invited to attend a Jazz Concert at the Webb Center. Parents, keep an eye out for the permission slips. This is a free event.
- Students will be leaving campus around 9:00 a.m. and return by 10:45.
Each year our students have opportunities to attend off-campus field trips. If you are interested in becoming an off-campus chaperone, please request a volunteer packet from the front office. You may also print your own from the WUSD website.https://www.wickenburgschools.org/Page/131
Spelling Bee
Our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade top spellers are gearing up to compete in the school spelling bee to determine who will earn the title of top speller and which students will represent Hassayampa at the District Spelling Bee on January 27.
Parents of participating spellers will be notified in advance. To help our spellers focus, we kindly ask that parents refrain from bringing younger children and ensure all cell phones are turned off during the event. Thank you for your understanding and support!
This event is sponsored by Century 21 Realty and the Wickenburg PTA.
Tuesday, Dec 10, 2024, 12:30 PM
Holiday Concert - PK-2
Thursday, Dec 12, 2024, 01:15 PM
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Holiday Concert 3-5
Thursday, Dec 12, 2024, 02:15 PM
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Email: cahershkowitz@wusd9.org
Website: wickenburgschools.org/Domain/9
Location: 195 East Coconino Street, Wickenburg, AZ, USA
Phone: 928-684-6750
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HassayampaElementary