Friends of Albert Einstein Academies
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Upcoming Events
(Please scroll below or visit FOAEA Website for additional info)
- March 4 - Fasching/Karnival Donut Sale
- March 4 - SSC/DELAC meeting
- March 11 - Board of Trustees Meeting
- March 17-21 -Book Fair
- March 18 - FoAEA Open Meeting
- March 19 - Rock N' Run-a-thon
- March 19-21 - Student-Led Conferences (Minimum Days)
- March 24-April 4 - No School, Spring Break
Ride the Wave Rock n' Runathon
Join us for a fun-filled, music-energized day of fitness and fundraising!
On March 19th, all of the elementary school students will rock and run during school hours to raise funds for incredible programs like PE, field trips, German intern support, teacher grants, and free books for students!
Join the fundraising, earn exciting prizes, and make a real impact for our school by collecting pledges from family & friends through Pledgestar.
Every student can win a free Pick Up Stix kid's meal and free frozen yogurt from Yogurtland when you invite 10 friends and family to participate in our fundraiser. There are individual as well as group prizes such as a class pizza and pasta party sponsored by Buona Forchetta and a free dress day if we raise $40,000. Please click the button below to get started!
Your support will directly benefit AEA students and help us continue to support various amazing programs!
We greatly appreciate your support!
FoAEA Open Meeting
All parents are invited to attend FoAEA's March meeting. Join the board members and learn about how we support our students, teachers and community. It's a great opportunity to ask questions about the organization and learn about volunteer opportunities that are available this year and even for the next school year.
Tuesday, March 18 at 6:30 pm
AEA High School Bldg (next to the Middle School)
458 26th Street, San Diego
Reaction Walls at Elementary School
Thanks to funds raised from the 2024 Rock n' Runathon, PE students at the elementary school have been enjoying the new Reaction Walls.
These 4 foot by 4 foot reaction walls are mounted on mobile stands. They promote healthy physical activity and competition between the kids through various game modes, plus the option for the walls to sync up and play against each other. All games involve the kids chasing different sequences of lights and trying to score as many points as possible in 1 minute, which also aids mental stimulation and engagement.
These walls are used as a Youth Trainer station and are robust, durable, and can be used outdoors throughout the year, however they will mainly be kept indoors.
The PE department uses them weekly and integrates them into other PE learning experiences!
HundredX Fundraising Results
Thank you for everyone that helped support the HundredX fundraiser last month. By sharing your opinions on companies using emojis, we raised more than $2,200!
Congratulations to all the elementary students for earning a free book at the upcoming Book Fair! They are able to pick out a book of their choice for under $10 due to their achievement of the read-a-thon from the holidays.
Elementary After School Enrichment Programs
A variety of off-campus after school enrichment programs are available and currently enrolling students. Please contact these instructors directly to learn more about the classes and costs. These are all located walking distance from the elementary school and parents will not need to take their students to the classes.
- Coach Craig - Soccer and Mixed Sports for grades TK-5
- Fernweh Collective - Around the World After School (trilingual class including stories, Yoga, German, and Spanish) for grades TK-3
- Kinderwerkstatt - Self-Empowerment and Learning Skills (class for advanced German speakers) for grades 1-6
- Kodely - Design elaborate chain reaction machines using everyday materials for grades K-5
- Yoga Rascals - Kids yoga for grades 1-5
Monthly AEA Board of Trustees Meetings
The AEA Board of Trustees meets generally once a month, on the second Tuesday. The open (public) session takes place at 458 26th St. San Diego, CA 92104.
If you would like to participate in the “PUBLIC COMMENT” section of the board meeting, please submit a Public Comment Request Form.
You will have the option to speak live when it is your turn to speak or you may enter your comments in the request form and it will be read to the board members. Speakers are requested to:
- limit their remarks to not more than 3 minutes;
- appoint a spokesperson if the concern is a group concern;
- supplement verbal presentation with written reports, if necessary or desired;
- focus their comments on issues and not individuals.
The next upcoming Board of Trustees meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 11 at the Middle School and starts at 4:30 pm in person or via ZOOM.
Food Shopping and Raising Money for Our Students
We all have to shop for food! And if you shop at Ralphs, Food4Less or Kroger, please sign up for the community contributions and help raise money for our students! It's super easy and every little bit will help make a difference!
Here's the process:
1. Log in to your Ralphs/Food4Less/Kroger account
2. Click on "My Account"
3. Click on "Community Contributions"
4. Search for "Friends of Albert Einstein Academies"
5. Click the blue button to enroll.
Shop & help your parent teacher organization! Please share this with grandparents or other family members that shop at these stores. They don't have to live in San Diego.
*Friends of Albert Einstein Academies (FoAEA) is an all-volunteer non-profit organization committed to cultivating a positive community for the enrichment of all students who attend our AEA Charter Schools. We are parents and legal guardians of current students, along with teachers and staff, who work together to promote student enrichment, support teachers and staff, and strengthen our larger AEA community.
Grade Level Parents
This year, we are switching from Room Parents to Grade Level parents at the elementary school. This will allow for coordination and community throughout the entire grade level that can continue as kids get new class assignments each year.
We currently have 2-3 parents per grade to lead with the following responsibilities:
- Teacher appreciation (learn about teacher preferences, encourage parents to bring gifts for teacher birthdays, holidays and end of the school year - there will be no class funds or collective giving this year)
- STAW: Each grade will help host a day during staff and teacher appreciation week in early May.
- Grade community building (host small grade level events, e.g. in the park next to school for kids & parents to get to know each other).
Please look for communication from your grade level parents! If you haven't received an email yet, please reach out to our Room Parent Coordinator at esroomparent@foaea.org. There's a good chance that the email might be in your junk mail!
Annual Report 2023-2024 School Year
We want to thank our fellow families, teachers, staff, administrators, and other members of our community for making this past 2023-2024 school year a huge success. We are pleased to provide you with our annual report on last year’s progress towards our organizational goals. In the report you can learn about how we raised our funds and how we supported our students, teachers, staff and community.
2023-2024 Annual Report in English
AEA Needs German Intern Host Families for 2025
We are so lucky to have German interns in the classrooms with our students every year. These young educators come from German and work in your students' classrooms, supporting AEA's teachers, exposing the kids to a different culture, and adding so much more to our community. Without hosts (planned in advance!), AEA can not bring these valuable, wonderful people into your students' classrooms.
How does it work? Host families provide the following:
- A private room
- Three meals per day
- Transportation to and from the host school, occasional rides
- Integration into the family and community
Time-frame: 1st semester and/or 2nd semester 2025-2026 school year
If you would like to host a German intern in 2025, please reach out to Frau Goldman at kgoldman@aeacs.org. It's a wonderful opportunity for your family to have the German language and culture in your home and helps support our students and their learning.
Got Questions? Need Help?
The start of the school year can bring lots of questions for parents. This file gives many resources that will hopefully help you find what you are looking for.
Sync My Google or ICal -- add FoAEA Dates to my digital calendar
Sync Calendars
DESKTOP: Click on the link, and the calendar will automatically be added and integrated to your calendar. You can easily add/remove this calendar by checking/unchecking the box under "Other Calendars" section.
PHONE: Click on the link. You may need to go to settings in your calendar app, and check the box labeled "FoAEA Calendar" and then select "Sync". From there you can check/uncheck the FoAEA Calendar Box to choose your view settings.
Looking for a specific type of business service?
FoAEA has curated a Business Directory so that we can support our community!
If you would like your business added to our directory, please contact communications@foaea.org
Family Engagement Corner
School Site Council
What is the School Site Council (SSC)?
• Stakeholder group of parents, teachers, other staff, and administration from both AEA schools
• Established by California Education Code for all schools that utilize Title I funding
• Charged with improving academic achievement through the compliant and efficient use of selected funds, which are intended to help ensure all students meet state academic standards
Who Should Attend AEA SSC meetings and Why?
Monthly SSC meetings are open to everyone. We value input from parents, families, students, teachers, staff, and community members. We know it takes a village and your ideas, questions, and input can make a big difference for our students!
Click here for more information & to RSVP to the next Meeting
District English Learner Advisory Committee | (D)ELAC
- The committee’s role is to advise the district on programs and services for English Learners, otherwise known as “multilingual” students.
- DELAC provides a meeting place where information is shared regarding programs, new initiatives and other current issues of importance to the education of multilingual students.
- We provide guidance and input to the Board of Trustees, SSC, and staff on the needs of Multilingual Learners who are learning English.
They meet to discuss, evaluate, and advocate for improved learning opportunities and increased academic success for these students.
- October 1, 2024
- October 29, 2024
- December 3, 2024
- February 4, 2025
- March 4, 2025
- May 13, 2025
Friends of Albert Einstein Academies (FoAEA) is an all-volunteer non-profit organization committed to cultivating a positive community for the enrichment of all students who attend our AEA Charter Schools. We are parents and legal guardians of current students, along with teachers and staff, who work together to promote student enrichment, support teachers and staff, and strengthen our larger AEA community.
To learn more, visit us at www.foaea.org!
2024-2025 FoAEA Board of Directors
President – Vanessa Cirannek president@foaea.org
Treasurer – Rosalie Henke treasurer@foaea.org
Communications – Christine Roche communications@foaea.org
Events Coordinator – Amanda Rowe events@foaea.org
Elementary Room Parent Coordinator - Randall Ulyate esroomparent@foaea.org
Vice President - OPEN
Secretary – OPEN
Fundraising - OPEN
Cultural Lead – OPEN
Supporting Members
Volunteer Coordinator - Lorine Wilcox volunteer_coordinator@foaea.org
Webmaster - Steffi Wolf webmaster@foaea.org
The FoAEA newsletter and website are updated regularly. You can save this link to your browser favorites as the newsletter is an easy way to stay informed. Please check back frequently.
Looking to join other volunteers within our awesome school community? We appreciate every bit of help and participation! Reach out to our volunteer coordinator at volunteer_coordinator@foaea.org.
Want to assist in art, science, running club or other classroom opportunities? On campus volunteers must complete the AEA Volunteer Packet and connect with your teachers. To check on the status of your Volunteer Packet (your approval), contact support@aeacs.org.
Please share the newsletter with your school friends and we will see you all at the next event!
Instagram: @friends_of_aea
Email: communications@foaea.org
Website: www.foaea.org
Location: 3035 Ash Street, San Diego, CA, USA
Facebook: www.facebook.com/foaea