February 12 Newsletter
What's Included:
- Weekly Schedule
- NEW: '23 - 24 Course Scheduling Information
- NEW: Donations for Pit Orchestra Dinners
- REMINDER: Orchestra Mardi Gras!
- Mardi Gras sign up genius (volunteers & donations)
- NEW: Musical Concession - Donations and Volunteers Needed!
- SENIORS: IMA Scholarship Information
- DUE MARCH 6: WE Audition Information ('23 - 24 school year)
- DUE FEB. 24: Senior Recital Audition Information
- Instrumental Music Department Concert/ Event Dates
- Summer Dates 2023 released
- ENDS THIS WEEK: Noto's Hoagie Fundraiser
- March Forth Fundraising Campaign is here!!
- SAVE THE DATE: Panera Night Feb. 20th!
- NEW: RaiseRight Fundraising Opportunity
Weekly Schedule
Monday, February 13
- Pit Orchestra, 2:30 - 6:00pm
- Winter Guard, 4:45 - 6:45pm & 7:00 - 9:00pm
- Girls' Basketball playoff game: pizza @ 6, depart @ 6:45
Tuesday, February 14
- Pit Orchestra, 2:30 - 6:00pm
- Tuba Lessons, 2:30 - 4:00pm
- Orchestra Council, 6:40am
- IMA Meeting, 7:00pm - instrumental music room
Wednesday, February 15
- Pit Orchestra, 2:30 - 6:00pm
- Winter Guard, 4:45 - 6:45pm
- Tuba Lessons, 2:30 - 4:00pm
- END: In person Noto's Hoagie Sales
Thursday, February 16
- Jazz Lab, 2:45 - 4:30pm
- Jazz Band, 6:00 - 9:00pm w/ Dr. Wetzel
Friday, February 17
- 2nd Payment Germany Trip Due
Saturday, February 18
- Northampton County Band, 8:00am - 12:00pm
Monday, February 20
- END: Online Noto's Sale
- Panera Night, 4:00 - 8:00pm @ 3714 Easton-Nazareth Highway
Tuesday, February 21
- Pit Orchestra, 2:30 - 6:00pm
Wednesday, February 22
- Band Council, 6:40am
- Pit Orchestra, 2:30 - 6:00pm
Thursday, February 23
- Jazz Lab, 2:30 - 4:30pm
- Jazz Band, 6:00 - 9:00pm
Friday, February 24
- Pit Orchestra, 2:30 - 8:00pm
Saturday, February 25
- Mardi Gras Orchestra and Jazz Band Concert, 6:00 - 8:00pm (student report time: 3:00pm)
Sunday, February 26
- Jazz Band @ Steel Stacks, report time: 3:45pm
Stay up to date by viewing our online calendar on our website!
Event/ General Information
'23 - 24 Course Scheduling
- When choosing elective, please place your ensemble in the first category (including students interested in CIT). If there is a conflict, this allows myself & school counselors to work together to find a solution.
- If you are a string student, you should register for STRINGS.
- If you are a band instrumentalist currently in 10 - 12 band OR 9th grade band, you should register for BAND.
*students who audition into wind ensemble will then be moved into wind ensemble. There is nothing you would need to do. - If you are a band instrumentalist currently in wind ensemble, you should register for WIND ENSEMBLE.
- If you are in band, choir & orchestra, you should register for BAND/ CHOIR/ STRINGS.
- Students interested in learning more about jazz & improvisation can register for HONORS JAZZ IMPROV & ARRANGING I.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
Pit Orchestra Dinners
The IMA provides dinner to the students in the Pit Orchestra during full dress rehearsal days (Fri. 2/24, Mon. 2/27, Tues. 2/28, Wed. 3/1). We are asking for help with donations of fruit, dessert & meals on 2 of the nights, along with volunteers to help serve/clean-up each night. Please remember NO NUTS in any of the products donated.
Please contact Jennifer Smith (imajennifersmith@gmail.com) with any questions. Thank you!!
https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E48A5AB2EA0FBC07-dinnersOrchestra Mardi Gras - Saturday, February 25
New this year, we are transforming our typical "Spaghetti Dinner" into a Mardi Gras event! It will feature music from our orchestras AND jazz band!
Ticket cost is $10/ person and includes all you can eat pie, live music, refreshments, masks & beads. Additional concessions will be available for purchase. In addition, you can also participate in a HUGE tricky tray of over FIFTY baskets!
Orchestra student report time: 3:00 PM
Don't miss this event!
For more details and to purchase tickets, click here!
Volunteers are needed to assist with set up and various tasks during the event. If you are interested in signing up, please see the sign up genius below!
To help with donations, please see this sign up link:
Musical Concession
Once again this year we will be selling snacks and drinks at each of the Easton Area High School Musical performances of Once Upon a Mattress. Please consider donating an item and/or volunteering to help during one of the performances. If you'd prefer to make a monetary donation that can be used to purchase items needed instead, please reach out to Lee Ann Kubbishun (lkubbishun@yahoo.com) or Kim Crawford (kscraw1978@gmail.com).
IMA Scholarship Information - DUE APRIL 04
*Attention ALL Seniors*
The IMA will once again award six $1,000 scholarships this year to the seniors in the instrumental music program. The IMA Scholarship Application will be available Tuesday, February 7, on the EAHS Scholarship Website at scholarships.eastonsd.org.
The application and recommendations will be submitted online this year. The deadline to return the application is Tuesday, April 4, 2023.
There will be an informational Zoom meeting about scholarships at 6 PM on Wednesday, February 8. The link will be posted on the website and the senior class Schoology page.
We look forward to reading and considering your application.
*Questions regarding the IMA Scholarship can be directed to Mrs. Jennifer Brunetti at scholarships@eahsmusic.org
Wind Ensemble Audition Information
- Required scales/ rudiments
- Excerpts
- Google form to submit all videos
Auditions are due via video by Monday, March 06.
I look forward to hearing your auditions!
2023 Senior Recital Information
In order to perform on the recital, students must audition. Information on what is required to audition can be found below:
Senior Recital Informational Document
To submit an interest form, students should complete this form by Friday, February 24.
Full Instrumental Department Dates 2022 - 2023
2023 Summer Dates
Please note, an official list of 2023 - 2024 dates will be sent out towards the end of this school year.
Noto's Hoagie Sale
SALE DATES: 1/30 - 2/15 (paper forms)
*online sale runs until 2/20
COUPONS: $10.00 per coupon, each good for one hoagie (choice of ham, turkey, roast beef, Italian, egg salad, chicken salad or tuna salad). Coupons will expire June 30, 2023.
COUPON DISTRIBUTION: February 27-28, exact times/locations to be confirmed.
Students attending the Germany and/ or Florida trips can offset their contributions through this fundraiser! 50% of the profits ($1.50/ coupon) will go towards student contributions for travel.
QUESTIONS: Contact Kara Howe at foodcoupons@eahsmusic.org
March Forth Campaign Kick Off!
March 04 is known as “National Marching Arts Day.” To tie into this day, we are opening the March Forth fundraiser for one month with a goal of $15,000 in unrestricted funds. It is a large sum of money, but if 500 people donated $30, we would reach our goal! All donations are tax deductible.
It costs approximately $80,000 to maintain the programs the IMA supports on an annual basis. Through the donations of many over the past three years, some of what we have been able to provide includes:
- Maintaining instruments & uniforms
- Student leadership seminars (Drum Major Academy, etc.)
- Provide six $1,000 scholarships on an annual basis to graduating seniors
- Bring in guest clinicians/ private lessons
- Purchase new instruments & cases
- Offset costs of travel within the instrumental music program
There are THREE ways to make a donation:
- The IMA website (www.eahsmusic.org) – donate & pay all online!
- Paper form (check/ cash) – attached to this email
- Facebook @ Easton Area High School Instrumental Music Association
50% of any contributions received for the March Forth campaign that are affiliated with a band/ orchestra student can go towards their trip contributions. Unfortunately, we are not able to have any Facebook contributions count towards student contribution goals.
Please consider donating today: https://eahsmusic.org/general/march-forth-2023/
Raise Right - Fundraising Opportunity
Participants can buy gift cards at face value. There is a percentage listed that you earn for every purchase. Gift cards are either instant download and/ or physical gift cards. You can then spend the gift cards as you would normally, knowing you helped fundraise!
Click here to learn more about the program, create your account & begin fundraising! Friends & family can help fundraise anywhere in the country - it is a great way to get relatives involved who may not be able to participate in our normal fundraisers.
Easton Area High School Instrumental Music
Email: ballentinec@eastonsd.org
Website: www.eahsmusic.org
Location: 2601 William Penn Highway, Easton, PA, USA
Phone: (610) 250 2481
Facebook: facebook.com/eahsmusic
Twitter: @eahs_band