Shorewood Hills Shark Tooth
February 9, 2024
We will develop a welcoming school community of global citizens through: Anti-racist practices, strong relationships, and high academic expectations.
Happy Black History Month! Even though we celebrate and honor Black History all year, the month of February provides us a special opportunity to center, honor, and uplift African-Americans’ voices, stories, and history. Students will participate in special lessons about Black History this month, will hear about the contributions of African Americans on our all school announcements and we will wrap up the month with participating in MMSD's 20th annual Read Your Heart out week. Please see the section on Read Your Heart out below to learn more!
We also honor Lunar New Year on Saturday. To celebrate the Year of the Dragon, please check out the large display case near the library during the month of February. Many thank yous to our Bilingual Resource Staff for organizing both this and in-classroom activities for our students to learn more about Lunar New Year.
Finally, I want to welcome all of the new families who have recently joined us. From December 1st through the end of this month, we will have welcomed 11 new students from both the US and abroad. We are so glad you are here! This whole school newsletter is sent every other Friday and contains important information about Shorewood.
In partnership,
Anne Gillespie
Read Your Heart Out 2024
Throughout the week of February 26th, we are celebrating the 20th anniversary of Read Your Heart Out! In the month of February, schools across MMSD participate in the district's annual Read Your Heart Out (RYHO) event in celebration of National African American Parent Involvement Day. Family members, community members and volunteers who identify as African American/Black read books, recite poetry or connect with students through visual or oral storytelling in the classroom during February’s Read Your Heart Out celebration. Read Your Heart Out embraces the Seven Principles of Kwanzaa and sankofa. Schools work to embed these seven principles into their Read Your Heart Out event to make it special and to honor African American heritage.
We are seeking volunteers to read to our students! If you or someone you know who identifies as African American/Black, please be in touch with your student's classroom teacher! We would LOVE to have you join us!
Congrats to the Chess Team!
The Shorewood Chess Team took FIRST PLACE at the chess tournament held at Shorewood last weekend. Well done!
Summer Programming
If you are looking for summer programming for your student, NOW is the time to make a plan. There are many programs throughout Madison but registration often fills very quickly. MOST (Madison Out of School Time) has a program search finder linked here). MSCR (Madison School and Community Recreation) will also post their summer program soon.
MMSD offers a 6-week summer program but it is only for a very limited number of students with academic needs in math and/or reading. Therefore, it is by invitation only. Invitations for summer school will be sent on April 3rd. If you have questions about summer school, please reach out to us.
From the Health Office
Hello Shorewood,
Our school community is seeing a good mix of influenza, Covid, gastrointestinal viruses, and plenty of colds. Please help keep our students and staff healthy by keeping students home if they are not feeling well. Masking is encouraged for mild respiratory symptoms such as runny noses and cough.
When to keep a student home:
- Fever: A fever is considered a temperature of 100.4 or greater. Students must be free of fever for 24 hours without fever reducing medication before returning to school.
- Vomiting or Diarrhea- stay home for a minimum of 24 hours since last episode and energy levels have returned to participate in school.
- If your child tests positive for COVID-19. Please fill out the MMSD symptom screener and a district contact tracer will follow up when your student can return. Generally students may return on Day 6 with a mask through Day 10.
- When advised by your medical provider to stay home. Students with strep, pink eye or other communicable illnesses should check with their medical provider and confirm with the health office when to return.
We have Covid rapid antigen home tests available in the main office, please stop by if you are in need. You may also order 4 free tests to be mailed to your home HERE.
Lastly, this is your second semester reminder that lice happens. Please let the health office know if you discover lice in your child’s head. We encourage you to tell your child’s close friends so they can be checked. A letter is sent to those in the same class by the health office. Collective information sharing and vigilance is the best way to prevent a larger outbreak. Lice do not carry disease, they are a nuisance but are not an emergency. We have lice combs and home treatments in the Health Office that can be sent home if needed. Students will be checked by the Health Office a week after treatment. Please reach out to the health office if you have questions at 608-204-1204 or email me at lgmccluskey1@madison.k12.wi.us
Thank you and good health wishes,
Lucy McCluskey
School Nurse
Read-a-Thon Spirit Week
We are in week two of our Read-a-Thon and to celebrate we will have a spirit week next Monday through Thursday (reminder that there is no school on Friday).
Shorewood Village Summer Land Rec
Summer Adventure Awaits at Land Rec Camp 2024!
Hey Parents! Are you ready to elevate your kids’ summer experience? Say goodbye to boredom and hello to a world of excitement at Land Rec Camp 2024!
Registrations Due: Friday, April 5 – Beat the Late Fee!
While there might be snow on the ground, it’s never too early to plan for a thrilling summer ahead. Located near the Heiden Haus at the south end of the school lot, Land Rec Camp is the ultimate outdoor escape for your kids. Our camp runs Monday through Friday, 1:00-3:00 pm, weather permitting.
What’s in Store for Your Young Explorers:
Field Games Galore – Unleash the energy with epic games of dodgeball and more!
STEM Adventures – Ignite curiosity with hands-on STEM activities.
Creative Arts – Explore the arts and let imaginations soar.
Table Games – Fun and strategic games for every camper.
Who Can Join: All Shorewood Hills residents and Shorewood Hills Elementary School students
ages 7-11 (entering 2nd-6th grade in September) are invited to enroll. Choose one session or both for a
summer filled with laughter and memories.
Session Details:
• First Session: June 10 - July 5
• Second Session: July 8 - August 2
Act Fast! The deadline to enroll without a late fee is Friday, April 5.
How to Register: Visit www.shorewood-hills.org/land_rec to access the registration form.
Why Land Rec? It’s more than a camp – it’s a community! Let your kids connect, make new friends, and
create lasting memories all summer long. Don’t miss out on the adventure – secure your child’s spot at Land Rec Camp 2024 today! #LandRecAdventure #SummerFun
Save the Date: Learning Showcase Night
Learning Showcase is coming soon!
Wednesday, March 6th
All families are invited to see a showcase of student learning in classrooms and throughout the building. More details to come!
Basketball Coached Needed
The Village of Shorewood Hills seeks energetic and enthusiastic basketball coaches to teach the Spring, Summer, and/or Fall 2024 sessions of its youth basketball program. Program participants include Shorewood Hills Elementary School students and elementary-aged Village residents who will be enrolled in 1st-5th grade in 2024. Coaches are expected to know the fundamental rules and skills of basketball, and to teach those basic rules/skills to groups of elementary-aged children while promoting a safe, fun, encouraging, and inclusive learning environment. Coaches will help participants build skills, strength, and confidence while promoting good sportsmanship, physical fitness, and teamwork.
Coaches must have experience with the sport of basketball, either as a player or a coach. Some experience leading or teaching youth activities is preferred.
Each session will last 6 weeks. The dates for the 2024 sessions are as follows:
• Spring 2024: April 15 - May 20
• Summer 2024: June 10 - July 15
• Fall 2024: September 9 - October 14
The proposed weekly schedule for each session, which is subject to change based on enrollment, is Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons from 4:30-5:30 pm (spring and fall sessions) and 5:30-6:30 pm (summer session). Applicants can apply for any or all session(s). The anticipated pay rate is $12/hour.
Spring 2024 session:
Applications open: February 1, 2024
Application deadline: March 29, 2024
Summer 2024 session:
Applications open: February 1, 2024
Application deadline: May 24, 2024
Fall 2024 session:
Applications open: February 1, 2024
Application deadline: August 30, 2024
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Please find food service menus linked here. There is also an option to subscribe to the menus on iCal or Google calendar.
Resources and Upcoming Dates
Upcoming Dates:
- Sunday, February 4th-18th: Read-a-Thon
- Monday, February 12th-15th: Read-a-Thon Spirit Week
- Monday-Mismatched socks or shoes
- Tuesday-Represent your home culture, town, or country
- Wednesday-Winter hat and/or scarf
- Thursday- Shorewood gear or the color blue
- Tuesday, February 13th: 10:00 PTO Meeting
- Friday, February 16th: No School
- Monday, February 26th-Friday, March 1st: Read Your Heart Out Week: Celebrating National African American Parent Involvement Day and literacy!
Help Lines:
Text “HOPELINE” to 741741
Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 608-280-2600 or 1-800-273-8255
Briarpatch Helpline: 1-800-798-1126
Trevor Lifeline for LGBTQ+: 1-866-488-7386 or click here for Trevor Text & Trevor Chat
24/7 SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline - 1-800-985-5990
24/7 Parental Stress Line - 1-800-632-8188
- Domestic Abuse Intervention Services (DAIS) Help Line: 608-251-4445 or 800-747-4045, If you are in immediate danger, call 911.