Sea Lion Spotlight
Malibu Elementary Parent Newsletter #13 - November 4, 2024
Table of Contents
2. Highlights - Photos of Recent Events
3. Important Dates - Coming Soon
4. Looking farther forward - Events to anticipate farther out in time
5. Articles - Timely information for parents
6. More Highlights
7. Useful Resources and Links
Principal's Pen
Hello MES Families,
Many thanks to our parents who showed up in great numbers to our annual Trunk o' Treat, Halloween Parade, and Dia de Los Muertos events. Thank you also to our Room Parents for organizing our classroom holiday parties. Thank you also to our parents who organized our first-ever Camp Out. The students love these special events and I am certain it will lead to warm lifelong memories of elementary school. Please enjoy the pictures of the events below.
Parents with dogs are doing a fantastic job managing them in the parking lot, however I have to emphasize that dogs are not allowed on school property. And, many children are frightened of dogs too. Thank you for your cooperation. In regard to the parking lot, when using the loading zone, please use the passenger-side door and not the driver's-side door. If you are walking your child across the parking lot, keep your child very close as there are many vehicles parking and then backing out. Remember, the loading zone is the best way to bring children to and from school.
Our 5th graders had a super experience at overnight outdoor school back in October. Thank you to our PTA for helping to subsidize the cost. In June the 5th grade students can anticipate a great Promotion Ceremony thanks to parent volunteers supporting our teachers. Also the students will be going on another exciting field trip in June. (The teachers have received some great ideas from a committee they formed to price out various options.) All MES families can support both the ceremony and the June celebration trip by participating in Bingo Night and in the upcoming Bake Sales. I am so grateful that parents and teachers are working together to create an amazing last year of elementary school for this outstanding group of students.
Fourth grade students can now start to get excited about their overnight trip next school year! The trip is to Pali Camp and will happen in mid-October. (We have reservations and thanks to PTA we are able to put down our reservation deposit.) In January fourth grade parents will learn about camp and decide about fundraising and donations.
Our PTA Sea Lion Giving Wave concluded on October 31st. Thank you to the families who were able and willing to donate. In all $376,222.23 were pledged. $215,293.16 has been collected. The remainder has been pledged. (The class with the highest percent of givers was Mrs. Tate. The students in Mrs. Tate class will now be spraying me down with Silly String!) Your generosity is paying for Instructional Aides, Art, our Marine Science aquariums, subsidizing field trips, bringing our students programs like Lexia and so much more that the district doesn't cover. Your gift helps our very good school to be a great school. Thank you.
Parent conferences are this week. Please sign up to learn how your child is doing and how you can support your child at home. Return to your child and share at least one thing to praise them for and one goal to work on. Children feel empowered and prosper when they have a goal to work toward. Tell your child that you are working closely with their teacher. Children thrive when they know that their teachers and parents partner for their success.
Lastly, please see the two parent surveys below. One is about our school and the other is about after-school programs you hope to see. Thank you for your participation.
Thank you for your partnership,
Proud Principal Chris Hertz
Important Dates Coming Soon
24-25 Academic Calendar
24-25 PTA Calendar
24-25 Malibu Community Events Calendar
- Sun 11/03 - Clocks fall back - End Daylight Savings Time / 2am
- Tues 11/05 - Fri 11/08 - Parent/Teacher Conference Week (See minimum day schedule below)
- Tues 11/05 – Pupil Free Day for Parent-Teacher Conferences (No School)
- Wed 11/06 – (Minimum Day) / 12:45 Dismissal for for Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Thur 11/07 – (Minimum Day) / 12:45 Dismissal for for Parent-Teacher Conferences
Looking farther forward...
Nov 1 - Nov 26 - Annual Parent Climate Survey
- Mon 11/11 – Holiday (Veterans Day / No School)
- Tues 11/12 - PTA Members Meeting / 8:30 - 9:30 @ cafeteria and at https://meet.google.com/xen-fqzt-ebx (Agenda: Vote on budget)
Thur 11/21- PTA Members Meeting / 8:30 - 9:30 @ cafeteria (Agenda: forthcoming)
- SSC Meeting / 3:30 - 4:45 (Draft Agenda)
- Bingo Night (5th grade EOY Fundraiser) / 5-7pm
- November 27, 28, & 29, 2024 -- Thanksgiving Break (No School)
12/09 - 12/13 - Book Fair (Literati) / 20% to PTA
- Fri 12/20 – Holiday Show! / 8:30 - 10am K-2nd & 10:30 - 12pm 3-5th @ cafeteria
- Bake Sale (5th grade EOY Fundraiser) / 8:30 - 12 @ library courtyard
- Last Day before Winter Break
Articles for Parents
We would like all fifth grade students to complete the CA Healthy Kids Survey sponsored by the California Department of Education (CDE). This is a very important survey that will help promote better health and well-being among our youth, improve the school learning environment and combat problems such as drug abuse and violence. To allow your grade 5 student to participate, you must OPT IN by submitting this form before October 31, 2024. More information can be found here. Here is the student survey for your preview.
Parents, SMMUSD would like you to share your thoughts on our school which will help guide district and school efforts to promote safety, enhance learning supports, and improve student achievement. This survey should take about 10-15 minutes to complete. The survey window is from November 1 - November 26. For more info, and to take the survey, CLICK HERE.
Malibu Boys and Girls Club Information
After-School Program Interest Survey
The City of Malibu, Community Services Department and the Boys & Girls Club of Malibu are distributing a community survey for Afterschool Programs at Webster and Malibu Elementary schools to provide feedback for future sessions to meet the community’s needs. Please complete the survey here: https://malibucity.org/FormCenter/Parks-and-Rec-Forms-8/Community-Program-Interest-Survey-266
MES Minimum Days Schedule / 12:45 Dismissal for All Students (TK-5)
- Nov 6 (Parent Conference Week)
- Nov 7 (Parent Conference Week)
- Nov 8 (Parent Conference Week)
- May 22 (Open House and Celebration of Learning)
- June 11 (2nd to last day of school)
- June 12 (last day of school)
Volunteering at MES
More Highlights
Useful Resources and Links
Principal Chris' Past Newsletters
PTA Website and Store
PTA Spirit Wear "Akaway Collection"
Student Services Registration Documents
Volunteering at MES: Information and Signup form
Medications at School Form Send to School Nurse Marion Mayer: mmayer@smmusd.org
Connect with Chris Hertz
Email: chertz@smmusd.org
Website: malibues.smmusd.org
Location: 6955 Fernhill Drive, Malibu, CA, USA
Phone: 310-457-9370
Twitter: @hertzinator