August 8, 2024
Welcome Back Comets!
The Canyon Creek Elementary PTA has been hard at work over the summer getting ready for an iconic year! We are so excited about the upcoming 2024-2025 school year and this email is packed full of everything you need to know from your CCE PTA! Please read it all the way to the bottom so you won’t miss anything. Trust us, there is important info all the way to the very end.
Welcome Walk
First things first, we hope you have had a great morning “Chalking Your Walk” and meeting your teacher for this school year! If you took any photos, please email them to our yearbook: ccetxyearbook@gmail.com.
Campus Beautification Day
A HUGE shout out and “thank you” to the volunteers who participated in our Back to School Campus Beautification Day. We are so thankful to have such a servant-hearted community of families who never fail to show up and put in the hard work. Going forward, we have lots of ideas for continuing Campus Beautification efforts around our school campus during this school year, so make sure to find the Campus Beautification table at the BTSF to learn more and sign up to get involved.
Back To School Fling!
The Back To School Fling is on Monday, August 12 starting at 7:30am. There will be games, prizes, activities, photo ops and all the usual opportunities to see your classroom, organize your school supplies and sign up for programs, clubs and of course, the PTA! Classrooms will be open to visit from 8am - 9am only. If you purchased school supplies through the school, they will be waiting for you to open and organize in your classroom.
When you arrive at the BTSF, you will receive a printed “To Do list”. If you complete EVERY item on the list, you’ll be entered to win a Handel’s gift card for some ice cream.
TIP: “To Do’s” you can check off at home before BTSF!
- Join PTA (see detailed instructions below)
- Buy T-shirts
- Pay Hassle Free Fundraiser
- Buy a Yard Sign
- Join the “Canyon Creek PTA” facebook private group (you must join the PTA before you will be approved)
Make sure to bring your cash or checkbook to the BTSF.
BTSF Volunteers Needed!
We NEED volunteers to pull off this event! Anyone can help, you don't need to be a PTA member yet. This is a great opportunity to come work with the team and get to know people for new families. Please sign up at the link below to help out for one shift of the BTSF. Yes, your student can volunteer with you!
Tax Free Weekend!
This weekend (August 9-11) is Tax Free Weekend! Get tax free savings on your online purchases on these dates. Purchases made at the BTSF with cash/check will also be tax-free sales this year.
Announcing our 2024-2025 Canyon Creek “Icon” Spirit T- Shirts!
Get ready to show your Comet pride with our new "Icon" Spirit T-shirts! These shirts are a nod to the local iconic photo spot in Austin, with the hope to unite our community around this positive and inclusive message. And it's true- we all really do "love CCE so much!"
Grab a 2024-2025 "Icon" Spirit Shirt for each of your students to wear on Spirit Fridays, Field Trips, and any time they want to show their Comet spirit. A limited number of adult sizes are also available for purchase. Order through the PTA website to pay with a credit card and secure the sizes you need! Shirts will also be available for purchase at the BTSF with CASH or CHECK only, but sizes may be limited or sold out.
For more info, including sizing reference, and to order your shirts, please visit the PTA website HERE.
Spirit Yard Signs!
Have you seen our “Home of a CCE Comet” yard signs around the neighborhood and wished you had one? We have a very limited number of signs available for purchase.
Order today through the PTA website to pay with a credit card. Any un-purchased signs will be available for sale at the BTSF with CASH or CHECK only, but they are first come first serve. Order online today HERE before they sell out!
Voice for Every Student – Please Join the PTA!
Secure your membership and Hassle Free Donation Today!
Our big goal every year is for every student at Canyon Creek to be represented in our PTA. This means that we ask that parents, family members, teachers/staff, and community members join the PTA.
For as little as $8.00 you can make a difference in CCE student's school experience. In addition to your $8 membership, you can also support the CCE PTA by contributing to the "Hassle Free Donation" which bypasses our need to fundraise throughout the year.
The Hassle Free Donation is $70 per student and our one time ask for funds that directly impact our students and supports classroom and grade level teacher needs, along with library, counselor, art, music, PE, intervention, tech support, and also includes covering costs for field day, various field trips, Friday Feasts and Teacher Appreciation and so much more.
Our aim is to always prioritize these funds directly impacting our students, teachers and school needs. This is the foundation for our PTA budget and we have seen our Hassle Free Donation levels decrease in recent years – so please consider this contribution if you are able.
We've made it easy for you to "Bundle" both the membership and hassle free donation together through the link below. You can also purchase items individually as well.
**Quick Reminder! You will need to re-register on the PTA website as it is the start of a new school year and update you and your student's information. After registering, you will have full access to the website.
Each year the PTA requests
First Login or Register on the CCE PTA website (ignore the invalid error and scroll down to see the login/register section)
PLEASE add an email address to your profile as all membership cards are sent via email.
Once you have logged in (and/or set up your profile) then you can either:
Go directly to https://canyoncreekpta.membershiptoolkit.com/packet/13505
Go to "My Account" and in the drop down menu, click on "My Forms/Paperwork"
In the New Forms section, click on "2024_2025 Back to School Fling Sales Form"
Fill out what you want to order:
Bundle (2 memberships + hassle free donation)
A la carte items (individual PTA Membership)
Click "Save and Continue"
Click "Proceed to Checkout"
Click "Pay Now" and follow directions using credit or debit card
Thank you for joining today and contributing to your CCE student(s)!
PTA Members, your 2024-2025 membership cards will be emailed in the first couple of weeks of September.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact VP Membership at membership.ccepta@gmail.com.
Coffee and Kleenex
Parents of our newest kindergarten students are invited to attend Coffee & Kleenex right after morning drop-off on the first day of school from 7:40 AM - 8:10AM. Click here to RSVP. If you are a new parent to the school please take your photo id to the office. Returning parents don't need to do that.
TIP: Swing by the school office at the BTSF on MONDAY to have your photo ID scanned into the Raptor system. You will need to badge in for this event and having your ID scanned into the system before the first day of school will help things run much more smoothly.
Popsicles with PTA!
August 12- Back to School Fling (7:30am-10am), Visit classrooms (8am-9am)
August 13 - First Day of School, Coffee & Kleenex for kinder parents, Popsicles with PTA
August 22 - Spirit Night at Torchys and Handel’s
September 2 - No School (Labor Day)
September 5- First PTA membership meeting and Back to School night
If you made it to the very end, thank you for sticking with us. We are so excited for this new school year to start and to see you all soon!
About Us
Email: canyoncreekelementarypta@gmail.com
Website: https://canyoncreekpta.membershiptoolkit.com/
Location: 10210 Ember Glen Drive, Austin, TX, USA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/canyoncreekpta/