The Board Bulletin December 2024
A Monthly Summary of Board Discussion and Action

December 12, 2024
About The Board Bulletin
The Board Bulletin is published monthly following the voting meeting of the Board and is for informational purposes to keep the West York Area School District Community informed of Board happenings and is not intended as an official record of meetings. To view official meeting minutes, please visit BoardDocs and click on the specific meetings of interest. Each meeting's minutes are presented to the Board for approval at the following meeting. For questions or comments about this Bulletin, please contact trkeeler@wyasd.org.
Board Meeting Highlights
Tuesday, December 10, 2024 - Board Voting Meeting
- The minutes from the December 3, 2024, Board Reorganization and Work Session were approved.
- Mr. Will Plappert, High School Student Council Vice President, shared updates from the High School.
- The District Holiday Card designers were recognized (card designs are shown below):
- Lysone Donovan-Green in Ms. Tracey Overlander's homeroom and Ms. Alyssa Daugherty's art class at Wallace Elementary.
- Gabrielle Skye Interino in Ms. Meredith Lutz's homeroom and Ms. Tiffany Louck's art class at Trimmer Elementary.
- Ms. Faith Wentworth, Lincolnway Music Teacher, brought several 2nd and 3rd graders to perform holiday music for the Board.
- Ms. Heather Hossler, Acting Director of Special Education and Pupil Services, shared a presentation about the Laurel Life program in West York.
- Dr. Davies shared updates from the District in his monthly report.
- Public Comment:
- There was no public comment.
- Action was taken on the following items:
- Act 1 Resolution
- GSL Government Consulting
- LIU Agreement for Software
- School-related Travel
- Softball Field Location
- Sports Physicals
- Student Expulsion
- Tax Assessment Appeal
- Tax Equity Resolution
- Personnel items to include new hires, transfers, resignations, volunteers, etc.
- Monthly Financial Statements
- Informational Reports, including the district rentals, enrollment report, and conference reports were shared.
- Other Matters:
- Detailed information about attorney fees was requested by Directors.
- President Rice wished everyone happy holidays and adjourned the meeting.
WYASD Holiday Card Designed by Gabrielle Skye Interino
WYASD Holiday Card Designed by Lysone Donovan-Green
Reorganization and Work Session Highlights
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
The Reorganization Meeting of the West York Area School Board was called to order by Board Secretary Sheri Schlemmer.
- A roll call of School Directors was conducted.
- Public Comment:
- There was no public comment.
- Director Kohler was elected as temporary president to lead the Pledge of Allegiance and facilitate the election of the new president.
- Temporary President Kohler called for nominations for the Office of Board President.
- Directors Herman and Rice were nominated.
- Director Rice was the successful candidate after a roll-call vote.
- President Rice assumed leadership of the meeting and called for nominations for the Office of Board Vice President.
- Directors Herman and Hamme were nominated.
- Director Hamme was the successful candidate after a roll-call vote.
- The Board established meeting dates and times for 2025, which will be advertised.
- Discussion was held regarding committee assignments. President Rice will work one-on-one with Directors to make committee appointments in the coming weeks.
- Discussion was held to set a Board Leadership meeting date and to look at dates for the Board photograph in the new year.
- The Reorganization Meeting of the Board was adjourned by President Rice noting a brief break before the Work Session.
A roll call of Directors was conducted.
The minutes from the November 19, 2024, meeting of the Board were approved.
- Ms. Melissa Appnel, Director of K12 Education and Assessment shared a Future Ready Index presentation.
- Discussion items included:
- Band Uniform Disposal
- First Policy Reviews
- Softball Field Location
- Act 1 Resolution
- Tax Equity Resolution
- Tax Assessment Appeal
- Other matters for discussion included:
- There will be one school-related trip on the voting agenda.
- December Financials
- Personnel Recommendations for action at the December 10th Board Meeting were shared with the Board.
Committee Reports:
- Note that internal committee minutes are attached to the Work Session agenda in the month following the committee meeting.
- Internal Committees:
- Budget and Finance Committee - There was no meeting. Treasurer Gettys noted that maintaining the Fund Balance should be a priority.
- Cocurricular Committee - Director Rice shared highlights of the November 19th meeting.
- Educational Programming Committee - Director Herman noted that the next meeting will be held in January.
- Facilities Committee - A possible date for the next meeting is January 21st, prior to the Board Meeting.
- Foundation for the WYASD - The next meeting will be December 17th.
- CEC Committee - Dr. Davies noted that he would speak with Director Shope about moving the CEC Meeting to February 18th to accommodate a January Facilities Meeting.
- Wellness Committee - The next meeting is scheduled for January 23rd.
- External Committees and Boards:
- West Manchester Township Recreation Committee - Director Herman will update the Rec Board about the District's decision regarding softball.
- York County School of Technology - Director Harlacher reported that a quorum was not present to hold a meeting. Director Kohler asked that Director Harlacher convey that the costs for additional buses for longer student rides should not be at the expense of Districts.
- York County School of Technology Authority - Director Rice had no report.
- York Adams Academy - Director Myers reported that there was no meeting.
- York/LIU Joint Authority and LIU Board of Directors - Treasurer Gettys reported that the Dawn's Early Light was attached and that a budget was presented with no increase to Districts.
Public Comment:
There was no public comment.
President Rice adjourned the meeting.
Upcoming Meetings
Meetings are held in the Administration Boardroom for in-person attendance, via Zoom, and live-streamed on our District YouTube channel. Note: Public Comment is only accepted via in-person attendance.
- January 14, 2025
- Educational Programming Committee 5:30 p.m.
- Work Session of the Board 7:00 p.m.
- January 21, 2025
- Facilities Committee Meeting 5:30 p.m.
- Board Voting Meeting 6:30 p.m.
- January 23, 2025
- Wellness Committee Meeting 3:15 p.m.
Meet the School Board
Click the photos below to meet our WYASD School Directors.
Click the email address under the photo to email a specific Director.
The Board Bulletin is designed for informational purposes for the West York Area School District Community and is not intended as an official record of meetings. To view official meeting minutes, you can visit BoardDocs and click on the specific meetings of interest. The Board approves each meeting's minutes at the following meeting. For questions or comments about this Bulletin, please contact trkeeler@wyad.org.