Highlights from the High
December 13th, 2024
Updated School Schedule
Please see the updated school district schedule for the week of December 16, 2024:
December 16, 2024---Full Day for Students
December 17, 2024---Full Day for Students
December 18, 2024---Full Day for Students
December 19, 2024---Half-Day for Students
December 20, 2024---No School (Winter Break Begins)
Chester High School After-School Programs
The Students Achieve 21st Century After-School Program began on November 4, 2024. Space is still available for all programs, including credit recovery. The following programs will be offered to students:
- Homework Help
- Academic Enrichment
- Credit Recovery
- Music Production
- Basketball Skills & Drills
- Softball, Cooking, Acting, & Dance
- FREE snack for all students in attendance
- Transportation
Please access the links below to complete an application.
Spanish: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScmzNABBQlXgXMq4airBGHpi7WbHSnDstu8XXNSN737YDWvPw/viewform
PowerSchool Parent Account
Please refer to the flyer below for instructions on creating a Parent PowerSchool Account. Your PowerSchool account will provide information about student attendance, grades, and behavior, helping you stay updated on their progress.
Holiday Event
Please review the attached flyer for the upcoming, A Chester Christmas, holiday celebration.
We are excited to share information about Naviance Student, a web-based and mobile-friendly platform designed to help you and your Chester High School student make informed decisions about college and career choices. Naviance offers a variety of resources, including college search tools, career assessments, and goal-setting options.
Each student has a Naviance account with assigned tasks for career exploration and planning. We encourage you to explore this platform with your CHS Student. Please refer to the attached flyer for log-in information.