December 4th - 8th, 2023
RRMS Family Literacy Night
The Literacy Focus Group Team would like to cordially invite you and your family to a Winter Literacy Night on Wednesday, December 6th from 5 pm – 6:30 pm.
We will have soooo many fun things for the whole family! Every CORE content area will be represented in our Winter Literacy Night.
- Food Trucks 😊
- Holiday Story Stations
- Science Fair Exhibition
- Holiday Card Making Station
- “Guess the Amount in the Jar” games
- 125+ FREE books to give away
- Holidays Around the World Exhibition
Congratulations, Raiders!
FACS room design winner is.......Rawley Biddix
Counselor's Corner
Ms. Jenkins will serve as school counselor for students in the 6th grade.
Ms. Atkinson will serve as school counselor for students in the 7th grade.
Mrs. Cunningham will serve as school counselor for students in the 8th grade.
What is Leadership Roundup?
The South Carolina 4-H Pinckney Leadership Round-up is an opportunity for middle and high school youth leaders from diverse backgrounds to gather and take their leadership skills to the next level. Students will participate in hands-on student leadership sessions, engage in critical dialogue centered on personal excellence, establish and maintain relationships with like-minded student leaders, and connect with professionals from higher education.
Same event...THREE opportunities to attend!
January 20th
Brookland Baptist Conference Center Columbia, S.C.
February 17th
Florence Civic Center Florence, S.C.
March 2nd
S.C. Aeronautical Training Center North Charleston, S.C.
Registration includes workshops, event swag, a t-shirt, continental breakfast, and lunch! Use discount code THISIS4H to receive a $5 discount on your registration! Tickets can be reserved for youth and adults at https://sc4hplp.eventbrite.com/.
We look forward to seeing you there! 🍀
The Arts at RRMS
Scenes from "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever"
Congratulations to Ms. Klipa and the entire cast for an incredible performance
Greetings from the Applied Technology Center,
Your 8th grade student toured the ATC recently to preview the variety of programs they can take while in high school at Rock Hill School District. We encourage you to speak to them about what programs were of interest. Together you can further explore the course choices at their Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) meeting with their school counselor and on our website. Our website is https://www.rock-hill.k12.sc.us/Domain/30 or you can scan the QR code to obtain specific program details.
We also invite you and your student to our Winterfest event for an in depth look at programs at ATC. The event will be held January 18th, 2024, come anytime from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Invitation above. If that doesn't work for you then give us a call for an individual visit!
From Nurse Knight
COVID and Flu
The RHSD is currently following SCDHEC guidelines regarding isolation for COVID positive students, as well as tracking Flu cases. If your child is sick, please keep them at home and contact the RHSD call center at (803) 980-2016 or covid@rhmail.org for further instructions.
All Covid -19 related questions and reporting must be directed to the call center. Staff will be available Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. to answer questions, provide return to school dates, code attendance related to COVID-19 and /or Flu, and assist with arranging Flu and/or COVID testing when needed. You must contact the District Call Center to ensure absences related to COVID and Flu are coded correctly for your student.
Testing is available at school by appointment. Please call Nurse Knight at (803) 981-1527 to schedule an appointment.
All students must provide documentation of immunizations as listed on the Recommended Childhood and Adolescent Immunization Schedule provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in accordance with the schedule set by DHEC for each school year. Record of immunizations on a SC DHEC approved certificate will be documented by the school nurse and placed in the student’s permanent record.
New Student Enrollment
Parents of newly enrolled students have 30 days to provide an immunization record after enrolling, after that grace period for immunization record, students will not be allowed to attend school until documentation is provided that all immunizations are up to date.
Immunization records from other states will be accepted if child's vaccines are up to date. The school nurse will assist parents with conversion to SC documentation.
7th Grade Immunization Requirements
Beginning August 2013, South Carolina law requires that all students entering 7th grade receive one (1) dose of Tdap vaccine (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis). All 7th graders must have proof of vaccination.
If you have received a letter from Nurse Knight regarding immunizations please contact her at (803) 981-1527 to discuss.
Food drive runs now through December 19th.
RRMS Food Drive
Our 4th Annual RRMS Food Drive has begun and will go through December 19th! Please send in any non-perishable food items and have your child drop in their Grade Level Donation Bucket. The Grade Level OR Staff with the most items donated will win a fabulous prize! (TBD)
Suggested items include:
Canned food and vegetables
Peanut Butter and Jelly
Granola or Fruit Bars
Stuffing Mix
Mashed Potato Flakes
Pasta Sauce
Boxed food
Mac and Cheese (boxed)
and much more!
We have about 40 Raider masks for sale for $5 each
To purchase event tickets
Boys Basketball CHMS @ RRMS
Monday, Dec 4, 2023, 05:15 PM
Raider Gym
Girls Basketball RRMS @ CHMS
Monday, Dec 4, 2023, 05:15 PM
Castle Heights Middle School, Firetower Road, Rock Hill, SC, USA
Wrestling Clover @ RRMS
Tuesday, Dec 5, 2023, 05:00 PM
Raider Gyn
Literacy Night
Wednesday, Dec 6, 2023, 05:00 PM
Rawlinson Road Middle School, West Main Street, Rock Hill, SC, USA
Boys Basketball STMS @ RRMS
Thursday, Dec 7, 2023, 05:15 PM
Raider Gym
Girls Basketball RRMS @ STMS
Thursday, Dec 7, 2023, 05:15 PM
Saluda Trail Middle School, Saluda Road, Rock Hill, SC, USA
Chorus Concert
Thursday, Dec 7, 2023, 07:00 PM
RRMS Auditorium
Dance Showcase
Friday, Dec 8, 2023, 05:30 PM
RRMS Auditorium
Important Reminders
Laptop update
If your student needs to complete an assignment, parents may request to check-out their students device for up to 5 days (not to exceed 5 consecutive days). If you have any questions, please reach out to the grade level administrator. Laptop check-out request form is below.
- As a part of our school's safety plan, and in accordance with Rock Hill School District policy and South Carolina state law, our administrative team will conduct safety screenings to help ensure the safety of all students and faculty. If you have any questions, please call or email Ms. Frazier.
- Also, students are not to share food or snacks with other students. Students may have food allergies or could eat something that could make them sick.
- Students are not allowed to use cell phones on campus during the school day. Students are not to use their device (cell phone/ laptops) to take pictures or record videos of activities while on campus or on district transportation. Students will receive consequences for these behaviors.
Student Supervision
About Us
Email: ncauthen@rhmail.org
Website: https://www.rock-hill.k12.sc.us/rrms
Location: 2631 West Main Street, Rock Hill, SC, USA
Phone: 803-981-1500
Facebook: facebook.com/rawlinsonroadmiddle
Twitter: @RawlinsonRoadMS