BonDeCroft Lion's Roar
Aug. 12th - Aug. 16th
This Week
This week students in grades 1st - 5th will take their fall iReady (this is replacing MAP) benchmark assessment. Please make sure to talk to your child about this testing and doing their best.
1st Grade Students will talk one 25 minute test Monday - Thursday of this week.
2nd Grade Students will take one 45 minute test Monday - Thursday of this week.
3rd-5th Grade students will be testing both ELA and Math on Monday & Tuesday. They will take two 45 minutes tests each day.
Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions.
21st CCLC After-School Program
The school board voted to fund our after-school program after we did not receive grant funding. Applications will go home on Monday. If your would like your child to attend and will attend 3 days a week, please complete the form and return to school ASAP. Please do not sign up if you are planning to only use this program during basketball season. Each child who signs up for this program needs to attend at least 90 hours throughout the school year.
PTO Volunteer Link
If you are interested in volunteering in any way, please complete the form using the QR code or the following link.
Playground Work Day
Emergency Drills
We will be performing emergency drills during the next week and at different times throughout the year. Please reach out to the school office with any questions or concerns.
Important Events:
8/23: PTO Shirt Sale is Due
9/5: School Pictures
BonDeCroft News
Lunch prices for visitors will be $5.50. Please make sure you bring correct change.
Lions Pledge
We are Lions
We have GRIT
For what we have.
To all we meet.
We are INDEPENDENT thinkers.
We make our own choices!
We earn TRUST
By our actions!
We are Lions.
We Don't Quit.
August Menu
PTO News
8/23: PTO Shirt Sale is due
Title I Tid Bits
Make homework time important. Set aside a time each evening to help your child with homework. Eliminate distractions such as television and phone calls. Let them know you think education is important!