Upper Adams School District
District Newsletter - Spring 2022-2023
161 N. Main Street
Biglerville, PA 17307
(717) 677-7191
FAX (717) 677-9807
District website: www.upperadams.org
Upper Adams School District Mission
The Upper Adams School District provides challenging and inspiring educational opportunities, empowering each student to be a responsible and productive individual.
Upper Adams School District Vision
All Students College and Career Ready.
A message from Superintendent, Wesley T. Doll, Ed.D.
Hello Canner Nation!
This is one of my favorite times of the year to live and work in Adams County. Taking a drive throughout the county you can easily see why as spring brings the fields back to life. The leaves return on the trees at the base of the mountain and slowly fill in the canopies of the trees as spring moves up the mountain to the top. Long rows of several varieties of fruit trees begin to pop with bloom colors filling the landscape with floral pastels. Other fields also begin to change from yellow-brown to a variety of green values. I’m sure many of you enjoy this time of the year too.
At the Upper Adams School District it is one of the busiest times of the school year. Various music concerts, field trips, environmental education camp, academic awards events, sports awards, Color Day, state testing, and the list goes on. The last month of the year is extremely busy for everyone connected with school-age students. Hopefully this newsletter and the additional communications from each of our schools will help you navigate the last weeks of school. If you need assistance with any questions, please contact our school district and we will assist you.
Finally, in an effort to increase our chances for an outdoor graduation ceremony, students asked that we consider a rain date this year. Graduation is scheduled for Thursday, June 1, 2023. The rain date is the day prior, Wednesday, May 31, 2023. The high school will use the rain date if the weekly forecast is showing a significant chance of rain on June 1, 2023 and a less significant chance of rain on May 31, 2023. A notice of a decision for the graduation date will be provided 48 hours prior. If the date is changed, the high school will make a district-generated mass call and post the information on social media, including the Upper Adams School District website. We wish all our graduating seniors best wishes for the beginning of a very bright future.
Go Canners!
Wesley Doll, Ed.D.
Upper Adams School Board News
The public can view the meetings of the Board of Directors via YouTube. The YouTube link can be found on the district website at www.upperadams.org at the bottom right of the homepage under the Quick Link Section.
If you have questions about the meetings or if you would like to be placed on a future agenda to speak to the board during public comment, please contact the following email address: Questions4Board@upperadams.org by 4:00 p.m. on the Monday prior to a board meeting.
Upper Adams School District Board Policies
2023-2024 Academic Calendar
Please note that the early dismissal days will be on the following schedule:
Biglerville High School & Upper Adams Middle School (Secondary Campus)
Dismissal at 10:45 a.m. No Lunch will be served.
Upper Adams Intermediate School & Biglerville Elementary School (Elementary Campuses)
Dismissal at 11:45 a.m. No Lunch will be served.
Upper Adams School District - School Social Work
You may reach Mrs. Calderon via email at m.calderon@upperadams.org or via telephone at 717-677-7191 ext. 2512 or 717-778-8512.
Move-Up Day Planned for Upper Adams Middle School and Biglerville High School Students
Business Office Updates
2021-2022 Audit
At the voting board meeting on January 17, 2023, the School Board directors accepted the final audit document ending June 30, 2022, for the 2021-2022 fiscal year, with no reported findings and good financial health of the District. The audit was completed by Kochenour Earnest Smyers-Burg.
For a more in-depth explanation of the information shared above, please refer to our YouTube channel from the December 6, 2022 board meeting found here: Board Meeting 12/6/2022
Budget 2023-2024
On January 17, 2023, the Upper Adams School District Board of Directors approved not to raise taxes more than 5.7% for 2023-2024 fiscal year. Preliminary budget for 2023-2024, will be available after the May 16, 2023 board meeting. Final adoption of the 2023-2024 budget will be voted on June 20, 2023. For updated information on the 2023-2024 budget, please visit: https://www.upperadams.org/Page/4363
Tax Office
Effective February 1, 2023, the Adams County Court House, Treasurer Office, will be collecting taxes as it relates to the Bendersville Borough. Any questions from residents in Bendersville should be directed to the Treasurer’s Office.
If you have questions regarding your tax bill, please reach out to your tax collector as noted below.
Arendtsville Borough
Adams County Court House
Treasurer Office
117 Baltimore Street, Suite 101, Gettysburg, PA 17325
Bendersville Borough
Adams County Court House
Treasurer Office
117 Baltimore Street, Suite 101, Gettysburg PA 17325
Biglerville Borough
Beth Corson
28 Ditzler Ave, Biglerville, PA 17307
Butler Township
Garry Fair
1800 Table Rock Rd, Gettysburg, PA 17325
Menallen Township
Ellen Black
39 West Point Rd., Aspers, PA 17304
Tyrone Township
Joanne Reed
PO Box 125, Gardners, PA 17324
MySchoolBucks Update - COMING SOON Waiver of Transaction Fee
If your student does not have a MySchoolBucks account, you can set this up through the district website at at the following link: MySchoolBucks
Food Service Updates for 2022-2023
Free Breakfast
Free breakfast will continue for the remainder of the 2022-2023 school year. This was announced by Governor Wolf on September 9, 2022 and began on October 1, 2022.
Students will be required to pay for lunch daily, unless they qualify under the free/reduced meal application process. We strongly encourage families to complete the free/reduced meal application so it does not impact any current or future benefits that you are receiving. Families can apply online at Online Free/Reduced Meal Application, https://www.compass.state.pa.us, or for a printed copy please visit: Free/Reduced Meal Application (English) or Free/Reduced Meal Application (Spanish). Please contact your local building for a printed copy, if needed. If students wish to purchase additional items during breakfast or lunch, they must have the funds available to purchase.
If a student’s cafeteria account has a negative balance, the student will be offered a standard lunch, as defined by the National School Lunch/Breakfast Program (NSLP, SBP).
No charges will be allowed for extra items, such as a-la-carte options, drinks, or second meals.
All foods available in district schools during the school day will be offered to students with consideration for promoting student health and reducing childhood obesity. Foods provided through the National School Lunch or School Breakfast Programs will comply with federal nutrition standards under the School Meals Initiative. All competitive foods and beverages available to students in district schools during the school day will comply with the Nutritional Standards for Competitive Foods in Pennsylvania Schools.
The cafeteria operates under strict state and federal regulations governing the preparation and serving of foods. Menus for each building are available at: https://upperadams.nutrislice.com/.
Note: Chartwells may experience difficulty in purchasing food items or receiving partially filled items from the shortages in manufacturing. Chartwells may need to change the menu to reflect items that are available for purchase. Our goal remains the same: to serve delicious and nutritious meals to all students every day.
Account Balance Information
MYSCHOOLBUCKS.COM: The Upper Adams School District is pleased to offer an online option for families to pay for student lunches. Our Food Service Department accepts payments for school meals through MySchoolBucks.com – an online payment service. MySchoolBucks.com offers a secure transaction gateway that accepts all major credit cards/debit cards as a means of adding money to your child’s meal account. Note: there is a service fee to use this service.
(IMPORTANT: The District participated with MySchoolBucks.com to provide parents/guardians the opportunity to view their child’s account 24/7. Setting up and viewing the account is free. Making a payment to their account online is optional)
If a payment by personal check is returned to the School District, marked “Non-Sufficient Funds” (NSF), the School District will reverse the credit to the student’s account in the amount of the original check. A $25.00 fee will be assessed for NSF checks returned to the School District. This may result in a negative balance in the account and the procedures listed below will be followed for charging meals and paying the overdue balance.
Negative Balance Information
If your student has a negative balance, please pay the outstanding balance prior to the end of the school year. Payment may be made using MySchoolBucks, https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/login/getlogin or by sending a check in with your student to be applied to their account.
The initial collection of negative balances will be communicated to the parents/guardians by the 15th of every month. If at the end of the school year, June 1, 2023, if the student continues to have a negative balance, the negative balance may be referred to a collection agency.
A Message from Transportation
Parent Reminders from Transportation
If changes need to be made to your student’s bus stop, it is important that you contact the Transportation Department at 717-677-7191 ext. 2711 or email Vanessa Wagner-Lee at v.wagner-lee@upperadams.org.
Students need to be at the bus stop 5-10 minutes earlier than their regularly scheduled pick-up time.
Preparing for the 2023-2024 School Year Transportation
Please let our transportation office know if you have moved, have a change in day care or a change in the pick up or drop off of your students. The deadline for changes is 7/27/2023 for them to be in effect for the first day of the new school year.
Drivers Needed
The Upper Adams School District is in need of bus drivers for district field trips, sporting events and band activities. If you are interested, please contact Vanessa Wagner-Lee at the number and email listed above.
Safety Message from Transportation
Technology Tidbits
Please see the attached document regarding FCC Broadband information for our local area.
Out and About in Our Community
Nurses Notes
The following information is due to the district Nurses' Offices at the beginning of the school year.
Dental Exams for Kindergarten, 3rd Grade and 7th Grade Students
Physicals for Kindergarten, 6th Grade and 11th Grade Students
Immunization updates are needed for students entering Kindergarten, 7th Grade and 12th Grade. They include the following:
7th Grade - Tdap and Meningitis is required by the first day of school
12th Grade - Second dose of Meningitis is required by the fifth day of school
If you are in need of Dental Exam or Physical Exam paperwork or have questions regarding the required information including immunizations, please contact the School Nurse in your student's building.
Sally Jones, School Nurse, Biglerville High School & Upper Adams Middle School
Jenna Glass, School Nurse, Upper Adams Intermediate School
Heather Then, School Nurse, Biglerville Elementary School
Upper Adams School District - Position Openings
Upper Adams School District Open Positions as of 4/19/2023
Social Studies Teacher, Biglerville High School
Gifted/English Teacher, Upper Adams Middle School & Biglerville High School
Language Arts Teacher, Upper Adams Middle School
For more information or to apply for the professional positions listed above, please go to the Upper Adams School District website at www.upperadams.org, Employment Opportunities or contact Tina Fair, HR Coordinator, at t.fair@upperadams.org.
Upper Adams School District Position Openings through Kelly Educational Services
Biglerville High School:
Autistic Learning Support Instructional Assistant
Upper Adams Middle School:
Personal Care Assistant
ESL Instructional Assistant
Learning Support Instructional Assistant
Upper Adams Intermediate School:
Personal Care Assistant
Wilson Reading Instructional Assistant
To apply for Kelly Education Services positions above please go to the Kelly Education Services application by clicking here . Be sure to indicate the position you are interested in. You may also contact Tina Fair, Human Resources Coordinator at 717-677-7191 extension 2721 or by email at t.fair@upperadams.org .
Help Wanted - UASD and District Contractors
For updated employment opportunities at Upper Adams School District, please visit our website at https://www.upperadams.org/domain/111 and click on the appropriate sublink on the left-hand side of the page.
If interested in employment opportunities with one of our contractors, please reference the chart below for positions and who to contact.
Contractor Employment Opportunities and Contact Information
Substitute Custodial
Positions are available now!
Food Service Worker
Substitute Food Service Worker
or Mike at 717-677-7191 x2510
Positions available now!
Jacoby Transportation*
Bus drivers
Van drivers
Substitute bus drivers
Substitute van drivers
Website: https://www.jacobytransportation.com/careers/
Rolling Hills Transit/Folium Inc.
Van drivers
Substitute van drivers
Website: https://foliuminc.com/current-opportunities
Weaver Transportation*
Bus drivers
Substitute bus drivers
Contact: weaversbusservice@gmail.com or Matt at 717-968-2340
Kelly Education Services
Substitute Teachers
Substitute Instructional Assistants
Contact: Ashley Freed, Client Manager, at 717-229-9819
or email him at ashf767a@kellyservices.com
*Paid training maybe available