École St. Matthew's School Gazette
October 2023
Greetings, Tiger Families!
We are pleased to share our October newsletter containing important updates and information for all our École St. Matthew's School families. We are looking forward to connecting again with our entire school community as we did recently during our Open House, and the coming months will allow for many opportunities to do just that. Please enjoy our review of the month that was, and all that is in-store for the month to come.
Here's to an outstanding October,
Charmayne & Allison
Charmayne Rumbolt, Principal
Allison North, Assistant Principal
Our newly branded school swag is now available for online ordering until SEPTEMBER 30!
All orders placed by the deadline will be delivered to ÉSMS for
distribution to families when production is complete.
Click image or scan QR code below for access to our online shop!
participation nation registration
We will be holding registration for the after school Participation Nation Unplugged program on Tuesday, October 3, 2023 with the activities starting the following week.
What is PN Unplugged?
Unplugged is one of Participation Nation's Development Programs and has been designed for students in Grades 4-9. This program takes place twice a week in the after school time slot. The primary focus of PN Unplugged is unplugging students from their devices and reducing the amount of screen time they're exposed to, all while encouraging them to be physically active.
It's time to register your child for the wonderful Participation Nation Unplugged After School Program at Ecole St. Matthew's School. The free program is designed to include as many students from grade 4-7 as possible with some limitations. The registration is on a first come basis however we do use a token system to make it as fair as possible. We will be holding registration at 6:00 pm to 6:30 pm on Tuesday, October 3 at the school.
There is a great amount of demand for our program so please plan to arrive early as spots fill up very quickly. It is mandatory that one parent/guardian is on site to register their child(ren) as we will need specific family information including an MCP number and signature.
Our program will run for 7 weeks on Tuesdays and Thursdays from the week of October 2 through to the week of November 20. For this Fall session we are offering the following activities:
Tuesday - Cricket (at Cowan Park and the school gymnasium) Pick up @ 5PM
Thursday - Rotary Park Outdoor Activities (archery, shelter building, orienteering, slack-line) Pick up @ 5:30PM
We are looking forward to a great Fall session.
Mr. Spratt and Ms. Burlock
VOCM Cares Thanksgiving Food Drive
Led by our Grade 7 Leadership Team, St. Matthew’s School will again be partnering with the VOCM Cares Foundation and Metrobus to hold the 34th Annual Metrobus/VOCM Cares Thanksgiving Food Drive.
We kindly ask our École St. Matthew’s School community to participate in this year’s food drive by bringing non-perishable food items to school during the week of October 3 - 6 . We will then arrange pick-up of all donations on October 6th for delivery to the Community Food Sharing Association.
Kids Eat Smart Walk for Breakfast
On Wednesday, October 4th, we will be having our 11th Annual Kids Eat Smart Walk for Breakfast. This is our main fundraiser for our Matt’s Morning Munch breakfast program that runs 5 days a week until June.
We are asking as many students, teachers and parents as possible to meet at Cowan Heights United Church on Frecker Drive at 8:00 am. We will then leave at 8:10 to walk to school. There will be teachers onsite to walk with your child, so you can drop them off on your way to work. Parents and guardians are more than welcome to walk with us!
To help us continue to offer a nutritious “Grab & Go” breakfast for our students every morning, we are asking families for donations of breakfast food items such as Cheerios, Multi Grain cheerios, Chex, Shreddies, peanut free granola bars. * rice krispies are too small for children to eat at grab and go.
Gift cards from Sobeys, Dominion & Costco are also greatly appreciated to help with the high cost of fresh fruit. No donation is too small!
Please note that the value of ALL donations will be matched by Kids Eat Smart!
** If the weather does not cooperate, our walk will not go ahead. If this is the case, donations can still be dropped off by your child to our school or you can donate online at www.kidseatsmart.ca and direct your donation to our school
Merci / Thank you for your continued support!
Thanksgiving Holiday
Please note that all schools within the Newfoundland and Labrador English School District will be closed on Monday, October 9th to mark the Thanksgiving holiday. School will reopen on Tuesday, October 10th and it will be day 3 on our 7-day schedule.
We wish you all a very safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving long weekend!
School Picture Day
ÉSMS + VOCM Cares Coats for Kids
For over 30 years, the VOCM Cares Coats for Kids Campaign has helped keep thousands of families warm during the Winter season. As the cold weather approaches, our Grade 7 Student Leadership Team reminds you that you can help be there for those in need by sending in donations of gently used or new winter wear from October 16th - 20th.
Winter items including coats, hats, mittens, and boots for both youth and adults are greatly appreciated. Please no broken zippers, soiled, or torn items, or out-of-season clothing. This is important for the safety and strength of the program.
October silly Squad @ ÉSMS
Date: Friday, October 20, 2023
Theme: Jamarama Day for the Janeway
Donations: Janeway Foundation
Come to school wearing your Pj’s for our first Silly Squad and help support the superheroes who cannot change out of theirs. Spare change will be collected in support of the Janeway Foundation.
Halloween @ SMS
Students are invited to wear costumes on Tuesday, October 31st to engage in activities planned in their classroom by their teachers. Students are asked to leave home any weapon-type accessories as they are potential safety hazards. We ask that students not wear any costume or mask that implies violence or that may be scary to students. Also, we request that students not use hairspray or colored spray in school, due to students who have allergies and asthma.
As well, we will not be accepting any treats from outside to be distributed to students in individual classrooms. Students are not permitted to share treats with peers, but will be permitted to bring along a healthy individual snack for their class activities. Teachers will communicate Halloween activities to parents/caregivers in the coming weeks.
MEMO TO: School Community Volunteers
FROM: Laun Shoemaker, Teacher Librarian
RE: Volunteers for the School Library Learning Commons
Hello School Community Members:
Welcome to another exciting year at École St. Matthew’s School.
Our Library Learning Commons includes approximately a thousand books, local
newspapers, comfortable and flexible seating areas, a selection of magazines, an
interactive whiteboard and chromebook computers.
Valuable assistance from volunteers provides our students with an efficient and effective
library program. We look forward to expanding our LLC success with the help of our
• help with book circulation, cataloging, and weeding
• give presentations in areas related to their expertise
• help run school book fairs
• work with students and teachers from all grade levels while they collaborate
• help display student work
In our Maker Studio we will be working with students on projects like:
• Coding
• Sewing
• Disassembling
• Minecrafting
• Video production and editing
• Designing and creating prototypes for various products
As a volunteer in our LLC, you can contribute by participating in any or all of the activities
listed above, so check those that interest you! Grandparents are most welcome, too.
Your suggestions for improving and enriching the program are encouraged and welcome.
Donating your time to the ÉSMS Library Learning Commons can help our students grow in
many ways. It also earns BIG smiles from your special learner(s). Please email your areas of interest and availability to our Teacher-Librarian at launshoemaker@nlesd.ca .
Social Media Tips for Families
Rycor Family Accounts
It is very important that families of students in grades K-6 create their family accounts in the RYCOR Online Forms and Payments system as we hope to begin implementation for sharing and submission of all information and permission forms and fees for the 2023-2024 school year. Grade 7 families will now access forms and fees in the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
Instructions for creating your RYCOR parent account, adding your child to your account, and completing and submitting electronic forms are attached below:
Creating a Rycor Account & Adding Child to Parent Account
IMPORTANT: Once you have created your parent account, you will have to add your child to your parent account using the Student Identification Number sent home last year and again TODAY for those who may have displaced them, and for our Kindergarten families who would not have received them last year. If you do not have this number, please send a request to allisonnorth@nlesd.ca.
If you have technical issues keeping you from completing this process, please let us know at the above email address so we can help find a solution.
School Lunch ordering for the month of November opens on Tuesday, October 10th and closes on Wednesday, October 18th. If you missed out on the orders for October, you can still register and place an order for November. Registration is available online only and is required to order meals. To register/order please clink button below or visit https://schoollunch.ca/.
We also ask that you attempt to select menu options that your child will eat in order to reduce food wastage.
Playground Use During School Hours
Cell Phones @ SMS
Home-School Connections
We will be communicating with home this year through email, Twitter, and classroom websites. If you have a question or concern please email your child’s teacher or administration. Please continue to check out our St. Matthew's School Website as it is updated regularly and contains links to valuable information.
All newsletters and memos will be sent electronically to families this year and not in paper copy. It is very important to have current and valid email addresses updated.
spotlight on learning @ ÉSMS
Ms. William's Grade 1 Class
Ms. Ryan's Kindergarten Class
La classe maternelle de Mme Grace
Ms. Tibbs' Kindergarten class
Agriculture In The Classroom NL and Little Green Thumbs will be at the NL Federation of Agriculture’s Ag Expo this weekend September 29-Oct 1.
Pop by our booths and say hello.
FREE admission and lots to see!
badminton nl
For the past 3 years, Badminton NL has been running a junior development program at the Paul Reynold's Community Centre on Carrick Drive in the east end of St. John's. This program has been extremely successful and has been filled to capacity each year.
This season, we are offering badminton instruction for a second group and location. The program is open for registration to youth ages 9 - 15, and provides coaching to develop badminton skills as well as some fitness and game play. I hope you can pass the following information on to the parents of your students in the above age range. Some details:
- The program will be run at Ecole Roche du Nord, Topsail Road (Note that the language of instruction is English).
- Registration is for two sessions per week: Tuesdays and Fridays, 5:30 - 7:30 pm.
- The program will begin October 3, 2023 and end on May 17, 2024.
- Cost to join the Junior Development Program is $285, which may be paid in two installments of $142.50 or three installments of $95.00.
- The head coach is John Gillam who has over 40 years experience in coaching, coaches Badminton NL's provincial program and was Canada Games Coach in 2015, 2019 and 2023.
Please note that Badminton NL is a non-profit organization, registered with Service NL (Registration # 10230). We operate throughout the province using a volunteer Board of Directors with no paid staff. Our coaches are all volunteers working without compensation. Registration fees are used to rent facilities and pay for materials, with any surpluses reinvested into junior programming.
For further information or to obtain a registration package, please email j_barachois2@hotmail.com
John Gillam, ChPC, ACD, MACP
Badminton NL
potential pickleball
A Message From The Association of New Canadians
The City of St. John’s is creating a new Accessibility Plan to help guide how barriers can be removed that prevent persons with visible and invisible disabilities from fully accessing City-operated programs, services, and public spaces.
There are a variety of ways to provide feedback. Learn more and participate:
x-country running series
- Saturday, September 30
- Saturday, October 7
Please visit https://www.nlaa.ca/xcseries/ to register for meets. Families can use the following school code to receive a discount when registering: SMEL
School Council would like to proceed with process for official renaming of St. Matthew's School to École St. Matthew's School as a means to reflect our English and French Immersion streams and our dedication to the promotion of both of Canada's official languages. Any feedback on this initiative can be forwarded to charmaynerumbolt@nlesd.ca for consideration by Council when it meets next month.
Coming Up @ SMS
Monday 2 October
National Day for Truth & Reconciliation
No classes for students & staff
2-6 October
Kids Eat Smart Week
- Province-Wide Walk to Breakfast October 4
- Province-Wide Smoothie Day October 5
- Province-Wide Kids Eat Smart Radiothon November 8
Tuesday 3 October - Friday 6 October
VOCM Cares Thanksgiving Food Drive
Wednesday 4 October
Kids Eat Smart Walk for Breakfast
Monday 9 October
Thanksgiving Day (School Holiday)
October 8-14
Fire Prevention Week
Tuesday 10 October
School Lunch ordering for November begins
Thursday 12 October
School Picture Day
Wednesday 18 October
School Lunch ordering for November ends
Monday 16 October - Friday 20 October
VOCM Cares Coats for Kids
Friday 20 October
Silly Squad Pyjama Day for the Janeway
Monday 23 October
District Close-Out Professional Learning Day; no classes for students
Tuesday 31 October
Halloween Activities throughout the day
Wednesday 1 November
Professional Learning Day for teachers; no classes for students
Monday 13 November
Remembrance Day Holiday/Fall Break
Monday 20 November
Professional Learning Day for teachers; no classes for students
Friday 1 December
Term 1 Reports released
Monday 4 December
OPTIS Home-School Meeting Scheduler opens at 9:00 am
Wednesday 6 December
OPTIS Home-School Meeting Scheduler closes at NOON
Thursday 7 December
Home-School Interviews, early dismissal
Friday 15 December
Tentative 1st Kinderstart Session; no classes for Kindergarten students
Wednesday 20 December
Final day of classes prior to holiday break.
Tuesday 2 January
School reopens