Clear Creek Elementary
March 29, 2024
National Assistant Principals Week
National Paraprofessionals Appreciation Day - April 3rd
National School Librarian Day - April 4th
Help CCE Win The Giving Grant!
We Need Your Help!
Clear Creek Elementary seeks grant funds to enhance its learning environment by transforming the courtyard into an innovative outdoor learning lab. The proposed project involves the purchase of an above-ground pond stocked with fish and plants, hydroponics kits, bird feeders, and composting bins. The grant would include funds for an art area, a sensory and building area, and a formal learning area as well. The grant would cover the costs of materials and blueprints for a shed, to be built in collaboration with woodworking classes at MVHS. The goal is to immerse students in a natural setting, facilitating outdoor learning experiences aligned with core standards and exploratory classes. By providing a varied learning environment, the project aims to foster student engagement, enhance problem-solving skills, and reduce negative behaviors, ultimately enriching the overall educational experience at Clear Creek Elementary.
FREE Junior Jags Soccer Clinic - Girls Grades K-5th
Moving or Not Returning to CCE?
PTO News
Skate City Summer Membership Card To Benefit CCE
Lost and Found
Clear Creek Elementary Calendar of Events
Thursday, March 28th: 5th Grade Music Program
Friday, March 29th: 5th Grade Daytime Performances
Tuesday, April 9th: PTO General Meeting - 6:30PM
Thursday, April 11th: District Choral Festival
Monday, April 15th: JCPRD Enrollment for 24/25 School Year opens at noon
Tuesday, April 16th: Chipotle Food Night
Wednesday, April 17th: 1st Grade & 5th Grade Field Trips
Thursday, April 18th: No School
Friday, April 19th: No School
Thursday, April 25th: Skate Party
Saturday, April 27th: Spring Fling & Kick off to our BOGO Book Fair