Coyote Chronicles

February 3, 2025
Principal's Report
In honor of I Love to Read Month, I am excited to hand over my Principal’s Report space to Mrs. Eklund, our Media Generalist. Mrs. Eklund is the driving force behind fostering a love for reading here at our school, and she has some wonderful activities planned for this special month.
February is I Love to Read Month, and this year’s theme is Book Clubs! Everything is more fun when shared with friends, so the library will feature copies of the same book that students can check out to start their own book clubs. We encourage students to discuss the book with friends during lunch or at another time they can get together. Families are also invited to join in by starting their own family book clubs!
Each week, students will receive a bookmark during their library class. They’ll mark off the days they read on the bookmark and return it the following week for a chance to win free books. Additional activities include: a Design Your Own Bookmark Challenge, decorating lockers with favorite book covers, trivia contests, our annual Tournament of Books, and Fun Fridays.
Here are some of the special themed days to look forward to this month:
- February 7: Read Your Shirt Day – wear a shirt with words on it
- February 14: I Love to Read Day – wear pink, red, or hearts
- February 21: Cozy Up With a Good Book Day – wear comfy clothes
- February 28: Green Eggs and Ham Day – wear green
Our goal is to encourage students to put down their video games, TV, phones, and social media, and pick up a good book! Reading has a profound impact on every aspect of life, and we appreciate your support in helping your child discover the joy of reading.
SPOTLIGHT on Andover Elementary School
Winter Conference Dates: February 18 & February 20, 2025
Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on February 18 and February 20, 2025. Each day has morning options.
Winter Conference Dates & Times:
Feb. 18 - 7:30 - 8:30 AM and 2:10 - 8:30 PM
Feb. 20 - 7:30 - 8:30 AM and 4:10 - 8:10 PM
Schedules are ready for parents to access. Directions to schedule your preferred times are below.
1. Go to: MyConferenceTime
2. Click on the name of your child's teacher
(If you have more than one child
attending our school, click on "Register
for Multiple Conferences" and follow the
prompts to schedule your children.
3. Select the desired date/time for your
conference by clicking on "sign up."
4. Submit the requested information.
You will receive an email confirmation and reminder of your conference, as long as you enter your email address. If you need the conference time changed after signing up, contact the school office at 763-506-1700.
Thank you for another successful Carnival season! We hope your family had a great time. A BIG thank you to all the volunteers (staff and community members) who help make this event possible.
We have a few upcoming events that you can be a part of; our 2025-2026 budget meeting will take place in April, and we will start meeting at the end of February to plan Staff Appreciation Week (usually held at the end of April/early May). If either of these opportunities interest you, please reach out to us at andoverPTO@gmail.com.
Finally, we hope to see you at our next meeting on Thursday, February 13th at 6:30 pm in the South Media Center. Mrs. Kosel will be our guest speaker, representing 5th grade.
Andover Parent Teacher Community Organization
Andover Elementary School
2024-2025 APTCO Board:
Tia Borich & Jessica Van Wyhe ~ Co Chairs
Melissa Hayek ~ Vice Chair
Olivia Pizinger ~ Treasurer
Amanda Kasten ~ Secretary
Connect with us!
Follow us on Facebook
Volunteer news
Volunteering at Andover Elementary myth: "I'm sure there are lots of people volunteering. I doubt they need my help."
INCORRECT! I've had countless people ask me why it's "so tough" to get volunteers at such a large school. I've discovered that people want to volunteer, they just assume that there are other people already filling the need. I wish that were true. In reality, we need EVERYONE who is able to volunteer to give it a try. There are plenty of opportunities to go around. We have opportunities during the school day and also in the evening throughout the year. If you've got the time, I've got the spot just for YOU!
Upcoming opportunities include:
- Spring Picture Day
- 1:1 Student Help
- Skill Builders (1:1 time with kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade students)
- Field Trip Chaperone (all chaperones are required to complete at volunteer application and background check)
Visit our Volunteer Headquarters to learn of all the current volunteer opportunities at Andover Elementary: Andover Elementary Volunteer Opportunities
Still need to complete your volunteer application? Visit: Andover Elementary Volunteer Application
Thank you to all who generously gave their time by volunteering in the month of January.
Kelli Anderson, Volunteer Services Coordinator
email: kelli.anderson@ahschools.us phone: 763-506-1723
Coyote Carnival
Thank you to all who volunteered at the Coyote Carnival!
An urgent call was put out for volunteers and the answer was swift! Thank you to all who stepped up to help out. It is because of YOU that we were able to have our annual school carnival.
Together our students and the Andover Elementary community raised $20,772 through the Coyote Carnival (see some of the breakdown below). Every penny stays at Andover Elementary. Funds are used to provide additional technology, curriculum supplements, school improvements, etc.
Top raffle ticket sellers:
Prize - Target gift card
Maci P - KMN
Colton S - KSM
Hudson A - 1RS
Kyli K - 1RS
Cecelia B - 2MA
Phynley G - 3RS
Aiden M - 3AB
Parker L - 4DH
Skarlett F - 5LC
Camryn A - 5JW
Student raffle winners:
Prize - $100 Urban Air gift card
Skarlett F. 5LC
Maci P. KMN
Elianna B. 3RS
Joshua K 1MG
Hosanna D 2ET
All prizes have been delivered
This year's coin war was as exciting as ever, even if the final results were a bit surprising. The students raised $2,286.37 simply by bringing in change. They couldn't believe how quickly it added up!
WINNER: 1st GRADE - +39,810 points
Winning grade gets a popcorn party during I Love to Read Month.
2nd place: 2nd grade with +17,926 points
3rd place: 4th grade with +15,166 points
4th place: Kindergarten with +8,884 points
5th place: 5th grade with +4,095 points
6th place: 3rd grade with +3,456 points
Raffle for Readiness:
This year's Raffle for Readiness raised $11,749. All prize winners have been notified. Thank you for your support of Andover Elementary.
Yearbook Sales
The Andover Elementary yearbook is only sold online throughout the month of February.
The yearbook is delivered to students during the final week of school. THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY IS THE ONLY TIME YEARBOOKS ARE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE.
- On Sale from February 1 - February 28, 2025
- $15 per book
- Purchase online ONLY
- Visit inter-state.com/order
- Please retain your receipt (from Interstate Publishing)
Community Education News
Community Education is thrilled to share our lineup of upcoming classes! Join us in:
- Basketball Camp starting 2/4
- Robotics: Nature 'Bots starting 2/6
- Video Game Creation: Dragons and Unicorns starting 2/7
- Salt Dough Conversation Heart on 2/12
- Floor Hockey and Tournament starting 3/6
02/01 - Yearbook Sales Begin - Online Purchases Only
02/13 - APTCO Meeting - S. Media Center - 6:30 PM
02/17 - No School - Presidents Day
02/18 - No School for Students - Staff Development/Conferences
02/20 - Conferences
02/28 - Last Day to Purchase Yearbooks
03/05 - Class Group & Student Individual Picture Day
03/06 - End of Trimester 2
03/07 - No Students - Staff Planning & Grading
03/10 - 03/12 - No School Spring Break
03/13 - 03/14 - District Closed, Holiday
03/17 - No School for Students - PLC/Staff Development/Para Staff Development
03/20 - APTCO Meeting - S. Media Center - 6:30 PM
This e-newsletter is published by Andover Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.