Aberdeen Schools
Keeping you informed about our schools -- Dec. 20, 2024
Each preschooler was offered the chance to whisper into Twinkle's ear what they would like for Christmas and she promised to make sure to deliver the message.
Santa sends Twinkle the elf to Hopkins
Twinkle, one of Santa’s elves, visited Hopkins Preschool for storytime on Thursday.
“How come you’re dressed like an elf?” one student asked as she entered.
“Because I AM an elf,” she replied in a tone that brooked no argument. “My name is Twinkle and Santa picked me to come to your class today.”
Students were enthralled. They wanted to know how she got to Aberdeen. “Easy. I have my own reindeer,” Twinkle replied.
Twinkle told them about life at the North Pole – about caring for the reindeer and helping to make presents – and said that it was fun to live in a land where you can eat candy for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
“You really are an elf!” one student exclaimed.
But another classmate seemed concerned for Twinkle’s health. “Does your candy have any protein?” he asked.
One preschooler informed her that his candy cane had broken and asked if he could have another. “Oh, I’m sorry,” Twinkle said. “Santa gave me just enough for everybody to get just one. Besides, now you have two pieces of candy!”
“And it will taste just as good,” a classmate informed him.
Twinkle reminded them it’s not just Santa who works hard. If you leave a cookie for Santa and want to remember the reindeer, too, they like carrots and oats, she said. And with that, Twinkle announced it was time to go feed her reindeer and head back to the North Pole before it gets too dark.
Thank you, Twinkle -- aka Kendall Cavin, 2019 AHS alum -- for visiting Hopkins Preschool!
AHS hosts family art night
The art rooms at Aberdeen High School were filled with students and their families who jump started the holidays with an evening of hot cocoa, painting, candle making and coloring on Tuesday.
Friday was an early release day districtwide for Winter Break.
School resumes on Monday, Jan. 6, 2025.
Summary of the Dec. 17 meeting
Agenda (pdf)
Vice President Jeremy Wright convened the regular meeting of the Aberdeen School District Board of Directors at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, December 17, 2024, in the Community Room at Aberdeen High School. In attendance were Jessica Jurasin and Annica Mizin, along with Superintendents Lynn Green and Traci Sandstrom and 12 patrons and staff. Directors Jennifer Durney and Suzy Ritter were excused.
The meeting began with the flag salute.
Consent Agenda
The Board approved the Consent Agenda, which included:
- The minutes from the regular meeting on December 3, 2024;
- The payroll for November in the amount of $4,206,683.31;
- General Fund vouchers totaling $880,724.42; ASB Fund vouchers totaling $81,9561.55, and a Capital Projects Fund voucher in the amount of $213,505.70;
- Trip Requests for the AHS boys’ wrestling team to travel to Port Angeles during the Winter Break, Jan. 3-4, to participate in a tournament and for the girls’ wrestling team to travel to Kelso to participate in a tournament on Jan. 10-11, and
- A gift to the district from the Weyerhaeuser Co. in the amount of $3,000 for the district to use in support of families during the holiday season.
Comments from the Board
Director Jessica Jurasin provided an update on the legislative advocacy work taking place and noted that she has been attending the monthly WSSDA advocacy meetings. The Board discussed attendance at the annual Legislative Sendoff on Friday, Jan. 10.
Director Annica Mizin shared an interaction she witnessed between a staff member and a student, and how impressed she was by the staff member’s rapport with the student on a classroom behavior issue.
Aberdeen High School Annual Report
AHS Principal Aaron Roiko and AHS school improvement team members Mary Mainio, Rachel Wenzel and Sal Abruscato presented the annual report and school improvement plan.
Old Business
Policy 6701 Recess
The Board adopted a new policy, 6701 Recess and Physical Activity, acknowledging state requirements of 30 minutes of recess per day. Superintendent Sandstrom noted that the district is in compliance.
Superintendents’ Report
School Improvement Plans
Following a presentation by Superintendent Traci Sandstrom, the Board adopted the school improvement plans for the 2024-2025 school year.
Town Hall on Dec. 10
Superintendent Lynn Green reported on the town hall that took place on Dec. 10. The focus was school safety and the Portrait of a Graduate. The next town hall will take place in March.
Seismic Update
Superintendent Green provided an update on the Seismic School Safety Planning process. She said the work site evaluation and appraisal work is nearing completion on two potential sites out of the inundation zone.
Legislative Conference
The superintendents reported that they will be joining Directors Jurasin and Ritter at the annual WSSDA Legislative Conference in January, and noted that registration is open for board members to attend Greater Grays Harbor’s annual Legislative Sendoff on Jan. 10.
Financial Services
Elyssa Louderback, executive director of business and operations, presented the Fiscal Status Report for November. With 25 percent of the fiscal year elapsed, the district has received 23.34 percent of budgeted revenue and is at 25.94 percent of budgeted expenditures. Under enrollment, she reported the final count for December was one FTE above budget, which is concerning given the longstanding tendency for enrollment to decrease between January and the end of the school year.
New Business
The Board adopted the 180-day calendars for the next three school years, which sets the first and last day of school. The first day of school is the last Wednesday in August for the next three years.
Technology Surplus
The Board accepted a report from the Technology Department and declared various technology devices and supplies surplus as presented.
Personnel Report
Following an executive session, the Board approved the Personnel Report.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Next Meeting is January 14, 2025
The next regular meeting of the School Board is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, January 14, at the Hopkins Building, 1313 Pacific Ave.
Those who attend regular meetings are welcome to sign up at the meeting to provide public comment on agenda items. Written public comment for the record can also be submitted up to noon the day of the meeting by writing to schoolboard@asd5.org. Comments or concerns not on the agenda can be brought to the attention of the district by contacting the Superintendent's Office or by contacting individual board members.
Events & Activities
Install or update your FlashAlert phone app today
The Great Shakeout is a great time to make sure your FlashAlert account is up to date.
In the 40-plus years since FlashAlert was created, we have begun to use other platforms such as social media and robocalling to parents to ensure the broadest possible coverage of emergency messages.
However, FlashAlert is the most reliable method for ASD5 emergency news to land in your InBox or pop up on your phone. It's free and anyone can subscribe.
Install the FlashAlert app on your phone.
You can also sign up to receive FlashAlert via email. This method must be renewed annually. If you already have an account, this time of year is an excellent time to refresh.
District Contacts
- Co-Superintendent Lynn Green, lgreen@asd5.org
Co-Superintendent Traci Sandstrom, tsandstrom@asd5.org
- Business Office, Elyssa Louderback, elouderback@asd5.org
- Human Resources, Christi Clinkingbeard, cclinkingbeard@asd5.org
- Special Education, Rick Bates, rbates@asd5.org
- Career & Technical Education, Lynn Green, lgreen@asd5.org
- Teaching, Learning & Technology, Traci Sandstrom, tsandstrom@asd5.org
- Food Services, Jaime Matisons, jmatisons@asd5.org
School Office Hours
- Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- (360) 538-2130 / Principal Nani Villarreal
Central Park Elementary School
- Office Hours: 8:15 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- (360) 538-2170 / Principal Ruth Erwin-Svoboda
McDermoth Elementary School
- Office Hours: 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
- (360) 538-2120 / Principal Mindi Hammill
Robert Gray Elementary School
- Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
- (360) 538-2140 / Principal Daniel Olson
Stevens Elementary School
- Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- (360) 538-2150 / Principal Tosha Love
Harbor Learning Center
- Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.
- (360) 538-2180 / Principal Lisa Griebel
Hopkins Preschool
- Office Hours: 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
- (360) 538-2190 / Principal Darby Carroll
Miller Junior High School
- Office Hours: 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
- (360) 538-2100 / Principal John Meers
Aberdeen High School
- Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- (360) 538-2040 General / Principal Aaron Roiko
- (360) 538-2060 Attendance Line
When your family needs help in a crisis ...
Columbia Wellness, a behavioral health agency serving Grays Harbor and Cowlitz counties, has launched a Youth and Family Mobile Crisis Team on Grays Harbor. A PowerPoint presentation explaining Columbia Wellness and how you can access services in a crisis is posted on the ASD5 website. Visit the Columbia Wellness site here.
The Aberdeen School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Christi Clinkingbeard, Title IX Coordinator and Civil rights Compliance Coordinator, 216 North G St., Aberdeen, WA 98520; (360) 538-2222; cclinkingbeard@asd5.org; Dr. Richard Bates, Section 504/ADA Coordinator, 216 North G St., Aberdeen, WA 98520; (360) 538-2017; rbates@asd5.org.