The Colt Communicator
Welcome Back 2024

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NORTH BARRINGTON - January 24, 2025
The Colt Communicator - A Joint NBS & NBS PTO Newsletter
Dear North Barrington Families,
Thank you all for your support of NBS this week. Not only did we have to pivot to e-learning, but our school also was without heat or electricity on Tuesday. We had frozen pipes and sprinkler water in the office, but thanks to the District O & F Department and our great Buildings and Grounds crew, we are once again up and running. I am also thankful no classrooms were impacted. My office got most of the water, so overall it was contained to one location.
Thank you also for continuing to send warm winter clothes to your child each day. We hope that the outdoors will warm up so we can go outside! Our Colts and our staff deserve kudos for making it work!
We are very excited about our upcoming Gallery Night event on January 29th! You are all in for an amazing experience of the Arts at NBS! Thank you to Sarah Amiran and Becky Phillips for partnering with Mrs. Siddons and to all our parent volunteers who organized the artwork for display. We couldn't have done it without YOU!
Enjoy your weekend,
Dr. Lisa West, Mrs. Sara Jirasek, Mrs. Kalin Lomas, and Mrs. Lisa Neyfeldt
Parent Drop off After 8:00 am: As you are aware, we are making strides in improving our attendance at NBS. A vital part of this is punctuality. Our second bell rings promptly at 8:00 am, and your child must be in their classroom to be considered on time. If you arrive at or after 8:00 am, please park your car, escort your child or children into the office, and sign them in. They will then receive a welcome pass and be directed to their class. Please remember, it is not safe to drop your child off at the curb or front door at or after 8:00 am and leave them unsupervised. Rest assured, we have measures in place to ensure their safety. We appreciate your understanding and support in this matter!
If your child leaves school for a medical/dental appointment an excuse note from the healthcare provider is required for the absence to be excused. Please return the note to the building office staff following the appointment. Thank you!
Please click here for D220's Attendance Procedures.
Please note that if you are having your child go home with another family at the end of the day, please make sure to copy the office in your communications. The communication MUST reach the office by 2:15 pm for the change in transportation to be updated. For safety, we must know where children are at all times.
Please note that you can reach Dr. West, Principal, at lwest@barrington220.org, Mrs. Jirasek, Assistant Principal/TOSA, at sjirasek@barrington220.org, Mrs. Kalin Lomas, co-PTO president, at kalin413@gmail.com, and Lisa Neyfeldt, co-PTO president, at lneyfeldt03@gmail.com. We would love to connect with you! Our joint newsletter will be distributed through Infinite Campus on Fridays at 3:00 pm.
Social Media:
Instagram: northbarringtonpto
Facebook: North Barrington School PTO (run by the PTO) & North Barrington Elementary School (run by the school)
Twitter: @NBSPTO (run by the PTO), @NBES220 (run by the school) & @law281 (Dr. Wests’ account)
Mini Courses are coming in February
Hello NBS Families!
Please join us on Wednesday, January 29th for a LEGO-themed Gallery Night! Come anytime between 5:30-7:30 to view student’s artwork on display, participate in a LEGO-themed scavenger hunt, get artistic with Lunar New Year activities, and purchase your child’s framed masterpiece!
Each student has picked their favorite art piece from art class to be framed and displayed for this night. Their framed art will be available to purchase for $20 in advance or $25 at the event. If you would like to preorder your child’s framed artwork, please visit this link: Gallery Night Pre-Orders
Artwork can also be purchased on the evening of Gallery Night with Cash or Credit Card for $25.
All proceeds will be given back to support NBS and our students.
And If you are interested in volunteering your time on Gallery Night, please add your name here!
As always, thank you for all of your support!
Questions? Please feel free to reach out to Sarah Amiran at sarah.amiran@gmail.com or Becky Phillps at beckyephillips@gmail.com
February 3, 2025
Are you a family with an incoming Kindergarten student? Do you know a family that will have an incoming Kindergarten student for the 2025-2026 school year? Please check out our D220 Kindergarten webpage and video below. There is also a button to complete the preregistration questionnaire. The Kindergarten Round-Up informational meeting for general Kindergarten is on Monday, February 3, 2025 at 6:00 pm here at NBS.
Want to Learn More about Kindergarten Chinese Immersion Program?
Calling all D220 incoming Kindergarten and First Grade families! Please mark your calendars for Thursday, February 6th at 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm at Countryside Elementary to learn more about the Chinese Immersion program. You will learn details about the curriculum and hear from parents with students in the program.
Please reach out to Erin Lales (erin.v.lales@gmail.com) with questions.
Character Strong Character Trait - Perseverance
Parents Night Out BStrong Fundraiser
From Our Friends at BStrong
We're shaking off the January cold and throwing an old-fashioned summer block party complete with food, fun, games, music, raffles, a photo booth, friendship & more!
Your Block Party ticket includes delicious appetizers, dinner and dessert from The Wild Onion, drink tickets for complimentary Wild Onion brew, entertainment, and more!
⭐⭐ Do you have a Taylor Swift or Chicago sports fan in your life? ⭐⭐
Join us at the Block Party for a chance to bring home an autographed Taylor Swift collage from the Eras Tour or a signed Chicago Bears, Cubs, or Sox jersey!
We hope you'll grab your friends and join us on Saturday, January 25th from 7:00-9:30 at the Wild Onion Brewery in Lake Barrington for an evening of great food and great fun for a great cause.
GET YOUR TICKETS TODAY at https://bit.ly/4ffW8EK or at https://bstrongtogether.org.
Join Us for a Family Fun Night at the Windy City Bulls Game! 🎉🏀
Get ready for an unforgettable night of basketball, fun, and memories! The PTO is hosting a Family Fun Night at the Windy City Bulls game on February 8th at 7:00 PM—doors open at 6:00 PM, so come early to get settled in!
This is your chance to bring everyone in your family for an evening of excitement and community. The best part? All NBS families will be seated together in a special section, creating a fun, energetic vibe just for us!
What to Expect:
Tickets are just $25 per person, and $5 from each ticket goes right back to support our PTO programs!
Bring your favorite items for autographs—players often stop by our area for a meet-and-greet, so don’t miss your chance to get an autograph from your favorite Windy City Bull!
Enjoy great food, exciting basketball, and the chance to cheer on our local team alongside your NBS friends!
Ticket Deadline:
Tickets are available until February 6th.
HERE is the link to buy your tickets.
Questions? Email Jackie Kardesh at jackiewetzel@gmail.com.
Let’s make this a night to remember! We can’t wait to see you there—bring your family, your spirit, and your energy for a fantastic time at the game.
Sticky Fingers Cooking Class
Do you have a budding chef at home? Sticky Fingers Cooking School is offering after-school classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please see their website for registration information.
SAVE THE DATE! March 17, 2025 - 6:00 PM
We will have outdoor recess unless the "feels like" temperature is below 0 degrees. To keep students as warm and dry as possible, children should have snow pants, a warm coat, hat, gloves/mittens, and snow boots. When there is snow on the ground, students without snow pants and boots must remain on the blacktop. Ensuring students wear proper winter clothing items will support the fun they have at recess on our amazing playground and sled hill when there's snow.
As we head into winter, we would like to remind families of Barrington 220’s inclement weather protocol. In the event of inclement weather, the Superintendent of Schools will implement one of the following three scenarios:
School Canceled
All school buildings will be closed and students will make up the inclement weather day at the end of the school year.
Early Dismissal
There may be some rare occasions where it will be necessary to dismiss school early. On these days, middle and high schools will dismiss first. Elementary school students will be released at their regular dismissal time.
All school buildings will be closed, however students and staff will complete the school day from home. This would eliminate the need to make up days at the end of the school year. Teachers will check their usual electronic communication methods throughout the day during regular school hours, to support students.
- Elementary Schools/ELC: Early childhood through fifth-grade children will have access to their assignments through their teacher’s usual electronic communication method of See-Saw or Schoology. Additionally, kindergarten through fifth-grade students will receive assignments for Specials (art, music, physical education, library, and STEM) that they would typically have for the day from their teachers.
- Middle/High School: Students will have access to their assignments through the normal electronic method of Schoology. They should have an assignment/learning experience for each class.
- Barrington Transition Program: Students will follow their daily schedule, including alternative activities in place of the community components of the program. BTP staff will communicate electronically with students.
Inclement Weather Communication
School closings due to inclement weather or other unusual circumstances will be announced on the district website, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), and Instagram pages. Families will also receive a text, phone call, and email through the Infinite Campus automated emergency notification system.
Packs of Plenty
Barrington Children's Charities hosts Packs of Plenty (POP) every Thursday at Sunny Hill Elementary School, and we’re looking for NBS parents to help!
What do you do? Show up at Sunny Hill from 9:00-9:45am on a Thursday and join several other Barrington community members to pack food bags for students from under-resourced homes in Barrington. After packing food, one NBS volunteer drives the food to the front office at NBS so food can be passed out to students for the weekend.
It’s a great way to meet others and help kids in our community! Grab a friend and choose a day or to show up!
If you would like to sign-up to be a NBS volunteer, sign up HERE. If you have any questions or would like to be a permanent NBS volunteer for this program, please contact Ashley Samz at AshleySamzPTO@gmail.com or (847) 644-9163 (call/text).
Allergy Awareness & Parties
At North Barrington, we continually focus on safety. Part of those safety procedures is allergy awareness. Sending group snacks or lunches to the classroom is not allowed. This includes birthday treats, trinkets, balloons, and candy.
Children can bring individual snacks to eat during their snack time and their classroom teacher will share information with you about snack. Sharing any extra foods is not part of our approved procedures and is a safety risk to our friends who have an allergy. If there is a Colt Pride celebration, teachers will work with administration and the school nurse and access the approved food list as well as notify families of students with allergies. Please do not bring or send snacks for the entire class.
Our parties will have food from the approved list, and the room coordinators will work with the administration, classroom teachers, and the PTO to ensure safety.
NBS will have two parties and end-of-year events.
Our February Kindness party will be on Thursday, February 13th from 1:30 to 2:30.
More information about our parties will be shared with Room Coordinators.
January 29 - SAVE THE DATE - Gallery Night
February 3 - SAVE THE DATE - - Kindergarten Roundup
February 8 - D220 STEM Day event; Windy City Bulls Game (evening event)
February 13- Kindness party
February 14 - Teacher Institute Day - Non-student attendance day
February 17 - President's Day - Non-attendance day
February 20 - Author visits in the NBS library