October Newsletter
October 14th, 2024
Agenda for October 21
The regroup will last from 9:00 am-3:00 pm, in the PSU East Ballroom on the third floor. Thank you for co-planning with us. Lunch from PSU vendors will be provided.
8:30-9:00- Breakfast and Settling In
9:00-10:00 Mentor Minutes
10:00-10:15 Break
10:15-11:45 Teacher Led Content: Jennifer Jackson: Cutebots
11:45-12:45 Lunch
12:50-1:50 Teacher Leader Showcase: John Moore's Writing and Coding Journey
1:50-2:00 Break
2:00-3:00 Mentoring Group
Parking Pass
Fall and Spring Regroup Dates
Save the date for our next Regroup days: Friday, November 15th, and Thursday, February 27th. More information about these Regroups will be shared on our blog and newsletters closer to the regroup dates.
Complete Your Reflections
You should have completed two reflections on Careers and Computational Thinking, and should be in the process of completing lessons on Block Coding, Micro:bit, or Cutebots.
Currently, 52% of teachers have done this, and we look forward to seeing more soon! These deadlines are in place to assist you in best practices for your classroom, and are tied to your stipend requirements. To receive the maximum stipend amount before Christmas, your reflections must be submitted by Friday, November 1.
Data Requests from Callie Dean Are Coming
Be on the lookout for an email from Callie. She will be sending an email to request your 2024 data. This is part of your participation in CODERS. Next year, we will request your 2025 data. Thank you again for participating in CODERS!
Conference Updates
- Gara Ipock and Aleth Rogers, Mountain Grove, attended the Interface Conference in Tan Tera.
- Brandy Retasket and Holly Neal, Hollister, presented at the Interface Conference in Tan Tera.
- Leslie Stillings, Ava, submitted a proposal to the National Science Teaching Association.
If you are interested in attending the MOREnet Conference on Wednesday, October 23, please contact Dr. Franklin.
- Abbi Coy, Purdy, and Holly Neal, Hollister, will be attending the MOREnet Conference in Branson.
- Keri Franklin will be presenting about the CODERS program at the Literacy Research Association Conference in Atlanta.
Impact of Mentoring on Teachers in Alaska
The U.S. Department of Education recently highlighted how the Northwest Arctic Borough School District in Alaska has faced significant challenges in hiring and retaining teachers due to its remote, sparsely populated villages, and harsh winter conditions. With nearly 70% of new teachers being from out of state, many struggle to adapt to the local culture, language, and unique educational practices, as highlighted by Superintendent Terri Walker.
To support these teachers, the district has implemented the Alaska Statewide Mentor Project (ASMP), which pairs new educators with experienced mentors. This program offers virtual weekly connections and occasional in-person meetings, often requiring extensive travel. The focus is on developing culturally responsive teaching, which is crucial for the predominantly Inupiaq student population.
The ASMP has shown positive results, with participating teachers demonstrating greater student learning gains in reading and math and longer retention in their roles. Despite financial challenges, the district remains committed to the program, which has expanded to serve teachers throughout Alaska and even into Montana with the help of funding from a grant by the the Education Innovation and Research (EIR) program.
Interested in having a similar impact on students and teachers participating in the Coders Program? Contact Dr. Piccolo or Dr. Homburg for more information to join the CODERS Teacher Exchange!
CODERS Summer 2025 Dates
This summer we will be hosting two workshops: Workshop 1 will run from June 2-June 5 and is recommended for teachers new to the program or with one year of participation. Workshop 2 will run from June 2- June 5 and is recommended for teachers with at least two years of participation in the program.
Sign up to attend the Summer 2025 Workshop. More details about the upcoming workshops will be released closer to time in upcoming newsletters, as well as being featured on our website.