Special Programs & Services
September 2024

In This Issue
Letter from the Editor
Dear Parents,
On behalf of the Special Programs Team in Leander ISD, I am thrilled to welcome you and your child to the 2024 - 2025 school year! I hope everyone had a fun and safe summer break. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to the new families joining us this year and a big welcome back to the returning families. My name is Paige Collier and I am the Assistant Superintendent of Special Programs and Services. Our team has the honor of serving students in Special Education, Section 504, Homebound and Response to Intervention. This is the beginning of a new educational journey and our goal is to help your child succeed to reach their highest potential. It’s going to be an awesome year! Our department regularly updates our website to provide guidance and resources. We encourage you to utilize our site to stay up to date with the latest information. Again, welcome to the LISD Special Programs family! We look forward to partnering with you!
Paige Collier
Assistant Superintendent of Special Programs and Services
Upcoming Events
Calling all families! Our team has an exciting series of family events designed to inspire, connect, and empower you this school year. We will host Family Workshop Conference Day where you'll discover valuable insights and practical strategies to support your student at home. You'll be able to engage with fellow parents in our Parent Inspiration Group and Special Programs Parent Advisory Council General Meetings to share ideas and experiences in a supportive environment. Our AAC Out and Abouts will offer unique opportunities for families of students who utilize assistive technology to practice their skills in real-world settings, helping to build confidence and independence. We can't wait to see you at an event this year! Here are a few dates to keep in mind:
- Thursday, September 26th - Parent Inspiration Group (online)
- Friday, October 25th - Family Workshop Conference Day (in-person)
We'll post reminders about our events in our Special Programs Remind classes so be sure your notifications are turned on!
What is Special Programs?
Leander ISD’s Special Programs Department includes staff that serves both students supported through Special Education under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and students that receive accommodations and services under Section 504.
What is the difference between these two protections?
First, it’s helpful to understand that Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prevents discrimination against individuals with disabilities. Students served in special education under IDEA are also protected under this broader Section 504 law but receive an even greater layer of protections through the distinction of “specialized instruction” under the IDEA.
What are the qualification differences between Special Education and Section 504?
In order to qualify for Special Education services under the IDEA in the state of Texas, an Admission, Review, Dismissal Committee (ARD) deems if a student is eligible by meeting the following criteria: (1) having at least one of the thirteen disability criteria codes and (2) additionally displaying a need for specialized instruction.
Although all persons with a disability are protected against discrimination under Section 504, students who are able to compensate for their disability and therefore are able to access their education without accommodations may not qualify for a Section 504 plan. The example we often give is a person with a visual disability who can wear glasses to correct the disorder and navigate the school environment would not necessarily need an accommodation plan. In order to qualify for a Section 504 plan in the school setting, a committee of ”persons who are knowledgeable about the child, the meaning of the evaluation data, placement options, least restrictive environment requirements, and comparable facilities” determine whether the student has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, which may or may not impact the student’s learning. To learn more information about Special Programs visit the Special Programs Handbook.
Child Find
The purpose of Child Find is to locate, identify and evaluate children from birth to 21 years of age and their possible need for special education and related services. Child Find is a free referral and information service available through local education agencies and Service Center Region XIII.
Children learn at different rates but some children have significant difficulty. We’re here to help you access services to meet the unique learning needs of your child. If you are concerned your child may be learning, playing or interacting differently from others, please contact us in one of two ways.
- Call our office at 512-570-0350 or email us at child.find@leanderisd.org
- Fill out the Child Find Student Information form and one of our team members will be in touch with you shortly.
Leander Collaborative Partners
Have questions or topics that you’d like to learn more about? Share them through our Leander Collaborative Partners form! We’ll be answering your submissions in upcoming episodes of the Leander Collaborative Partners podcast. Plus, your input will directly influence the content of our upcoming Family Workshop Conference sessions, ensuring we cover the topics that matter most to you.
Join the Special Programs Parent Advisory Council!
The purpose of the Special Programs Advisory Council (The PAC) is to provide a coordinated district and parent collaboration to seek feedback on meaningful initiatives to support parents of children with disabilities. The PAC will:
- Work collaboratively with the district to improve outcomes for students by providing feedback on matters that pertain to the education and safety of students with disabilities
- Identify and provide needed resources for Special Program families through collaboration with schools, LISD, and the community
- Cultivate a strong Special Programs community by creating opportunities for positive interactions between families, schools, and the community
We encourage you to join The PAC! This is your chance to have your voice heard and make a meaningful impact in the LISD Special Programs community. This year, we’ll be launching committees to build upon the work we've started. Stay tuned for announcements about general meeting dates and committee sign-ups. Additionally, we're currently seeking a Communications Chair for the Executive Council. Applications are open until Friday, September 20th.
Community Resources
Navigating Special Education Symposium
Vela Families
LISD Special Programs & Services
Website: Leander Special Programs & Services
X (formerly Twitter): @LISD_SPROG