4-H News in Keith/Arthur Counties
November 2024
Newsletter Contents
- 4-H Calendar
- 2024-2025 4-H Enrollment
- 4-H Holiday Maker Day
- Holiday Maker Day Volunteers Needed
- Updates on Keith Premium Money and Champion Awards
- Arthur 4-H Achievement Banquet
- Keith 4-H Achievement Banquet Pictures
- New Keith 4-H Council
- State 4-H Updates/Events
November 10: Arthur 4-H Achievement Banquet, Fairgrounds, 2 pm
November 11: OFFICE CLOSED - Veteran's Day
November 27-29: OFFICE CLOSED - Thanksgiving Break
December 2: Keith 4-H Council Meeting, 5:30 pm
December 19: 4-H Holiday Maker Day, Keith Fairgrounds, 4-6 pm
December 22: 4-H Holiday Maker Day Snow Date
February TBD: Arthur 4-H Council Meeting
December 3: 4-H Holiday Maker Day Registration Deadline
2024-2025 4-H Enrollment
4-H Enrollment for the 2024-2025 year is NOW OPEN! Deadline for 4-H Enrollment will be June 15, 2024.
4-H Holiday Maker Day
We will be offering a 4-H Holiday Maker Day! Tessa used to offer this in her old county and it was a hit! It is an opportunity for youth to create a gift for someone or for themself.
This will be held on Thursday, December 19th at the Keith County Fairgrounds from 4-6 pm. This event is open to ALL youth ages 5-18, so tell your friends to join us for a fun filled time! Youth may select up to 5 projects to complete. We will also have a free hot coca station and cookie decorating station!
Registrations are due December 3rd. We must have the Registration Form for your child to be registered. 1 form per youth please.
Maker Day Volunteers Needed!
We are looking for older youth & adults to help at our Holiday Maker Day on December 19th! If you are interested, please let the office know by December 9th. You can teach the station with someone else such as a friend, your kid, etc. If you have a preference in which station you lead, let us know.
One of the keys to making the 4-H Holiday Maker Day a success is having lots of volunteers to help teach! All the stations go on at the same time. Each volunteer will be provided the lesson and instructions before the day.
Keith Fair Ribbon Premium Cash & Champion Awards
Premium Money - We still have the 2024 fair ribbon premium cash in our office. If you haven't picked it up, please do before the end of the year.
Champion Cash & Awards - Fair Champion awards (plaques and trophies) and cash are available in our office now! If you aren't sure if you have something to pick up, please reach out.
Arthur 4-H Achievement Banquet
Keith Achievement Banquet
The Keith 2024 4-H Achievement Banquet was held on November 3rd. Congratulations to all!
*Note - you can click on the photos to view them bigger. Photos will also be on Facebook.
Member Year
Leader Years of Service
Career Portfolio Project Pins
Career Portfolio Curriculum Area Winners
Diamond Clover of Excellence
4-H Council Scholarship
Outstanding 4-H Member - Audrey Moorhead
Outstanding 4-H Alumni - Sadie Stephens
Friend of 4-H - Jody Most
Newly Elected Keith 4-H Council
Congratulations to our elected Keith 4-H Council Members! They will have officer elections in December.
Adult Council Members:
Jeremy Spurgin
Rachel Walker
Melissa Franken
Amanda Harger
Anita Perrin
Brooke Namuth
Shad Harger
James Martin
Youth Members:
Audrey Moorhead
Ruby Schow
Taryn Namuth
State 4-H Updates/Events
2024 Nebraska 4-H Volunteer Road Show
Nebraska 4-H is excited to bring the 4-H Volunteer Road Show to volunteers statewide this November! The 4-H Volunteer Road Show will rotate host locations each year, get registered today at the location near you OR attend the virtual session! Please see the attached flyer for details regarding the dates, locations and times. The Volunteer Road Show is a great opportunity to experience project training and new ideas to bring back to your 4-H community. All 4-H volunteers, fair superintendents, parents/caregivers and any adult wanting to find THEIR spark while volunteering with 4-H is welcome!
Visit https://4h.unl.edu/volunteer-road-show for more specific information and registration link. Registration closes one week prior to each Road Show session. Registration is $15 per person and includes a meal and all supplies for in-person attendees. Virtual attendees will receive a packet of supplies to use during the program. Join us!