Slater Nation Newsletter
The Official FHU High School Newsletter - November 8, 2024
👀Principals' Peek at the Week👀
Happy Friday Slater Families!
Today was an exciting and eventful school day! Students participated in a Veterans' Day assembly in the morning (with an amazing speech from Lieutenant Robert Dornfried of the Rutland 572 Brigade Engineer Battalion) and a PEP Rally in the afternoon. The PEP Rally hyped our Varsity Football team up for Saturday's Division II State Championship game - GO SLATERS!
Have a great weekend!
Ben Worthing
📸 Student Snapshots
We're very proud of our FHU Athletic Leadership Group! They recently represented Slater Nation at the annual Athletic Leadership Conference.
Athletic Leadership Conference
Athletic Leadership Conference
Athletic Leadership Conference
Inside the Classroom: Elevating Learning Experiences
FHUMHS teachers have been focused on INSTRUCTIONAL RIGOR. Teachers have developed goals using the 5D+ instructional model, many are partaking in personal professional development, and the high school faculty have been engaged in defining rigor using John Hattie's Visible Learning research. Several department meetings and full-faculty meetings have led to the following major focus areas listed below. We were excited to run a day of professional development addressing many of these topics at our last in-service meeting.
The new "Inside the Classroom" section of our weekly newsletter will be dedicated to sharing the most important aspect of Slater Nation - how we elevate the learning experience for all of our students.
💲Financial Aid Workshop
🔍GIV Opportunities
The Governor's Institute of Vermont offers a number of enriching opportunities for students. Please click on the titled image below to visit their website and see if they have programs that may interest your child!
🥖Student Food Drive
Help support our community, as well as instill a strong sense of empathy and community involvement for our students, in our upcoming student food drive!
🎓Project Graduation🎓
🎆VSAC Opportunity
VSAC is offering a great college-prep opportunity. Please register as soon as possible (space is limited to 300)! This is a great opportunity for families of current 9-12th graders.
👍Upward Bound
🎭 FHUMHS Theater Performance
Community Event
🎓 Senior Class Information
📰VSAC News📰
VSAC News You Can Use and Share
VSAC's Annual Financial Aid Trainings for Education and Agency Professionals
Register today for this year's Financial Aid Updates sessions to learn about the many changes and new norms for the 2024-25 financial aid cycle. Both events will take place via Zoom starting at 9:00am.
Registration is still open for the Financial Aid 101 session taking place!
- Federal, FAFSA, State, and VSAC Updates: Wednesday, October 30th
Save the Dates for These 2024-2025 VSAC Events for Students/Families
Vermont Career Connect
Wednesday, November 20, 10-11:15am, Virtual: 7th and 8th grade classes across the state are invited to attend this virtual career panel featuring an intro to career exploration and a facilitated Q&A with panelists from our partners at Careers CLiC. Registration opens in mid-October.
College & Career Pathways High School Events
College and career readiness workshops targeted to 10th and 11th graders (and open to 9th and 12th graders). All high schools in the state of Vermont are invited to bring students. Registration opens in early December, and some locations reach capacity quickly!
- Landmark College: Thursday, March 13, 9:15am-1:45pm
- Saint Michael’s College: Thursday, March 20, 9:15am-1:45pm
- VTSU-Lyndon: Monday, April 7, 9am-1:30pm in partnership with the NEK College Fair
- VTSU-Castleton: Wednesday, April 9, 9am-1:45pm in partnership with the Rutland Area Guidance Counselors’ College Fair
Tentatively Saturday, March 8, 2025, 1pm-5pm @ UVM Davis Center and online via Zoom
9th-12th grade families are invited to participate in post-secondary planning workshops. All sessions will be offered in person, as well as live streamed and recorded. More information and link to register will be available in January 2025 by visiting vsac.org/ccp.
🏫High School Counseling Updates🏫
Important Upcoming Dates
Exam Day: Wed Nov 20 @ 9am - FHU Gym
Registration deadline: 11/13/24
FREE to any students
Especially for Juniors
Please register in guidance
Please make checks payable to SVUUVT or if paying cash please have the exact amount.
📆Upcoming Dates and Events📆
November 18th - Financial Aid Workshop @ 6:00 pm
Come join the FHUMHS Counseling team as they guide families through the financial aid process. Now is the time to begin thinking and planning for Freshmen year in college!
November 20th - FHUMHS Theater Performance
Come see our Theater program perform Steph DeFerie's hilarious "I Hate Shakespeare." The performance begins at 7:00 pm.