Mrs. Michels Weekly Updates
Let's make it a great week!
Weekly Updates! September 9th-13th
Hello Hamilton Families,
What a great two weeks it has been so far this year! Our students and staff are settling into the daily routines, teachers have been teaching routines and behavior expectations to help get all students on track for a great school year!
Thank you for the supplies that you have sent in for your child's classroom and thank you for keeping up on Dojo messages and papers that come home. One more thing you can do to help your child have the best day possible is to make sure they are at school on time. Students should be standing in their class line by 8:20(no playground play before school). Students enter the building at 8:25 and students who arrive after 8:30 are marked tardy. When late, students struggle to get their day off to a good start. We know September is busy and we appreciate your support!
Parking Lot-Arrival-Dismissal safety
Please keep safety first and follow the posted signs in the parking lot and around the school. If you are getting out of the driver seat you must pull your car into a parking place. You many not pull along the curb in the front parking lot and get out of your car. If you are getting out of your vehicle, you must pull into a parking space. No cars are permitted in the bus loop, please be mindful of this as the Westland Police will be issuing tickets for people violating the rules. If your child is bus eligible, please consider letting them take the bus to reduce the traffic volume around the school. You can also park on a side street and have the crossing guards cross your child. Parking near Easley and Avondale or Schuman and Avondale then walking across (there are crossing guards to cross students and families) to the school will help get you in and out more quickly. Please keep in mind that we have 475 students so it will take a few minutes to get everyone one in and out, please plan to wait a few minutes to exit during arrival and dismissal. If you would like to know if your child is eligible for bus transportation please call the school office 734-419-2650 and Mrs. Chris can help you.
Thank you in advance for your support with this safety concern.
Picture Day is coming! You can pay using the envelope that was sent home last week or go on line and pay.
School Name: Hamilton Elementary School
Picture Day Date: Thursday, September 19
Picture Day ID: EVTXK9SC6
Safety Drills
This week we will begin the first of many safety drills at Hamilton. Each year we practice Fire drill, Tornado Drill and Lockdown/intruder drills. These drills are not intended to scare the students but rather to inform and empower them to keep safe during an emergency. I put the drills on the calendar so you can talk to your child about them if they have questions or concerns. You can always reach out to your child's teacher or me if you have any questions.
Class Dojo
If you have not already you will soon receive an invite to join our Class Dojo. This is a FREE password protected app that allows for great home and school communication. If the app asks you to pay, do not. There is no payment required or necessary for the app that we use. Reach out to your child's teacher if you have any questions regarding Class Dojo.
Important dates
9/10 Fire Drill
9/12 PTA meeting 3:30
9/13 Safety Drill
9/16-9/20 Fall Book Fair
9/16 Tornado Drill
9/18 Fire Drill
9/19 Picture Day
9/20 Fall Festival 5-7pm
9/26 Family Science Night 5-7pm
Advanced Planning
12/ 23/24- 1/3/25 No School (Winter break)
2/17-2/21 No School (Mid-Winter break)
3/24-3/28 No School (Spring break)
Principal- Mrs. Kelley Michels
Secretary- Mrs. Chris Karaim
School phone 734-419-2650
School hours 8:30-3:20
Arrival 8:25am
Tardy bell 8:30am
Dismissal 3:20pm
Office hours 8:00-3:50
District Updates and News
Directions: https://waynewestland.familyportal.cloud/fp-guide.pdf
For students who ride the bus, please make sure they are at the bus stop 10 minutes prior to the assigned time as the routes can run early from time to time. The same is true at the end of the day, please be at the bus stop 10 minutes prior to drop off just incase they are early. Keep in mind the first month of school the route times vary quite a bit.
All Young 5's and Kindergarten students must be met by an adult at the bus before they will be let off the bus. If you want your child to be released to an older sibling or family member you can fill out a form in the office to give to the driver.
The district has an app called Here Comes the Bus. This wonderful free app allows you to track exactly where you child's bus is at all times.
Sign up for Here Comes the Bus™
- Visit herecomesthebus.com
- Click the “Sign Up” button
- Enter school code 87839 and click “Next” followed by “Confirm”
- Complete the “User Profile” box
- Under “My Students,” click “Add.” Enter your child’s last name and student ID number
- Once you confirm your information, you’re ready to begin using Here Comes the Bus!
Family Resource Center
Wayne-Westland Community Schools has a Family Resource Center (FRC), which provides services to any student/family enrolled in our District, free of cost. Some of the services they provide are: basic need assistance, access to over 700 local resources, Laundry Assistance Program and material items for those unable to afford them (emergency toiletries, socks/underwear, hats/gloves/scarves, etc.) They are also able to supply school supplies and backpacks year round for any WWCS student. Please contact our Family Resource Center at: 734-419-2709 or FRC@wwcsd.net. Our FRC also has a Digital Request for Services Form, which can be used to request assistance by filling out a simple form. Please contact the Family Resource Center directly with any additional questions regarding their serviceshttps://www.wwcsd.net/schools/elementary-schools/hamilton/
You can also follow the Wayne Westland Community School page on Facebook for updates and information too!
Thank you for your continued support!
Make it a great week!
M.M. :)