Eden Elementary School
February 2, 2025
Eden News
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We have a four day week this week. There will be no school on Friday, February 7.
A reminder to girls in grades 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades that are interested in participating in Girls on the Run; registration to be a part of the 2025 Eden team is due by February 7, 2025.
Next week, Eden will celebrate Kindness Week by completing kind acts at school and home. To celebrate each day, we will also have a dress up day for students to participate in. See the upcoming events listed below!
We are excited to announce that our school will be hosting a Coin War to raise money for a wonderful cause—Sleep in Heavenly Peace, an organization dedicated to providing beds to children in need in Fond du Lac County. Their motto is “No kid sleeps on the floor in our town.” Currently, there are 19 children in Fond du Lac County who have applied to this program and are waiting for a bed. This is a great opportunity for our students to come together and make a positive impact in our community. Watch for more information about the coin war to come home this week!
Mrs. Rettler
Events for the Next Two Weeks!
Monday, February 3
PAWS Pride Assembly @ 10:00AM
Yearbook 3:30 - 4:00
School Board Meeting @ CHS @ 7:30PM
Friday, February 7
No School
Monday, February 10
Yearbook 3:30 - 4:00
Dress Up Day: Hats off to KINDNESS! Wear a hat to school.
Tuesday, February 11
Dress Up Day: Dreaming of KINDNESS! Wear your pajamas to school!
Wednesday, February 12
4th Grade Hosts Come Dine with Us!
Dress Up Day: Team up for KINDNESS! Wear your team jerseys!
Thursday, February 13
Winter Walk to School Day
Dress Up Day: It’s not crazy to be KIND! Wear your favorite mis-matched clothes!
Friday, February 14
Dress Up Day: Cougars are KIND! Wear your blue and gold to show Paws Pride!
Wear red, pink, and white to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
A Look at Learning!
Early Childhood students Listen to a Story w/ Ms. Danielle
4K Practicing Counting and Shapes
Kindergarteners working during Cougar Time
1st Grade Learning how to use Data from Bar Graphs
2nd Grade Learning about Measurement
3rd Grade Learning about Fractions
4th Grade working on Writing
5th Grade Co-Taught Math Class w/ Mrs. Reilly and Ms. Strean
Girls on the Run 2025
Eden Elementary is excited to announce that they will once again have a Girls On The Run (GOTR) team that will participate in GOTR of Fond du Lac County!!
- What is it? What do girls do in GOTR? GOTR of Fond du Lac is one of over 200 councils in a nationwide program that recognizes that every girl is special, that every girl is strong, and that every girl is a winner! Using the joy of running, the GOTR curriculum teaches girls about health, positive body image, self-esteem and community service.
- Who is able to participate? Eden Elementary girls in grades 3-5.
- Where do they complete GOTR? At Eden Elementary School.
- When will they do GOTR? Girls will participate in the GOTR program/practices after school at Eden Elementary.
- Why should they join GOTR? To learn about the healthy aspects of conditioning their bodies to run, move through the steps of setting a goal and how to work to reach it, and to enhance their self-concept of who they are as a girl!
- How do I register for GOTR? See below for registration information!
Literacy Tips for Use at Home!
Literacy Spotlight: Nurturing Reading and Writing Skills at Home
Reading and Writing Correspondence: Encourage your child to write letters to family members or friends. Here are a few ways penpal connections improve literacy skills:
Writing Practice: Regularly writing letters helps with practicing spelling, grammar, and sentence structure. It provides a real-world context for using these skills, which can make writing practice more meaningful and memorable.
Reading Comprehension: Reading letters from a pen pal improves reading comprehension because it involves interpreting different writing styles and understanding varied vocabulary.
Vocabulary Expansion: Engaging with a pen pal exposes you to new words and phrases. The need to express thoughts clearly and creatively also encourages the use of a broader vocabulary.
Creativity and Expression: Writing letters allows for creative expression. Crafting personal messages or telling stories can help develop a unique voice and style, enhancing both writing skills and confidence.
Here are some Valentine's Day themed friendly letter templates to get you started with your penpal connections.
Title 1 Newsletter
Check out this additional information to support your child literacy at home!
Social-Emotional Learning Focus for January: RESPONSIBILITY
This month’s focus is Empathy. One way to think about Empathy is “understanding and connecting with other people’s feelings.” Empathy is a practice that can help us grow strong relationships. Empathy is 1 of 3 traits we will focus on throughout the year that helps students Be Kind. Across grade levels, students will be developing skills like perspective-taking, conflict resolution, and leadership.
Have some fun connecting as a family this month while practicing Gratitude. Here are 2 “PurposeFull Pursuits” you can complete together!
1. Empathy is understanding and connecting with other people’s feelings. Schedule a family movie night so that you can specifically watch for feelings and emotions. Let everyone know that you’d like them to point out how the characters in the show are feeling and that you will pause periodically to discuss Empathy. As emotions are identified, invite one another to Empathize by sharing about a time they felt that way or imagining how they might be feeling in that moment.
2. Review the definition of Empathy as a family! Remember that Empathy is understanding and connecting with other people’s feelings. Find a time to sit in a circle together and celebrate all the ways you have seen each other practice Empathy. Take turns sharing responses to the following prompts or make up your own! Remember to practice Empathy as you listen to each other.
- What is 1 way a family member has shown you Empathy lately?
- Share about a time when you felt like someone really listened to you.
Conversation Starters:
- What does Empathy look like to you?
- Is it hard for you to share how you feel with others? Why or why not?
Additional School Information
2024 - 25 Event Dates
- February 3 - PAWS Pride Assembly @ 10:00AM
- February 7 - NO SCHOOL
- February 12 - 4th Grade Hosts Come Dine With Us
- February 20 - 4th Grade Hosts Come Dine With Us
- February 27 - End of Trimester 2
- February 28 - NO SCHOOL - Professional Development Day for Staff
- March 3 - PAWS Pride Assembly @ 1:00PM
- March 5 - PTO meeting in library @ 4:30PM
- March 6 - 5th Grade Wax Museum
- March 11 - Come Dine with Us: 5th Grade
- March 14 - No School
- March 19 - Come Dine with Us: 5th Grade
- March 28 - No School - Professional Development Day for Teachers
PTO News
Upcoming Dates:
Pizza Sales and Volunteer Form Due - February 7
Breakfast with the Best - February 21
Pizza Making Day - March 1
Next PTO Meeting - March 5 at 4:30
School Dance - April 25
- Next PTO Meeting is this coming Wednesday, March 5 at 4:30 PM in Eden Elementary Library.
Please reach out with questions and concerns. I value your feedback. It helps to make us the best that we can be!
Amy Rettler
Eden Elementary School