Twinkle Tech!
some great sites and tools to learn and use
So many sites, so little time!
If you're like me, there are just too many webtools to learn.
Here are four new tools I've discovered this year that I really like (and I'm using one to create this infographic!)
Great as curation tools as well
Perfect for administration, the classroom or library.
I see great educational potential in all of them!
For each site, I also have suggested curriculum tie-ins.
Not too many, not too little....just right.
Naomi Bates, Northwest HS teacher-librarian
Here are four new tools I've discovered this year that I really like (and I'm using one to create this infographic!)
Great as curation tools as well
Perfect for administration, the classroom or library.
I see great educational potential in all of them!
For each site, I also have suggested curriculum tie-ins.
Not too many, not too little....just right.
Naomi Bates, Northwest HS teacher-librarian
Poster Oven
No registration...just get started! visual poster based around social media/QRcodes. Uses Facebook, Twitter, Google+, URLs, Text message, and more
Curriculum tie-ins: send students to a particular link; create an academic twitterfeed; reminders
Curriculum tie-ins: send students to a particular link; create an academic twitterfeed; reminders
Super easy website creator with many templates to choose from. Include links, a space about you, updates and other areas you can control.
Curriculum tie-in: Introduce yourself to students; create a curation site for your class; create a homepage
Curriculum tie-in: Introduce yourself to students; create a curation site for your class; create a homepage
Thing Link
See a picture in from a different perspective. Drag & drop photos and add videos and links users can "touch" to find out more information
Curriculum tie-ins: use for student projects to create "the big picture"; curate sites for a particular topic
Curriculum tie-ins: use for student projects to create "the big picture"; curate sites for a particular topic
Want a different type of presentation? Try this site! Using pre-set icons, create an animated presentation in line with those done by Common Craft.
Curriculum tie-in: learn different ways to present information as one of many choices
Curriculum tie-in: learn different ways to present information as one of many choices
created by Naomi Bates, teacher-librarian
Northwest High School, Justin TX
Northwest High School, Justin TX
Email: nbates@nisdtx.org
Website: www.naomibates.blogspot.com
Twitter: @yabooksandmore