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Quantum Family Connection
Week of September 23, 2024
Hello Quantum Families,
We can’t wait to show you everything we’ve been working on during Genius Hour! Our Genius Hour showcase is this Friday, Sept 27th from 1:25-2:30. Family members and the community are all invited to see the final projects! Students will present their projects to others and will also go and see other projects. This public opportunity to present for students is about developing their research, QA values, confidence, and leadership skills and will not be perfect, especially the first time! The schedule will be sent in Rooms by the Homeroom teacher. All are welcome!
We are partnering with Love Esco to install DG in our garden. The event is Saturday, Sept 28th at 8am and we are looking for volunteers! Students who attend will need to attend with their families. Sign up to volunteer here! We can’t wait to get this last piece of construction done so we can regularly use our beautiful garden.
Conferences are coming up and teachers will send sign up information this week in Rooms. We encourage ALL families to sign up for a Conference time to connect with teachers about your Quark’s progress. These times where we connect with families are truly special for us so please take advantage of this opportunity.
Attendance continues to be a focus all year-long for EUSD schools. When students miss school unnecessarily, they miss out on time to work with their partners on Genius Hour projects, they miss games with friends during lunch bunch, and they miss interacting with their teachers. Students will take home a refrigerator magnet this week with a calendar for the year. Please plan vacations and appointments around scheduled breaks or after school, if at all possible. Thank you for making on time every day attendance for your Quark(s) a priority.
Celebrating Positive Behaviors
We are celebrating safe, respectful, responsible, and scholarly behavior this week with some deep discounts at our Student Store, opening on Thursday and Friday. Every day this week students have opportunities to earn more Quark Leader Cards to spend at the store. Tomorrow is a Padres vs. Dodgers Spirit Day and if students dress up they will earn a ticket redeemable for 1 Quark Leader Card to spend at the store! We are proud of our students for following our school and classroom expectations!
PTA News
We are in the last days of our PTA Membership Campaign - Impact the Membership! In the race to win a Fro-Yo party, Mrs. Elliott’s class is in the lead with Ms. McKechnie’s class right behind! We are so close to meeting our goal of 125 members. Join now!
In other PTA news, our first Restaurant Night is around the corner on Monday, Sept 30th at CA Fish Grill (pdf) from 11am-8pm located at 1348 W. Valley Parkway. Present this flyer when ordering and CA Fish Grill will donate 25% of sales to our PTA! If order online or at the kiosk, use the code FUND2024. Check out the menu here: https://www.cafishgrill.com/pages/menu
Upcoming Events
Upcoming events:
9/24 - Padres v Dodgers Spirit Day
9/27 - Genius Hour Showcase
9/30 - CA Fish Grill PTA Fundraiser Restaurant Night
10/4 - 6th grade Field trip to the Safari Park
10/10 -10/11 Conferences - No school for students