Weekly Parent Update
Weekly Update 2/25/2024
West Lawn Students and Families
This will be an exciting week as we celebrate Read Across America week (see dress up days below). Reading is the foundation of all learning; we want every child to master these skills. We only have four days with our students this week due to Staff Meetings on Friday, followed by Spring Break next week (no school Mar 1 -8th).
Only 50% of our students are registered for the 2024-25 school year. Registering your child early is essential to secure the appropriate number of teachers/staff to meet our needs. If you haven’t done so, please complete your student(s) registration for the upcoming 2024-25 school year. If you need assistance, please give us a call. You can register at gips.org/registration
Lastly, please be mindful that the safety of our students is a priority. Please keep the traffic flowing by pulling up to the sidewalk before allowing your student to exit your car. There is no need to stop directly in front of the school and cause traffic to back up. Thank you for ensuring the safety of your child(ren) and that of their schoolmates.
Read Across America Week
Read Across America Week
We are wild about reading
(Wear animal print or something with an animal on it)
We are crazy about reading
(Crazy hair)
Reading the rainbow
Kindergarten = Wear red
1st grade = Wear orange
2nd grade = Wear yellow
3rd grade = Wear green
4th grade = Wear blue
5th grade = Wear purple
We are fans of reading
(Athletic wear and/or your favorite sports team)
Important Dates
- After School Clubs are in session this week
- March 1 NO School Teacher Plan and Prep Day
- March 4th -8th No School Spring Break
Monday, Feb 26 -Presentation on Health Dangers of Vaping for 5th graders
The Central Nebraska Council on Alcoholism and Addictions (CNCAA) together with Tobacco Free Hall County Coalition and the Prevention Project will be making an educational presentation to our fifth grade students specific to Vaping on (Feb 26th).
Although it has been around for over a decade now, vaping’s popularity exploded in 2017, taking many families, schools, and healthcare providers by surprise. We are all concerned about the rising number of youth who, for whatever reason, are trying vapes (electronic vaping devices) – at younger and younger ages. Some know what they’re doing and that there’s nicotine (and/or THC) involved, some may not. We feel strongly that this is education that every fifth grader needs to hear, real facts about nicotine, vaping, and THC in hopes of preventing use and related health and legal consequences.
The Central Nebraska Council on Alcoholism and Addictions (CNCAA) together with Tobacco Free Hall County Coalition and the Prevention Project will be making an educational presentation to our fifth grade students specific to Vaping on (Feb 26th).
Parents, to learn more go to:
For help with quitting any tobacco product please call
the Nebraska Quitline at 1800QUITNOW.
Quitlines offer evidence-based support—like counseling, referrals to local programs,
and free medication—to people who want to quit tobacco.
Exciting News about a new Parent Resource
Grand Island Public Schools is excited to partner with the Cook Center for Human Connection and their website ParentGuidance.org. This is a mental health resource for parents and provides parents a trusted place to go for real answers, to find support and real help for their children.
GIPS Families are invited to attend a FREE online webinars.
You may register on the GIPS website HERE.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our School Counselor, Sarah Grigsby sgrigsby@gips.org and Regina Juhl rjuhl@gips.org or our School Social Worker Anabel Gonzalez agonzalez2@gips.org
Winter is Here
Winter weather is here to stay for a while. Please send your child with appropriate clothing for outdoor recess. Please ensure your child has a warm coat, hat, gloves, and shoes appropriate for outdoor weather. The GIPS district has the following guidelines regarding outdoor recess:
When the temperature or wind chill is between 20 and 29 degrees Fahrenheit, recess will be limited to 15 min. Special consideration will be given to the length of time outside for kindergarten students.
Indoor Recess will happen when the temperature or wind chill is 20 degrees Fahrenheit or colder or when precipitation or playground conditions warrant staying inside.
Students will be permitted to use playground equipment, fields, and asphalt play areas when conditions are suitable for safe play. Safety considerations include: equipment is dry and ice free, fields are dry, asphalt area is free of ice.
Students need to stay out of snow and snow needs to stay on the ground.
Breakfast is Important and So Is Starting Instruction on Time
We will stop serving breakfast at 7:55 am and the cafeteria will be cleared of students at 8:00 am. Family emergencies do come up: if your child is late and needs a quick breakfast please give us a call. Thank you for understanding the importance of our work and sharing your child(ren) with us each day.
Good News Club On Tuesdays
What is happening inside our school
We are conducting an Attendance Challenge in our classrooms. Each day a room has all students present they earn a letter. The first word we chose is PRIDE. We take PRIDE in showing up. Once the class completes the full word their class will earn a reward. It has been great to see them cheer wildly as they hit their daily goal.
School attendance is very important for your child's success --today, tomorrow and their future. We are here to assist you with your child's attendance. Please reach out if you have questions or are in need of support.
Ms. Anabel Gonzalez -School Social Worker agonzalez2@gips.org
Mrs. Sarah Grigsby -school counselor sgrigsby@gips.org
Ms. Regina Juhl -school counselor rjuhl@gips.org
Drop off and Pick up
Thank you for being safe as you drop off and pick up your children. An important thing to remember is to not stop in the drive through lane. I would encourage you to drive up as far west as possible to drop your children off. Do not stop in the drive-through lane...this causes the traffic to back up. We all want to get to work on time and it is okay if your child walks a few extra steps. Finally, at pick up time do not park in the drive-through lane. This makes it unsafe for our students to use the crosswalk and causes the traffic to back up.
3022 College St, Grand Island, NE 68803