TLS Remote Learning Courses
Supporting teachers in creating effective remote learning
For more information, contact Pete Grande at
Course Offerings
TLS is proud to present three remote learning courses:
- Stage One: Setting the Foundation
- Stage Two: Engage and Sustain
- Stage Three: Expand and Innovate
Each course centers on four guidelines of remote learning:
- Learner relationships
- Curriculum clarity
- Assessment-driven instruction
- Reflection and feedback
For each of the above four guidelines, teachers will be provided with instruction and a variety of examples for implementation. Each guideline culminates in product creation. All courses are presented through Canvas. Each course takes approximately a half day to complete.
Stage One: Setting the Foundation
Course Description:
The goal of this stage is to provide teachers with a roadmap with which to navigate the challenges of teaching remotely. This step by step guide will lead teachers to the construction of a sound foundation on which to build a successful year.
This course heavily emphasizes guideline one as teachers strive to create strong connections between and among teacher and student, teacher and families, student and students, and student and content. As with face to face instruction, building and fostering meaningful relationships with students will set the foundation for a safe, engaging, and successful remote learning environment.
Know and analyze the key components in setting a foundation for teaching and learning in a remote environment.
Review and compare various concrete examples of ways to promote organized and efficient structures for remote learning.
Develop a remote learning roadmap (expectations and procedures; daily/weekly posting; directions; class norms) to support the foundation for students.
Identify specific strategies to build curricular clarity, expectations, and procedures for students (and parents) during remote learning.
Establish a culture and a plan for assessment driven instruction in remote learning.
Create a personal Eisenhower Matrix Plan to prioritize essential tasks to set the foundation for remote learning.
Stage Two: Engage and Sustain
The goal of this stage is for teachers to cognitively engage students at their correct level of difficulty in a way that is sustainable for the learner, their family, and the teacher. Once the foundation has been set for conduct, norms, daily procedures, and building relationships, teachers can create spaces in which students can be seen as individuals.
In this course, emphasis is placed on guiding teachers to collect and interpret individual student data and modify instruction to engage students at the correct level of difficulty.
Course Learning Goals:
Develop a sustainable method for monitoring expectations and engaging students with content and one another.
Understand the alignment between curriculum, instruction, and assessment to determine the what, the how, and the progress made toward student learning and engagement.
Identify critical content within a unit of study and translate that content into objectives written in kid-friendly language.
Create a formative assessment based on critical content.
Determine methods to interpret and act upon formative assessment data.
Self-assess and identify resources to plan a useful application to engage and sustain learning.
Stage Three: Expand and Innovate
The goal of this stage is to provide teachers who are already comfortable and successful with online learning with ideas and support to expand and innovate their instructional practices. The aim is to challenge teachers to leverage relationships with students and their families in an effort to provide innovative content delivery and instruction that pushes students to be collaborative and take ownership of their own learning in a remote setting.
In this course, emphasis is placed on building teachers' skills with learner relationships and assessment driven instruction to reimagine content delivery, expand their technology tool toolbox, and plan for innovative student inquiry-based learning.
Course Learning Goals:
Expand student collaboration and interaction to deepen learning and increase accountability while leveraging knowledge of and relationships with your students’ families. Focus on innovative ways to present content and to have students interact with and apply new skills. Brainstorm ways to expand use of formative assessments to support student-led learning and create meaningful, authentic assessments that promote critical thinking and academic integrity. Reflect on instructional strengths, plan to collaborate with colleagues, and identify areas for growth.